Over the years, the police has grown drastically with weaponry but not in spirit… There are reasons for the cops and their public victims to invite a premature death! Astroforensics must be taught at the Police Academy to anticipate terrorism. Dr. Turi
French first then English…. Francais en premier, puis Anglais!
Dr. Louis Turi est un Francais tres connu aux USA et tres reputer pour ses surprenante and precise predictions faite a la maniere de Nostradamus. Louis est ne a Pont St. Esprit, en Provence, et reside en Amerique depuis 1984. Note apres tant d’annee a l’etranger, J’ai oublier mon Francais et mon clavier est Americain… Oblier l’ hortographe SVP!
Louis a poste ses predictions d’ activitees terroriste quatre fois sur le site de Paris “Police Nationale” et a predicte l’attaque meurtriere a Paris sur deux radio Americaine. Le premier interview c’est fait le 12 Novembre 2014 radio show et le second le 21 Decembre 2014 radio show. Je predis d’autre acts meurtrier et je veux donner les prochaine dates a la television or sur un journal Parisien pour avertir mes concitoyens Francais. J’ai aussi predicte l’attaque de Septembre 11, 2001 a New York, hurricane Katrina, les deux tsunamis en Asie and les plus devastatif tremblement de terre dans le monde entier.
Et pour tout causes, les Americains affirme que je suis “La reincarnation de Nostradamus!” Ma precision est effrayante et pensant que j’avais des connections avec les terrorists, le FBI Americain m’ a visiter aujourd’hui, January 9, 2015 pour la seconde fois. Contacter moi a turitrue@gmail.com pour les preuve de toute mes predictions ou un interview. Merci a tous pour passer ce message tres important aux autoritees Francaise. Dr. Turi
Said September 7, 1980 Cherif November 28, 1982
CNN) One spent time in jail for ties to terrorism, and was in war-torn Syria as recently as this summer, according to a French source. The other went to Yemen for training, officials say.
Dear readers;
This deadly act will not help the delicate relationship between the French and the North Africans communities residing in France. As you all know, being French myself I was raised with Arabs kids and I can assure you, not all of them own the terrorists UCI, indeed some are very decent and close friends of mine.
This monstrosity was stimulated by the same hatred nurtured against some French people free spirited, by religious indoctrination but most of all, by the natal UCI of both brothers…
And this is why not all Arabs living in France or the USA will ever consider join and die for ISIS. However the current war like brutal 2015 Arian Draconis play also a very important part to the decisions and actions of all human on the planet.
While this work is designed for our Astropsychology smart students and VIP’s, with our guidance anyone can assimilate the science of Divine Astrology.
Remember Aries rules the head and for ISIS to video tape and parade the heads of their victims internationally, dictate the ferocity of another deadly act induced by such terrible cosmic winds.
I gave further dates for future calamities to Officers.com pointing out dates of the vulnerability of the police, but at no avail. It seems this website crowd love to chat about cops’ deaths and feel sorry for themselves but, not smart enough to help us do anything about it!
So please if you are involved with the police, make notes of those future tragic days, because many will pay the price for ignoring my warnings.
As you all know, weeks ahead of time I gave the exact date of July 7th, 2015 on two radio shows, preparing the audience for the high possibility of terrorism. I also directly contacted the French authorities in Paris from “Police Nationale“ website on January1st and 4th then on the 6th with my SOS Police warnings. A day later my vision came to pass! “Terror in Paris” Dr. Turi’s astonishing TRIPLE HITS PREDICTION!
Sad enough the French are not all able to read English and those who could, never took me seriously and did not bother to pass on my warnings. But who can ignore my psychic abilities when something hit me so strongly forcing me to act outside of the US?
The good news is; when I feel this way I usually warn 8000 people who joined the cosmic code website right away.
On this tragic day, Said Kouachi, left his ID in the get away car, helping the police to trace the killers. But there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances at work the entire world is oblivious of, and as expected, one of the brothers was under one of his December 2015, negative Cosmic Biorhythms. Talk about bad luck for them!
I am amazed at the reality of my astrological discovery and the avalanche of well documented facts I provide! Still, the French or the American police authorities did not yet investigate the absolutely incredible exactness found in the Astroforensics science I created.
This service is a life saver, and a lot of my smart readers are ordering and testing my claims. As I did in so many educational articles collected in my Cosmic Code Cyber University, my pearls of wisdom will not be wasted for an unresponsive, nonchalant, often skeptical public.
As mentioned before, our work is designed to educate a very rare breed of intuitive, curious and intelligent human beings only. While an ill informed, gullible society is consumed with banality, accepted religious doctrines and rational science is more appealing to the norm…
Once again, for the sake of intelligence, heed my warnings found in my Police SOS to the World. The collection of my past and future claims are and will be posted in Officers.com.
You do not have be the victim of future natural or man made disasters if you are warned ahead of time and if you made the smart choice to gather as much as possible of the cosmic information I own. As much as the physical wind can help a boat to navigate faster safely, the cosmic winds can and will change abruptly.
A smart educated Master Captain or a responsible pilot will always plot the maps and the weather for the safety of all his passengers. The weather is predictable because it has a recognized pattern used by science. And, as a Soul Doctor, I am also a scientist of a rare kind, a cosmic cop warning and teaching you all about the cosmic code jurisdictions, and this is all I am doing for you with all future cosmic winds.
“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to you” – Ya Boy Neil this is for you and your educated kind!
Sun 15Vir00 (1)
Moon 23Leo38 (12)
Mercury 25Vir36 (1) dignity
Venus 29Can45 (11)
Mars 06Sco05 (3) dignity (traditional)
Jupiter 19Vir28 (1) detriment (traditional)
Saturn 28Vir17 (1)
Uranus 22Sco09 (3) exalted
Neptune 19Sag55 (4)
Pluto 20Lib17 (2) detriment (modern)
MNNode 20Leo11 (12)
MSNode 20Aqu11 (6)
BlackMoon 17Lib24 (2)
DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Mercury
Jupiter disposited by Mercury
Moon disposited by Sun
Saturn disposited by Mercury
Mercury disposited by Mercury
Uranus disposited by Pluto
Venus disposited by Moon
Neptune disposited by Jupiter
Mars disposited by Pluto
Pluto disposited by Venus
ASPECT PATTERNS: Talent Triangle, tight Moon
Pluto – focus
Talent Triangle Venus
Mercury – focus
Saturn – focus
SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 1.5 13 %
Fixed 4.5 38 %
Mutable 6 50 %
SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 3.5 29 %
Earth 5 42 %
Air 1 8 %
Water 2.5 21 %
IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):
MOON PHASE: Balsamic
MOON DISTANCE: 398271.1 km. Far Distance
MOON SPEED: 12.25647 deg/day Slow Speed
ODD LOWER-ORDER: 1 0.85500
3 0.97488
6 0.99055
ODD HIGHER-ORDER: 115 0.90877
133 0.93185
180 0.94128
Sun 05Sag56 (2)
Moon 02Tau02 (7) exalted
Mercury 10Sag50 (2) detriment
Venus 11Sag59 (2)
Mars 20Cap54 (3) exalted
Jupiter 24Sco09 (1)
Saturn 29Lib54 (12) exalted
Uranus 04Sag57 (2)
Neptune 26Sag00 (2)
Pluto 28Lib20 (12) detriment (modern)
MNNode 04Can32 (9)
MSNode 04Cap32 (3)
BlackMoon 17Cap52 (3)
DISPOSITORS: Sun disposited by Jupiter
Jupiter disposited by Pluto
Moon disposited by Venus
Saturn disposited by Venus
Mercury disposited by Jupiter
Uranus disposited by Jupiter
Venus disposited by Jupiter
Neptune disposited by Jupiter
Mars disposited by Saturn
Pluto disposited by Venus
ASPECT PATTERNS: Stellium in Sagittarius Sun
SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 2.5 21 %
Fixed 3.5 29 %
Mutable 6 50 %
SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 6 50 %
Earth 3 25 %
Air 1.5 13 %
Water 1.5 13 %
IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):
MOON DISTANCE: 372719.2 km. Close Distance
MOON SPEED: 14.03753 deg/day Fast Speed
ODD LOWER-ORDER: 1 0.96051
3 0.98624
4 0.98845
ODD HIGHER-ORDER: 57 0.86314
69 0.90829
EVEN HIGHER-ORDER: 180 0.95967
46 0.97777
Learn more about the cosmic code and join us to liberate Astrology from today’ scientific matrix imperceptive, Carl Sagan Astrological misconception legacy and Neil Degrasse and those like him’s foolish convictions.
Carl Sagan Birthday and NASA Masquerade – Can you handle the truth?
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Astrology and Sir Isaac Newton Unique Celestial Identity
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Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!
The Soul of the Cosmos
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! I will open the door of a new world above for you to join my VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
Dr. Turi
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