“It is ridiculous for men to pray a false god for anything when the cosmic Gods are willing to enlighten and protect the journey – Dr. Turi
Defector: North Korea has 1,800 cyberwarriors
Dear readers:

Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea working on EMP weapons for devastating attack on US
Update 11/14/18 (5 years later) – Cyber/Nuke attack only a matter of time! – Dr. Turi M.D.U.S.
Let me tell you how the US should hit back, keep reading… On January 23rd, 2013 I posted my first warning about cyber attack for my VIP’s, then went on to post my vision on all social media. The article “Cyber/Nuke Attack on the US, only a matter of time!” is part of the thousands of articles that was stolen when www.drturi.com was hacked for weeks! Luckily for me, all the articles I ever wrote are also safely compiled on the Cosmic Code website.
To this day, I am wondering who or why my futuristic work disappeared in cyber space! But knowing North Korea “religious” cultures and practices are rooted in shamanism, and the supreme mind they are indeed interested in my spiritual work. And so is India! “Financial Astrology from “India”
Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010
“You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know!”
Note also I wrote intensively about Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin fates and soon after, my world map stats clearly pointed out Russia and South Korea spies were on to my work! Now five years later, did this number increase or decrease in India, North Korea and Russia?
Nearly two years later, once again time has proven my vision accurate about my “cyber attacks” visions. This “wake up call” was also predicted in my latest SOS to the world for December 18/19/20/ 30/31 2014!
It is important for my readers to realize not only did I correctly translated the cosmic hieroglyphs with my quatrain and keywords but I gave also the exact date of 12/18/2014 for the “terrorism & wake up call.” Do you still doubt I am CNN before CNN?
Incidentally, unlike a religious poisoned 200 years old young America, much older Asiatic countries own a very deep spiritual wisdom that still escape the NSA and all branches of national security.
I tried so many times to bring them with the attention of my cosmic wisdom with my crucial warnings at no avail. Not all, but today, most American families live and operate in conventional ways found only in a very young country depraved of any true spiritual “shamanic” wisdom.
My latest attempt to reach the Police Administration and save them from themselves was another ridiculous attempt! Indeed wasting precious lives and billions of dollars in legal pursuits routinely is not good enough for the police administration to seek the answers of cosmic wisdom…
“I never desired to please the rabble. What pleased them, I did not learn; and what I knew was far removed from their understanding – Epicurus
What America is oblivious of is; Asia is ruled by genius Aquarius, the sign ruling all electronics inventions! This sign rules also the sciences of the heavens or astronomy and astrology! Aquarius rules also true geniuses, the future of humanity, the UFO phenomenon, the incredible and nukes!
Uranus Governs The Ingenious, Freedom-Oriented Constellation Of Aquarius
Holder of knowledge of the dimensions
The spark of all the inventions
Lover of all things in simplicity
Charged with the power of ingenuity
I am AQUARIUS, child of Uranus.
Wonder why I am “weird” futuristic, attracted and experienced the incredible, read the stars and was born in February with a stellium in Aquarius?
UFO”s Are Very Real – And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?
The current OCD generation implique a world wide young adults raised with technology. Many are natural technological masters building and using an ever growing telecommunication field *cyber attacks.
The US government is run by a at least three cosmic unconscious generations of well read elites who could never agree on what to vote for or what to do next for the taxpayers! The US government rely on its infantile scientific community to catch up with North Korea cyber threats not knowing they already lost the cyber battle because of the “cosmic” geographical location.
Asiatic people are not American in mind body and soul, they are very special people that have proved the world wrong with their “Made in Japan” automotive products well ahead of America best minds.
Today scientific matrix employs an army of gifted people from all walks of life but who can relate to the cosmic legacy of Asiatic people carved in their much older DNA! As mentioned so many time before, the space between the physical (science) and true cosmic spiritual wisdom (astrology) is not only absent but gravely widenings in favor of a multitude of man made religions.
By being more spiritual and involved in Astrology (and curious about my work) Asia is well ahead of a rational young United States of America, but I am afraid, in the name of inserted religious convictions and fear of the ridicule, our very mission in this great country is doomed!
I can not believe with so much unarguable well documented predictions on the Internet, on countless radio and television shows behind me and an unsurpassed dedication to reach the the public, the NSA, the police, the Department of Education and the scientific community, I am not better today than when I first started my career back in 1991…
I finally realized my limitation and God cosmic order for America to suffer the same fate as the Roman Empire… It sickening for me to realize the amount of idiocy, the depth of the nation religious encrusted fears, the lack of curiosity of its people, the lack of support, and the laziness of the condemned human spirit unwilling to fight for his own survival…
But this does not mean all American are idiots unable or unwilling to heed my warnings ! But I have to accept the many scientific, religious, sports and entertainment matrixes in charge of the general public education through the tube became an unstoppable mental cancer…
There is no enough deep cosmic wisdom going around abling politicians and Presidents from all walks of life to comprehend other nations Leaders karmic UCI, psychical potentials, sins and virtues.
Those governments are realizing archaic spying techniques are absolute and instead of using technology intelligently and constructively to relate to each others and build a safe world, they keep spying trying to eradicate each others …
“If God listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished; for they are forever praying for evil against one another.” ― Epicurus
There is absolutely no reason to spy on anyone if you already know the psyche of your “enemy.” But political, religious and scientific leaders are not trained “cosmically” to see past their five limited human rational senses and their rational and/or pious education.
My expectations for such a lack of cosmic wisdom, with time, is petrifying… And fifty years is all we have to re-educate the children of the future or pay the price of self destruction!
While I can not teach Astropsychology or Astroforensics here, let me simplify the tradition of America cosmic hieroglyphs for you.
America (July 4, 1776) was born with an Aquarius Dragon’s Tail, this mean the shocking, sudden, explosive, unexpected, negative power of the planet Uranus HAS and will strike the US AGAIN! Do you recall the December 7, 1941 Japan (Aquarius country) SURPRISE attack on pearl Harbor?
America (July 4, 1776) was born with an Aquarius Dragon’s Tail, this mean the shocking, sudden, explosive, unexpected, negative power of the planet Uranus HAS and will strike the US AGAIN! Do you recall the predicted 911 terrorist surprise attacks on the N.Y. towers?
While America and its allied won the war at the end, time have changed since 1945 and what can the mightiest US NAVY or US ARMY in the world can do against a smarter, much smaller genius born nation dedicated to destroy its enemies? Unless you outsmart your opponent you will lose the battle and America is not favored by the cosmic code in the years to come to survive.
What is the NSA waiting for? For Russia or North Korea to ask me to help them with the cosmic code timing to nuke the US safely?
THe NSA never learned anything with Edward Snowden‘s technological genius and can not yet realize how potent or rewarding any form of genius can become for a country. While a religious America ridicule my cosmic work, more spiritually inclined countries are reading my work with great attention.
Who’s to blame them for being more receptive than America when I constantly offer undeniable proofs of the values found in the ancient science of Astrology?
President Obama, Princess Diana, Steve Irwin to name a few were born with an Aquarius Dragon‘s Tail, and while two of them are already gone in an explosive, shocking way, it is only when our President will meet his unusual sudden death that many of you will remember this article. But why wait for the stars to speak my wisdom when my ingeniousness can be and should be used by the NSA to protect the country and the President right away?
All living things are under the jurisdiction of the stars and knowing the cosmic code rules every single human on the planet, this rare wisdom becomes a serious contribution to AVOID a premature death!
But how could anyone truly understand John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination in Dallas November 22nd, 1963 in Dallas when 99.99% of the population knows nothing about cosmic biorhythms?
Why would science or anyone else ridicule my lifetime work without any form of investigations whatsoever? Is science purpose to prove me wrong? But why the California Psychological Inventory, the National Council for Geo cosmic Research or the million of other credible organizations reading my work did not yet approach me to test Astrology? Unless, like Carl Sagan, they rely on an Astrology article written in “Ici Paris on April 16, 1968?“
Cosmic unconscious people live their lives like robots, trusting a myriad of physical rules implemented by the police, who are themselves unaware of a more subtle but very real set of cosmic rules!
Billions of human beings needlessly suffered the ultimate price because of religious fear, a lack of curiosity or the unwise choice to ignore God cosmic plan. No, it is not against your religion to use astrology or assume it is a waste of time and should be ridicule!
“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13
It is not in the church’s nor conventional astronomy best financial interests to educate you, and instead of crucifying me, consider yourselves lucky to have Dr. Turi and educate yourself so you can free your spirit from the Illuminati. All world’s top greedy leaders have learned and still using this rare wisdom for centuries to control your life.
Take some of your precious time and Google “Kim Jong-un Dr. Turi” – “Vladimir Putin Dr. Turi” “President Obama and America fate drturi”, try anything you want to know about and add my name behind the words, be curious and make a good use of the thousands of articles left for future generation psychical welfare on the Internet…
And most of all, pay attention, because it is not joy in my heart to make such horrific predictions that will come to pass! Indeed too many abusive corporate US matrixes life hood is at stake and, my internet enemies are working overnight to stop me reaching the national stage I need to grasp the attention of America and turn things around before it is too late!
At least, when my visions become a tough reality, I’ll say I did my very best to reach America and free your spirit from oppressions…
“Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions”
“2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions.”
“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true. Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world. The Seventh Millenium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements. God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.“
America will suffer a few cyber attacks to test and neutralize its nuclear capabilities from 2017 to 2018 – The US will become incredibly vulnerable due to a serious increase in various natural disasters. The US will suffer the same fate as the “Chernobyl and Japan nuclear plants” disasters. February and August 2017/2018 will be the out most dangerous times.
As of 2018 the world will be unifying again to kill the new “Hitler” evil spirit… The strong feeling I had to stop publishing my yearly Moon Power Universal and personal predictions become much clearer now as humanity has so little time to wake up to God cosmic Divinity and heed the signs appropriately.
I will soon update the 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions with my visions for the next few years then, stop warning the world of its impending fate. Mostly because no many people are able to handle the undiluted truth about the fate of humanity. Furthermore, people tend to associate negativity with my liberating, educational, healing live Skype consultations and this affect my business negatively.
Are you wondering why Neptunian, Pisces born Joel Osteen and Phil Robertson are phenomenally successful selling religious deception to the gullible mass of Americans?
Knowing the supra-conscious psychical forces involved, and knowing “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts,” I hate feeding evil and the public with “gloom and doom” but rest assured many young souls will blame and ridicule “Messenger of the Gods.”
I can not be made responsible for a universal lack of curiosity, for a universal deceptive religious poisoning and humanity refusal to accept God cosmic Divinity and heed the signs… I can not be made responsible for a over medicated, pot head growing “educated” society of atheists and their lack of concern or perceptive visions.
I can not be made responsible for the scientific and religious communities unwillingness to exit their comfortable zones of reality. I can not be made responsible for a universal stupidity, for humanity overwhelming cosmic ignorance fueling its phenomenal corporate greed.
Great Minds and incalculable resources are wasted in scientific foolish pursuits to explore the ridiculous possibilities to visit and live on Mars when Mother Earth is showing extreme and irrefutable signs of distress…
Deceptive Neptunian Minds and incalculable resources are wasted teaching, promoting and building more religious madness feeding a congregation of lost souls “ISIS” killing and dying for a false God…
Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
Atheists & Christians, God is Really Pissed Off At You!
11/2015-02/2017 End of All Religions
God Is the True Evil of Humanity! Challenge Your Spirit!
Constantly feeding the corporate scientific and religious, pharmaceutical, sports and entertainment matrixes’ greed will have its consequences when God’s true cosmic identity is still a mystery humanity is cursed to uncover!
While I am convinced the world is on a certain course to self destruction, I can not help to hope for a miracle. While being allowed to reach the masses can be dangerous, God has a plan no mortal can alter, and I know the plan well, and this is why I still have hopes for all the children of tomorrow.
“For evil to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke
“It is ridiculous for men to pray a false god for anything when the cosmic Gods are willing to enlighten and protect the journey – Dr. Turi
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
L.A. tornado: ‘It was crazy’ SOS TO THE WORLD predictions for December 2014
Listen to Dr. Turi last radio show with Christina George 11/12/2014 – Wait for the show to start Pls
December 21st 2014, Dr. Turi will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss ISIS latest developments in relation to the current Arian Draconian energy and predictions for the world imposed by the upcoming 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions
Dr. Turi Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…
The Magical Power of Talismans!

Now FREE – Click image above to download the 2014 Moon Power Starguide