Dear Readers:
It seem again the Scorpius Draconus is cursing more and more cosmic unconscious souls whose secrets can not be kept hidden anymore! It also makes some unconscious famous people behave wildly! More and more human beings are the target of the Dragon and this karmic Scorpius Dragon is with us until February 2014! This mean a lot of water will rush under the bridge of your life until the Cosmic Clock removes its deadly dart from this world! Should you be warned and prepared or suffer the same fate as its cosmic unconscious victims? I spoke more of this Draconus in my last radio show, did you miss it?
Teen beauty queen resigns in porn flap
The question now is are you going to suffer this dragon where ever he curses your chart or will you be warned and cautious in the affairs he rules in your life? You can only become his victim if you either ignore or refuse to acknowledge where the Scorpius Draconus resides in your own chart! Ask yourself how this dragon; by house and sign is afflicting you personally? And if you can not answer you are now seriously prone to “mess up!”
Opinion: Turn down instant outrage
Since the dawn of time, the Creator has shown his truth to the humble, a truth that is hidden from the vain blinded by worldly pleasures, but which is written in the skies, which nightly speaks of the glory of God.
I made this book available to all my readers for a good reason, that is to avoid you paying the price of ignorance, and instead use “Draco” at your advantage. Rich and famous does not mean cosmic conscious readers and wondering is all they can do! You are in a much better position with Dr. Turi cosmic wisdom do not waste those rare pearls!
The Pisces teen beauty life is changed for ever since she did not know this Dragon is currently empowering her 9th house regulating INTERNATIONAL exposure! There are thousands of young girls reading my work aiming for a career or simply living life cosmic unconscious and this ignorance is very dangerous. Be a concerned parent, friend or loved one and GET my “Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast” NOW!
Doing so will allow you to read all about this dragon impact in your life and guide all those around you! Be prepared, be warned this Dragon is very serious, nasty and relentless! What is $15 for such a priceless wisdom? Follow my warnings and advises because all the very famous influential people, all the elites of this world aren’t as lucky as you are! They do not know nothing about this dramatic Scorpius Draconus or Dr. Turi, you do!
Remember, ignorance is evil knowledge is power, you are in a position to apply your will and control this cosmic fluid and your destiny, billions of other human beings from all walks of life are NOT! Let them behave like robots and pay the price, this little book has so much in store for all the people you care for!
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.
~ Paracelsus
L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain
You shall receive
Knowledge is true power
Ignorance is dangerous and pure evil
Do not suffer others karmic Dragon if you can avoid it
Do not suffer your Dragon’s Tail karmic lessons if you can avoid it
If your intuition feel me right through your soul its because you are right