NYC subway attack prediction – SOS to the world deadly Plutonic window 04/17/22


DSC106[1]“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone”  Dr. Turi

The universe is a DARK PLACE I’m trying to make it brighter before I die.”  Neil DeGrasse

“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr. Turi

Listen to “Church Of Mabus Dr. Turi Returns To Discuss Russia & Ukraine, Anti–Christ Mabus,” on Spreaker. Apr 8, 2022 

Chris Mathieu Dr. Turi Forbidden Knowledge News April 14th at 11 AM MT

Dear readers;

If you happen to listen to the UFO show on “Church Of Mabus”, my SOS to the world deadly window of April 12 was all about SHOCKING EXPLOSIVE news! My visions were offered to Jeff’s vast audience on April 8 (4 days before the mind-boggling NYC subway attack!)


The next SHOCKING/EXPLOSIVE SOS to the world is set for April 12th, 2022, thus anything out of the ordinary will transpire…

Ten people were shot at a Brooklyn subway station Tuesday, April 12, officials said. At least 29 people were treated at nearby hospitals for injuries

As I always said, both the deceptive religious and rational scientific matrixes dominate and control all information, without cosmic consciousness society at large can only suffer the consequences and pay the price of the endless “reptilius effect!” 

While during the same unusual cosmic winds, Elon Musk Made a Surprise Appearance at a Volkswagen, the last window of April 12 touched his business life with Twitter directly!

Yet instead of wasting billions on his ridiculous Mars projects, a small portion of his vast fortune should be used for my mission to fill up the gap between the physical rational scientific mind and depleted religiously poisoned human spirit! 

Tomorrow, I will approach this critical topic again on Chris Mathieu’s radio show on April 14th and offer even more predictions and talk about UFOs on Frank Morano’s popular radio show on April 19th.

The window of April 12 was quite obvious and exceptional not only for the world at large to experience but also for the Turi family too and all is explained in the video above! If you have a Facebook page check the amazing videos posted for Terania’s birthday. Search for DrStars Sun, and join.


The next Plutonic DEADLY SOS to the world is set for April 17th, 2022, expect active reptilius infected lose killers actions, deadly dramatic police, secrets, sex news to come to light and wake up call! Thus expect anything deadly to transpire involving Russia and be cautious of what you say or do during any Plutonic window.  

I will soon bring the appropriate quatrain and keywords (below) on top of the page and post my predictions as they unfold around April 17th, 2022!

The next SHOCKING/EXPLOSIVE SOS to the world is set for April 12th, 2022, thus anything out of the ordinary will transpire including natural disasters. The chosen quatrain and keywords below will speak of the type of disturbing cosmic winds used by the reptilius that shocked the world and cursed the life of Will Smith! Will Smith strikes Chris Rock Forever Irreparable Damage! – Bruce Willis’ Retirement ShockerSo be ready for this type of unusual shocking news…

9155023081?profile=RESIZE_710x URANIC WINDOW

April 12 Starting 48 hours centering the given date, will last all the way to the next window)

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Japan / Asia / China / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Nuclear / Weird news / Freak / Bizarre / Unusual / Space / Rocket / Missile / Surprises / Unexpected / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling /Incredible / Strange Behavior / Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Invention / Science / Discovery / *Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Hacking / Cyber-attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / UFO’s / Cosmic phenomenon 


Frantic moment caught on camera as tornado bears down on Iowa news crew
Passengers revolt after plane is forced to land at a different airport
Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter Technology?

Strange Behavior?

4/12/22 –  5 people have been shot and several more injured in New York City subway shooting Shocking?

The shooting comes as New York City has experienced a spate of shootings and high-profile incidents in recent months, including on the city’s subways. One of the most shocking incidents occurred in January when a stranger pushed a woman to her death under a train.

Memo from 2022 Nostradamus personal/universal predictions for all signs: The reptilius are after the police, government officials, and children/teens! Policing will be so dangerous that many brave servants will quit and the number of cops getting killed or killing citizens will explode in the months to come. Infected criminals of all ages will get bolder and wilder committing crimes against the police and the public never experienced before!” 

Technology Alert: Elon Musk no longer joining Twitter’s board, in a major reversal 

Rich, famous but cosmic unconscious, instead of wasting billions on Mars Elon Musk should invest in my cosmic wisdom to better humanity!

Dr. Turi – Musk is a Cancer born on June 28, 1971. Also, your SOS for April 12 is operational on Sunday, April 10 ( 48 hours ) and this SOS is for Shocking news which explains Musk’s shocking decision! Great job as always. Pete –


Before elaborating on the next two SOS to the world’s deadly windows, let’s talk about Neil DeGrasse’s “educated” ignorance!

For specific karmic reasons, the experts, or those who pretend to know all about the universe are the least knowledgeable of God’s immaculate cosmic design and the reality of ETs! For Tyson to ridicule Divine astrology enunciates an oversized intellectual ego led by his five limited, rational limited human senses! 

Go Out of This World With Neil deGrasse Tyson or Dr. Turi?

“Reptilius infected Astrophysicist and planetary scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson discuss the importance of influencing the next generation of scientists into the pit of ignorance, atheism, scientific indoctrination, and blind skepticism!”

Tyson (a Libra) was created and endorsed by the scientific matrix while Joel Osteen (a Pisces) is the product of the deceptive religious matrix! And both are millions of miles away from the truth I represent pertaining to the universe’ spiritual purposes, UFOs, God’s cosmic design, Jesus’ cosmic ministry, and the cosmic code at large! 

Yet sad enough the reptilius will not endorse, nor promote the facts! 

The “deception” about humans living on Mars The Mars Cult Society A Deadly Deceptive Proposition” must be kept alive and so is anything related to the universe as perceived by “educated idiots” like DeGrasse.

What Tyson is talking about is nothing new, it’s something I learned back in 1965 when I was 15 years old! Yes, the universe is expanding but God did not put humans on earth to come to this conclusion and die when the Sun finally will obliterate the earth!

But Tyson’s UCI is so dry, so unevolved but he can not be blamed for being a blind “young soul” born under the eternal, professional rational student sign of Libra! 

But in reality, it is pure propaganda designed to maintain idiocy and “indoctrinate” your children to what a reptilius infected science (or religion) wants you to know! The fact is that; both matrixes could not exist without your support and donations!

Neil deGrasse Tyson Warns Science Need Your Money To Survive! – Dr. Turi M.D.U.S. (

And I do not have a national stage to educate people on the reality of UFOs and help society to build more cosmic consciousness!

“Soul Doctor and Astropsychologist Dr. Turi discuss the importance of influencing the next generation of children.”

Support Dr. Turi Children Teens UCI Education Project – Cosmic Code Donations 

 Mr. Tyson, Divine Astrology is not a religion or something you just believe in, it’s an old refined, mystical science you know nothing about because you never studied it!  And like Astronomer Halley (comet discoverer) you are not the only ignorant scientist forbidden by God himself to do so!

“Sir, Dr. Turi and I have studied the subject, you have not”Isaac Newton  

While I have challenged all famous atheists and skeptics for years publicly and reached for Tyson many times, he never accepted my challenge to prove him wrong by offering proof of my UFO’s predictive legacy!


Einstein’s and Tesla’s quotes should resonate with the rigid “scholastic” mind of Tyson but it seems his spiritual “educated” pride can’t be tamed by those men’s indisputable mental superiority.

Dr. Turi found the secret of the cosmic code and  Use it to guide people  and the world by making unarguable predictions  on radio and television

Image result“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest–a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.” Albert Einstein

As usual, if you took the time to read “Mass shootings Pennsylvania, Sacramento & Dallas PREDICTION!” it is simply impossible to deny the veracity of my April 4th window! With three deadly mass shootings the phrase in my quatrain “Ugly face of death drama horror surface” and keywords “lose killers/Death news” have once again spoken of the veracity of my UFO’s predictive legacy!

My windows also induce quakes at or above 6.0 and it’s undeniable!

4/3/22 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Port-Vila, Shefa, Vanuatu


The next Plutonic DEADLY SOS to the world is set for April 17th, 2022, expect active reptilius infected lose killers actions, deadly dramatic police, secrets, sex news to come to light and wake up call! Thus expect anything deadly to transpire and be cautious of what you say or do during a Plutonic window.

The chosen quatrain and keywords below already spoke of Russia’s atrocity  ‘mass grave’ in Ukraine reflect horrors of war” speaking of all the deadly news coming to light in Ukraine.


April 17 – // – // and (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)

Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign.


*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call. 



.Dr. Turi;  My friends were fascinated by how accurate your school of astrology is compared to the Vedic school in India.

MEMO –Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know!  Alan

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!

Email for more information. 

Support Dr. Turi Children Teens UCI Education Project – Cosmic Code Donations 

 AS MENTIONED IN MY MOVIE! He just won a $10 million lottery for the second time!

My latest movie “Superconscious Secrets” can only help the curious truth seeker learn more about the phenomenal, magical powers power we were all born with but rarely know how to tap on it!

Ultimately a live Zoom personal consultation is your best shot to find out all about your superconscious creative forces by checking the 12 specific areas of your life and gathering the answers to what it means to be human!  

Would you trust a boat Captain or an airline pilot not to check the weather before taking you on a long journey? This is what we do with our daily guidance and various forecasts, every single day of the year we prepare you for the future so you don’t get stuck in airports or die on the way! 


But be patient, a new UFOs/ET movie is being produced as we speak and on its way, for the public to enjoy! Once it’s ready it will be posted on my YouTube channel.

Sharing emails:

Once again Dr. TURI shows why he is the greatest astrologer in the world! You are the only astrologer to predict Putin’s behavior just as you predicted so many other world events. No astrologer in the world can match your record!
Once Again Dr. Turi Nailed it with His foretelling of Russia! Excellent choice to put up the visual of Putin’s chart, that alone should go a long way of people understanding what’s behind your Cosmic Wisdom. Don’t know how anyone can deny Dr. Turi’s Wisdom and Truths that he is unselfishly Sharing with the World! Continued Blessing for your due Diligence Dr. Turi Much Love and Happiest Birthday 🎉🎁 🎂 To You
Wow, thanks, Dr. Turi! You called the invasion before anyone else .



Good morning /evening Terania. It has been a long time since we chatted. Dr. Turi correctly predicted that I would have some issue with the head area. I have been having terrible headaches and the hospital has done some scans and they found some blood cloths which they say they need to operate on. I just need to find out if it is fine to operate within the next couple of days? Unfortunately, I need to find out pretty quick as they need to put my name down for surgery.b Kind regards 


Thank you very much, Dr. Turi, for guiding me and advising me during our session on my chart and relocation follow-up… Once again, thank you beyond words for your incredible predictions, warnings, time-consuming and precious wisdom you’re offering and teaching all of us… ” I have been a VIP for many, many years…I’m not a Facebook poster but I make sure that people know about Dr.Turi’s work and his products, including videos/movies that can be watched exposing the truth on UFOs, books that are divinely written with a wealth of information and showing us the way; to regain the right Christ consciousness…You and Terania are trying to make this world a better and safer place within our impermanent life, thanks to your most accurate predictions, your words of inspiration, and all the healing knowledge you have been providing us with … Your cosmic biorhythm report is life-saving and great guidance… Because of your constant guidance and persistence in saving us and our beautiful and abundant planet in the most genuine way, you offer some hope and I’m humbly grateful and blessed for all you and Terania do…

 With my best wishes always



Google User – Wow, Dr. Turi you predicted rightly about 1/6/2021, Dr. Turi. Your astrological report was the only and most accurate of all the ones done by other professionals on Coast to Coast am!


Congratulations for predicting things before anyone else has.  A new story just broke in the NY Times that Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner were laundering money for the Russians.

It may not be so long before we see the Presidents tax returns!  Trump’s kids are also in trouble as you have pointed out. When the Dragon changes signs into Scorpio, Ivanka Trump, a Scorpio, will face Karma!

You are a true prophet!

On July 9, on C2C they have a man who says he is an astrologer. William Stickevers predicted last September on Coast that Trump would be re-elected and Republicans would win the House and Senate! George never mentioned any of that!  Stickevers could not hold a candle to the incredible Dr. TURI!

 I cannot believe George has this FRAUD on his show!  You always said the IRS would nail Trump. Now it is starting… Well Done!

I know people who know George and, like Trump, a two-faced Gemini…  I listen once in a while to the podcast the day after a show on Coast. The astrologers and psychics that he has had on since January are a joke.

None of the predictions ever happen!

Without your knowledge and wisdom, the show is an absolute joke!

Another psychic said war was imminent.  I no longer bother to listen to Coast, if I am up late at night; driving home from Connecticut (part-time truck driver).

Please continue to provide your loyal followers with your remarkable predictions and insights into world events. I am forever grateful to you for your advice over the years. 

Your greatest witness will be history.

Live long and continue to prosper!

Be Safe and God Bless.



Susan –  I subscribed to Coast to Coast and I have heard you on Coast to Coast in the past. I recently found you on YouTube and I subscribed to your YouTube channel now. I no longer will listen to coast-to-coast your information is more credible than coast-to-coast. I had a coast insider subscription which I am now canceling. I am so disappointed they didn’t bring you on more. I’m saving up money so I can get a reading from you. keep the faith there are many people out there that need to hear what you have to say.

Jennifer  –  Dr. Turi I just saw you on the Amazon Prime movie today & KNEW you were the REAL DEAL!! Used to listen & support Coast to Coast. They lost all my respect and they have no integrity!! What a scam they ran on you!! I will support you, Dr. Turi!! I know you speak wisdom & truth!! I see what happened to you & it’s disgusting! And I hear your SOS loud & clear! May God continue to bless you & may His light continue to shine on you & your divine astrology.




About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.