Dear Readers:
When I made this dramatic prediction on Roxy show I generated quite a lot of talks and animosity from scared people who would rather see life through rose colored glasses than to deal with reality! A few weeks later I did the same on Santos radio show and again created some responses and comments I would rather ignore – But the fact is the reality of my prediction of the possibility of a nuclear attack on the US is getting closer by the day. “U.S.: North Korea may launch missile”
In my Cosmic Code radio show last night 04/03/13 I gave even more dramatic predictions when I read the April forecast and at this point I am asking my reading audience to pray for peace! While the next 3 to 4 days will see this situation getting worse thousands of people will be affected around the new moon and especially forced to accept the facts of my prediction during the 16/17/18 of April… The worse of this cosmic energy will come to the fore on the 25/26 and 27 of April where the smell of death and drama will make those days memorable!
I hope to be wrong in those Scorpionic visions and if we pray hard enough and use the supra-concious forces correctly we could alter the course of events with diplomacy.
God have Mercy on your cosmic unconscious children…