Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like
What age do you consider to be old? We posed that question to millennials and asked them to show us what “old” looks like. Then we introduced them to some real “old” people. Watch what happens when folks let go of their outdated beliefs and embrace the idea that aging is not about decline – it’s about growth. #DisruptAging
I will soon put a youtube video to show what a 66 year old man can do and I guarantee you, it’s something NONE of the millennials you saw in the video can do! Go to my Facebook page and let me know what you think it is!
Any venture capitalist and technology executive working for the scientific matrix will never hesitate to invest in an anti aging pill venture. I am not saying to throw in the towel and goodness to gracious, Terania gives me all my basic essentials to replace what my body has lost. But the millions of dollars invested on those researches, with or without any valuable results guarantee to bring billions to the investors. Call it capitalism at his best where a gullible, fearful society will do all to avoid getting sick or old! http://www.drturi.com/the-anti-aging-mircle-pill-real-or-false/
Dr. Turi