Dear readers;
Please do not blame me for people’s misfortunes and death! Instead, you should try to understand WHY, in the name of fear and ignorance, the victims of those “circumstances” experienced a premature death. Doing so may help you avoid being part of those dramatic statistics!
All you can do is pray for the victims and their families because that’s the only thing you can do! I chose not to fear and waste my time praying to a man made false god or falsified prophet but help you towards upgrading your psychical vibrations and realize the eternal essence of God’s cosmic divinity…
In this case, the hunter may be charged for “involuntary” man slaughter or the crime of killing another human being unlawfully but in some ways, also unintentionally! While the current judicial system, science and society at large may never agree with me, this rule applies to ALL serial killers! Or all the casualties / victims of the reptilius hijacking the body, mind and souls of human beings from all walks of life!
Of course many souls act with cruel intentions and are born plain bullies or simply non salvageable! This is also one direct result of scientists creating the drugs responsible ( the reptilius need ) to alter or destroying the embryos of all mothers before or during pregnancy. But today’ societal, legal, punitive system is totally unconscious… Not to use the correct word “ignorant.” And so are the indoctrinated politicians, parents, teachers and every other human from all walks of life, whom allow themselves to be prisoners of the spirit!
While I don’t usually blame a human being for his/her ignorance and horrible acts, this is also why an all knowing cosmic God is so forgiven… You can only perceive what your emotions and reasons dictate, where facts and critical thinking does not apply! However, while in many cases emotions may override logic, it shows an unintelligent attitude…Whereas reasoning is the birth of all knowledge, not the conclusion.
Yet to just forgive and forget isn’t the answer either… Just as using ones religion or belief system for betrayal.
Much like a “so called” Catholic kissing a rosary before shooting someone? Or the greedy deceptive “non profit” corporations luring you with sick children or adults being used as guinea pigs by the pharmaceutical companies to develop and sell more “so called” medications (drugs – legal / illegal) to society.
There’s no difference. And the scientific “The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA”, religious and supremely wealthy infected matrixes and social elite are pure evil. Nevertheless, the exposing talking heads and undiluted truth cost me in the process, even with the UFO’s community!
The uncomfortable truth about Gaia –
I am here sharing the truth at least and this is why you should join the cosmic code for FREE and get my articles directly in your mailbox! Then, if you like what you read, you may then decide to join us for good.
First and foremost, you should have noticed the date 11/24/17 but also, did you read and assimilate my latest dated 2017 SOS to the world deadly window?
Repetition is a must in any form of study and important if you want to raise your cosmic consciousness!
We’re always updating those windows and if you do not go-back to read “the rest of the story” you are missing the essence of my cosmic teachings! Before elaborating on the”so called” accident” below, let me refresh your memory just in case clicking on the link above, may be too much of an effort (sarcasm) to ask the brainless idiots!
As usual, my work serves absolutely no purpose for the 99.9% of the religious or traditionally educated atheist and Neptunian subhumans making up today’ society! The purpose of my work is for a more spiritually inclined future generation, where curiosity should hopefully replace religious dogmas!
All I can do as usual, is offer my more curious readers another proof of my warnings published in one of 2017 SOS to the world DEADLY windows…
Please do not assume anything yet, because some of you are not VIP’s. Had you used the current special Thanksgiving deal to join the cosmic code, I’m sure you would have read the following to get a glimpse of the news to come…
“But this is just another accident Dr. Turi” you may say! No readers, there are NO accidents!
“In the absence of Cosmic Consciousness; science, conspiracy and religious imagination have the wrong answers. There are no accidents just cosmogonal consequences the five logical human senses cannot yet perceive.” Dr. Turi
Realize that; the reptilius are ALL cosmic conscious. This means they know all about the (positive/negative) cosmic winds cursing all human beings! Those nefarious entities use those cosmogonal forces to stimulate natural disasters and horrific human affairs! Cosmic winds is another word to describe the mother of all art and science or divine astrology!
I gave all the explanations needed for you to assimilate what your own “personal cosmic winds” or your OWN SOS to the world deadly windows are all about! All you need to realize is that; biological rhythms are also spiritual. This is why they affect both your awake and dream states where the reptilius interfere… Some people get lucky (video) and are at the right time and place with the right people to help them.
Consequently, the dunces do not realize clicking on the explanatory link below, is all they need to do to learn more about it!
Lucky – Unlucky Cosmic Biorhythms
The religious and scientific infected matrixes are oblivious and will dare not to mention divine astrology (or UFO’s) something a moronic gullible mass was indoctrinated to fear or ridicule! And while I keep offering undeniable proof of its value, the subhumans continue to run to the stores or churches!
The hole of fear and ignorance endlessly feeding the reptilius is too strong of a religious and scientific magnet for the subhumans to resist! It was set that way since the very beginning!Read more here…
Feed the religious or scientific matrixes or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
To accept the reptilius controlling your sleep and wake cycles is something science and humanity is unable to accept. All I can do is to challenge you to the extreme with my claims which will hopefully be accepted as real in the future.
Its easier to laugh and ridicule my cosmic work than to consider the reality that; to this day the “traditionally educated idiots” after spending fortunes dissecting serial killers brains over the years, still do not know why Stephen Paddock killed many people in Las Vegas! And they will never know!
None of them have the golden keys to what it means to be human. Those corporate “non profit” organizations plague all popular television channels with endless national commercials produced by corrupt advertising agencies averaging $350,000 or more for a 30-second spot – With these facts in mind, you should realize where many of your donations are going… Certainly not to those in need.
Memo “Much like greedy deceptive “non profit” corporations luring you with sick children being used as guinea pigs by the pharmaceutical to develop and sell more ” safe medications” to society.
Only a very small fraction (or 10%) will be used for the cause and the rest will be shared between the supremely wealthy, greedy corporations, cults who must lure you everyday with sick children, abused animals or a dying nature to get to your pockets. FTC: These charities are shams, help Dr. Turi instead!