Merry Christmas to all my VIP’s
Dear Reader;
On December, 21st, 2014 I was on the air with Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy and its impact on the upcoming Virgo / Pisces shift in October 2015. In this radio show, I gave all sorts of interesting information on the cosmic code and offered my 2015 SOS Police SOS Windows and the same exact set of dates you will find printed in this newsletter. And all you have to do is, to listen, read then wait for the future to prove me right! Be safe…
Dr. Turi on Aquarian radio
2015 SOS Police SOS Windows
Knowing Christmas is all about the wise men following the stars and teaching Jesus cosmic wisdom this animated tree of life is the appropriate choice to represent the true essence of the holidays and the reality of ET’s living in the stars.
UFO”s Are Very Real – And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?
Indeed Pope Francis own the light these days, but his Sagittarius soul’s purpose does not allow him to truly, cosmically and intuitively see and talk to God the way I do. Pope Francis is a very honorable man, respected by billions of God’s fearing souls following a fabricated God created by the illuminati or the greedy, power thirsty Vatican mafiosos.
While it is impossible for the young souls and atheists alike to remotely grasp my teachings and warnings, please do not kill the gifted Aquarius Messenger when all I am trying to do is to expose the undiluted truth about the reality of God cosmic divinity and the Vatican Corporation.
Pope faces threat from the Mafia Dr. Turi Exposes The Stars and Fate of Pope Francis
My profession demand me to deal with death and drama on a daily base warning people of endless “acts of God and accidents” that could easily be avoided. The reality is; many people associate this chain of negativity with my healing regenerative work, and affecting my business and services negatively. Indeed the undiluted truth I own is not an easy thing to deal with…
Knowing nothing about my work, the uninformed majority of people will judge me by looking at the title only, all the while missing the content incredible therapeutic guidance, my cosmic teachings and my crucial predictions!
Thus today I decided to offer the reader the secret of longevity and the cosmic reasons to why some people will live a very long life and why some, like my own brother experienced a premature death at the age of 15.
We all have lost people and the pain will never go away entirely… I recall being so mad at a God I did not know anything about then, a God that never heard nor answered my prayers to keep my family safe…
But I reckon, Vincent’s death was more of a sacrifice for me to ask questions about God, and the answer came late in my life! Later on, I will explain in great details why my brother died at the tender age of 15 years old…
Minnesota woman, believed to be oldest Facebook user, dies aged 114
Anna Stoehr was born October 15, 1900 and luckily for me, my mother now 87 and I, shares the same UCI. Many of my Astropsychology students already own the answer for longevity, and for those still studying, my educational articles are designed to help you build your own cosmic consciousness to gather the answers our infantile science could only dream of…
Anna Stoehr Astroforensics of the future at work today
Sun 21Lib40 (1) fall – (Self): The Sun is dignified in the sign of Aries and in fall (weak) in Libra. Aries is/////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Moon 22Can43 (10) dignity (Career): Dignify means a very strong /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Mercury 11Sco48 (2) (Money); Mercury rules the mind and Scorpio mean sarcasm and the potential to investigate and regenerate the mind in the process. Even at 114, Anna Stoehr was /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
The tail in the mind means also the power/////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only More in the Power of the Dragon and Mohamed Ali’s life and fate.
Venus 07Vir41 (12) fall (Inner life); Venus is cold and critical in Virgo, this “virginal” position led both Anna Stoehr /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Mars 10Leo44 (11) (Wishes); Mars offered Anna Stoehr the drive needed to find a way to /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Jupiter 09Sag11 (3) dignity (the mind); Jupiter rules foreigners and foreign lands, offering Anna Stoehr with the option to /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Saturn 29Sag52 (3) (The mind); This emphasize dramatically all that I wrote above and /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Uranus 09Sag53 (3) (The mind); Uranus rules technology and a strong drive to travel, something Anna Stoehr did not do in her lifetime. Uranus offered her /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Neptune 29Gem13 (9) (Religion) The 9th house rules the codification of thoughts and, born in religious America, Anna Stoehr did not have much options offered to her to exit her parents early religious teachings. However,/////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Pluto 17Gem34 (9) (higher learning); Pluto extreme regenerative power is located in the 9th house ruling foreigners and/////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Dragon’s Head 02Sag39 (3) (The mind) – This Dragon can only be reached on/////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Dragon’s Tail 02Gem39 (9) (Education) And this is where the real answer for longevity comes from VIP’s, anyone born with /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
BlackMoon 06Lib25 (1) (Self) – Those who knew the real Anna Stoehr could affirm how /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
IN MUTUAL RECEPTION: Mercury in Scorpio Pluto in Gemini
DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Venus
Jupiter disposited by Jupiter
Moon disposited by Moon
Saturn disposited by Jupiter
Mercury disposited by Pluto
Uranus disposited by Jupiter
Venus disposited by Mercury
Neptune disposited by Mercury
Mars disposited by Sun
Pluto disposited by Mercury – /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 5 42 % /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Fixed 2 17 % /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Mutable 5 42 % – /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 3.5 29 % /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Earth 1.5 13 % /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Air 3.5 29 % /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Water 3.5 29 % /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):
Saturn Neptune Pluto – /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
MOON PHASE: Last Quarter
A very long but /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Lastly, why did my brother Vincent died at 15! He was born with the /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only He died during one of his negative cosmic biorhythms after the full moon…
For weeks before his death, Vincent /////////////////////////////////// sorry VIP’s only
Following this tragedy, my entire life changed, I hated God with a passion and his “sacrifice” is what led me to uncover God celestial Divinity and all the cosmic reasons for my younger brother’s early demise… Knowing what I know now, I could have saved his life and the one of my good friend Larry who committed suicide on Christmas day!
Since then I have learned at lot and warn the world not to misuse the Supra-conscious subtle forces and not to feed evil because; at 65 I know for sure, “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought.”
So let this educational cosmic code newsletter serve its purpose to those able and willing to learn more about God cosmic Divinity and live a safer, more productive life reading my work in 2015…
Important note; Four of my facebook pages are in process of deletion. It will take a few days before they are deleted by Facebook administration.
My New Year resolution is to find the strength to stop feeding an unrewarding public with my rare pearls of wisdom, and serve only the deserving spiritually advanced souls… I am not exactly sure how long I will keep my facebook page but this will be one of the places for you to read more of Dr. Turi future bulletins. “Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Universal Predictions on Google” ADD DR. TURI TO YOUR GOOGLE PAGE.
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
Merry Christmas to all my readers!
Dr. Turi’s 12/21/2014 radio show will be soon available to the public on Aquarian radio website
Dr. Turi Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…
The Magical Power of Talismans!

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide