“Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but Supreme wisdom.” Paracelsus
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity… I’m offering its secrets before I die. The purpose of all my struggles was to build cosmic wisdom and offer universal guidance and strengths to others” ~ Dr. Turi
‘Something else going on’: Scientists try to unravel mystery of rising colorectal cancer rates
Dear reader,
As a cancer survivor, I can assure you the experience is very traumatic, facing your mortality is not a joke! I was in my fifties when I was diagnosed with cancer yet, I am one of the lucky ones who won the battle and this experience changed my entire life!
There are currently millions of people of all ages suffering and battling cancer, yet our scientists do not know why colorectal cancer (and suicide) rates are exploding among us, especially young people!
Today’s life demands a lot and struggling young people are much more susceptible to feeding the reptilius with negative thoughts and that is my simple but real answer… Life in the old days was not as strenuous or demanding as it is today, to say the least!
In 2023 any young couple with kids will be enormously struggling to cope with the economy due to infected politicians aiming for continuous power supporting the rich or the greedy corporations producing food, gas, medications, technology etc. we all depend on!
The lifestyle and bad habits induced by celebrity status also make famous people quite vulnerable to the reptilius effect. Or the reasons why many celebrities have and will commit suicide and suffer a premature death!
Chadwick Boseman, the actor of the “Black Panther” star who died of colon cancer at age 43 in August 2020 is another of the young victims suffering from this disease! But there are many more “cosmic” reasons you will uncover later on in this newsletter!
Science tells us that some of the factors known to raise anyone’s risk of colorectal cancer are having a family history of the disease, having a certain genetic mutation, drinking too much alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or being obese.
Logic dictates blaming your diet is factuality, but it may not be the only reason why one would contract cancer and some people never do.
Knowing our scientific community is not cosmic conscious, they do not refer to nor trust Divine Astrology medical critical values and that is for sure a BIG letdown for a religious or skeptical society at large!
All I know as a legitimate Soul Doctor is that; we are children of a universe made of stars and cursed by various malefic planets such as Pluto (death) Saturn (The Great Malefic) the karmic Dragon’s Tail, the black Moon, and Mars (war/surgery) that do play a critical part in your natal UCI and the chances of developing cancer cells!
In the case of Chadwick Boseman, the actor of the “Black Panther” he was born in December with the dragon’s tail (negative) and the black moon (curse) in his 6th house of health!
Any of my students who studied the medical aspect of Astrology with me would immediately realize the dangerous potential of such cosmic energy and diagnose the possibility of cancer. Thus advising the person to get checked IMMEDIATELY by an Oncologist and save his life!
All diseases come from a mental/spiritual/physical blockage!
By ignoring or ridiculing wise men like Hippocrates’ cosmic wisdom our traditionally educated physicians are missing critical information that could help them drastically foresee certain people attracting/contracting cancer!
Any nefarious physical (smoking/drinking etc.) or spiritual detrimental abuses (depression/psychical degeneration) will become a major contribution to contracting any and all forms of diseases! All stimulated by the “reptilius effect!”
Following 13 years of marriage my ex-wife cheated on me and I went to a period of serious depression and heavy drinking sessions for years… I did not know anything about the powerful “reptilius effect” or the nasty power of Saturn (the Great Malefic) located in the sign of Virgo located in (my guts/elimination/digesting process.)
It’s after many years of investigation and reflection that I realize I was misusing the Superconscious power in time and space and my atomic structure (6 house of health) negatively.
No one in my family apart from me and my sister had cancer!
I did explain why my sister suffered breast cancer in a previous video and warned her to stop being negative…
Yes, she was a nurse dealing with terminally ill patients for years. Yes, all of those years she hated her job and got very depressed. Yes, she got so degenerated that her “reptilius infected” negative subconscious did the rest and she contracted cancer!
She is out of the hospital, out of trouble away from the reptilius and very happy and healthy now! Got it? So somehow, because of her situation then, like me she was mentally very destructive to herself because she was under the jurisdiction of those nasty fleas/entities sucking her life away. And without the critical knowledge of the “reptilius effect” she, like me and millions of other oblivious human beings, paid the heavy price!
But this is where my inevitable dilemma starts since I do not expect traditionally educated doctors, NASA and the scientific community to realize, assimilate and accept the sad reality of the reptilius agenda is all about when they are clueless about the spiritual values involving our own solar system and unwilling or unable to enter the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness to delegate the soul of the cosmos!
Those entities reside in DARK MATTER and need chaos, troubles, wars, natural disasters, and diseases like cancer to survive in the DARK ENERGY human endlessly produces! They are very active at a psychological level hijacking the body, mind, and soul of countless oblivious human beings which switch off the vital power to stay alive and fight diseases…
The beauty of being human is that; the part of God in us and its unlimited healing power can be channeled to fight the reptilius negative mental process and either avoid or heal cancer!
But if no one is teaching and explaining your subtle psychical connection with the reptilius and the “force” or God, you can only become a robotic victim…
Do not feed the reptilius
Do not turn your subconscious against you.
Do not bother with failures, there is no future in your past.
Do not assume the worst, life is a constant process of changes.
Do not fall into the habit of complaining, it may become a bad habit.
Do not expect the worst since the worst will become your sad reality.
Do not let anyone hurt your self-esteem, you are worth so much all the way.
Do not surround yourself with negative friends, be cautious that they own your wishes.
Speak your mind but do not nurture negativity, instead re-evaluate the painful situation.
Don’t jump to any conclusion, there is always light ahead if you ask the spirit and deserve it.
Eat healthily, think healthily, and talk healthily give yourself the benefit of the doubt in any negative situation.
Lastly, the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought that the power of good and evil is real.
This is why it is so important for you to help me reach more people and share my cosmic wisdom because unlike well-organized, wealthy corporations who own the media and all sources of information, without your help I cannot make much progress warning humanity!
Bizarre ‘Dark Fluid’ with Negative Mass Could Dominate the Universe
It’s embarrassing, but “educated Idiots” astrophysicists like Neil DeGrasse are the first to admit it. Our best theoretical model can only explain 5 percent of the universe. The remaining 95 percent is famously made up almost entirely of invisible, unknown material dubbed dark energy and dark matter.
Once more readers, the reptilius travels in time and space, through black holes into countless dimensions. They reside in “Dark Matter” and can only survive with your negativity, insecurity, your fears, chaos, depression, religious wars, political conflicts, etc.
Their mission is to enforce their agenda, to destroy the human race and inherit planet earth, as another strategic base in this solar system. Anything works with the reptilius as long as chaos, troubles, wars, misinformation, and fabricated conspiracies reign supreme.
Stopping normal young women to produce healthy babies and stimulate an explosion of mentally or physically sick children and an explosion of LGBTQ births is part of their agenda! Again, this does not mean those “infected” souls are bad when they are victimized by forces science cannot recognize or accept!
But who’s willing to discuss such important facts about UFOs and ET’s agendas on radio or television when I was fired from Coast to Coast am by George Noory and Tom Danheiser for telling the truth his large audience deserves?
Millions of people have heard my shows yet not a single soul had the balls to take my side and challenge them… But as I know and trust, God has a plan for us all, it’s just a matter of time before good beat evil!
If you know or have a podcast, or a radio TV show, contact: teraniapromodir@gmail.com and help me educate the masses about this incredible but real phenomenon.
Sad enough, since 1991 when I started teaching Divine Astrology, I can recall three of my beloved students turned against me just because, even after many weeks of hard studies, they did not understand the depth of my cosmic teachings and greed and ego took over!
This is why I warned my readers that it is only when the student is ready that the real gifted teacher will appear! In those 3 cases of unsatisfied clients and students, their expectations and my cosmic vibrations were a bit too high!
But compared to the thousands of other much wiser souls who dealt with us successfully, I should not worry, but Terania and I are entirely and totally committed to giving our best to clients, patients, and students and it hurt to know somehow, we failed with John, Mike and /////!
Larry –I want to Thank Dr. Turi and Terania, for giving me the opportunity to understand what it means to be Human. If you only had one class to take in this lifetime, to understand why people do what they do, this is it. I will be forever Grateful and Blessed…
Jennifer Zerba – For those of you who are interested, curious, and want to know. I have been following Dr. Turi for 4+ years. He is able to predict through Astrology global events. He has been extremely accurate.

More than half the solar system’s planets will align Monday in a rarely seen spectacle, arcing across a corner of the night sky. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus will parade across the sky, accompanied by the moon and a possible star cluster. That’s it? What good can this information do to your life on earth? Smart and curious souls need much more than rational scientific information!
Only if you are cosmic conscious and know exactly where this stellium will mature by house and sign in your chart will you be warned and protected!
Yes, knowledge is power ignorance is evil!
Call it a stellium right on my SOS deadly window, and with the entrance of Pluto (death/secrets/drama/wake-up calls) in Aquarius (sudden release of energy/quakes/technology/nukes/New Age) the next few days and upcoming SOS windows of March 24, March 29 and April 7th will be quite shocking and deadly!
This is why it is critical for you to come back often to read the Frank Morano show’s predictions and updates posted in this newsletter and pay attention to my warnings!
It is only when the student (or the patient) is ready for a gifted Soul Doctor that I will appear in your life and help you manifest your own power! I am here for you since those critical newsletters you depend on every day will stop coming your way on April 20th!
Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi.
“He Who Conquers the Stars Will Hold the Golden Keys to God’s Mysterious Universe And Change The World.” Dr. Turi
Ask for the light, become a part of Dr. Turi’s spiritual movement
Sign my petition, and help the world assimilate God’s cosmic design!
Are you into natural healing? If so Divine Astrology is for you!
Covid Vaccine For or Against?
Special announcement the Zoom Divine Astrology live course tuition is now available to the general public
Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com for information
The Power of the Dragon
I Know All About You
Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIPs
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIPs
Astropsychology home course 1 (Beginner) and 2 (Advanced)
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIPs
Taped comparison chart $ $410 or $210 for VIPs
Emergency Astro Tarot / psychic reading Appointment only – $250 Via Zoom link
Cosmic Code VIP Membership $10
Captivating the powerful cosmic winds missing in your natal karmic UCI, or “Unique Celestial Identity” can only be achieved if you own full cosmic consciousness and fully understand the Universal mechanics or “God’s cosmic design!”
Affairs involving love, (5th house) wealth, (8th house) health (6th house), and attracting your wishes and good ETs (11th house) can only be achieved if you know all about the power of all the planets (and natal/hidden) dragons in your housing system.
For specific karmic purposes, some unlucky humans become “repellent” and will never find love, or their soul mate, while others will never establish financial security because of bad health. Or in many cases, reptilius infected souls attract and suffer painful abductions.
Since there are no accidents in my world, those painful experiences are the result of inherited bad karma that must be repaid. The beauty of knowing all about those cosmic “energies” it that; they are all over and available in nature in the form of gems, metal, colors, elements etc.
Thus, if your Venus is weak in your celestial make-up, using copper, or a specific stone or gems and captivating/casting Venus rising in a love talisman will enrich its owner by boosting the 5th house of love which is the seat of attraction between humans.
For example, if your Virgo (health/work) 6th house is weak or hosts Saturn “The Great Malefic” in your celestial make-up, using a specific green/light blue stone or gems and captivating/casting Mercury rising in a health talisman will enrich its owner by boosting the 6th house of health and work!
If financial security or wealth seems to escape you, regardless of the hard work and dedication to serve others, maybe it’s time for you to stop procrastinating, build more faith in your abilities, and start your own business!
If your Mars, (the pioneer/the starter) or Saturn / Capricorn (fear/career builder), or your Sun, Leo (the boss of the Zodiac)is weak or badly aspected in your chart you will lack the confidence to move forward in life and won’t take chances!
The list of failures is endless as much of the list of successful people confidently running their own show like Terania and I do are also limitless…
You may decide to invest in your own Zodiacal stone or gem to attract your wishes to find out nothing that you expected works! Yes, there is much more involving the making of talismans and Divine Astrology used to collect those critical missing beneficial cosmic winds than what you could ever imagine or even comprehend my friend.
It is an art, you must be born with to own the gift to delegate, captivate and use those planetaries’ “vibrations” and as Nichola Tesla mentioned below, it’s all about using the core!
As a very intuitive Pisces, I discovered the Cosmic Code/Core and when picking those rocks and gems for any sign of the Zodiac, I let my higher self-guide me to find the right one!
Then I wait for the waxing positive moon to cross your natal or hidden dragon’s head and magnetize the talisman using the Sun’s rays which is the source of life number one. I also make sure to use only any of your 2023 personal positive comic biorhythms.
With the Sun, the benevolent Draconis (the Gardeners of this solar system) very protective, healing cosmic fluid is also “ingested/inserted” in the talisman.
Thus, as you can see, buying your birthstone without cosmic wisdom and any precise incantations is far from what only a cosmic-conscious gifted “soul Doctor” like me can do!
You may pick a talisman of your choice and mail it to us and let me do my magic for you, if interested please email teraniapromodir@gmail.com for more details.