“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to educated dunces“
“The universe is a DARK PLACE I’m trying to make it brighter before I die.” Neil DeGrasse
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi on Dr. J’s radio show Thursday, June 17 at 5:00 PM PT. If you can handle the undiluted truth, let’s talk about UFOs, the US, Russia, and the predicted “dance of Evil” Enjoy the show!
June 2021 SOS to the world deadly windows Posted by Dr. Turi on May 29, 2021, at 10:55 am
June 20 / (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign.
*Russia / Famous Death / *Dramatic Death News / Mass death / Police news / law enforcement Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction / Finances / *IRS / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.
My windows ALWAYS depict the high probability of earthquakes at or above 6.0
Expect mass shooting, terrorism, cops killing people, or being killed, secrets to light, famous death, wake-up call, etc. Stay away from any large gathering, be careful of what you say or do, caution the reptilius will be very active! – Will the police administration ever learn anything from a real modern Prophet!

Rudy Giuliani suspended from practicing law in New York state Wake up call?
2nd TV reporter lost her job after announcing she’d be speaking to Project Veritas Wake up call?
The reptilius are having fun hijacking weal minds, inducing conspiracies, fear nonsense, and make people lose everything!
Prison Experts Predict Derek Chauvin Will Be Killed Behind Bars? A bit late for them to make this prediction… I predicted this would happen the day he killed George Floyd on TV!
Britney Spears speaks out against ‘abusive’ conservatorship: ‘I just want my life back’
Former Philippine President Benigno Aquino dies age 61 Famous death?
John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison Famous death?
Ex-sportswriter: I was raped by an MLB player Sex? Secret to light?
Arrow’ star Stephen Amell kicked off flight after heated argument with wife
Rich, famous drunk reptilius infected and cosmic unconscious! A bad sign for the young actor who may not enjoy a long and healthy life!
Virginia’s Loudoun County School Board silences public comment after a raucous meeting
The government, teachers, parents, and their children are all cosmic unconscious, and uneducated on God’s cosmic design speaking his will through the stars!
Bodies of two young girls pulled from South Florida canal, police say
Memo: “The reptilius are after the police, governmental figures, and the children!”
Chicago mom beat by mob, shot in neck after parade dies days after boyfriend Reptilius
Russian ship fires warning shots, drops bombs near UK warship in Black Sea Russia?
Ron Johnson learned the hard way this weekend that actions have consequences Wake up call?
Those powerful elected idiots are in charge of our lives and those of your children yet they know nothing of themselves, the stars and the reptilius poisoning their own mind! Tragic for humanity!
Memo: 6/20/2021 on the given deadly window! This nasty group of reptilius is after the police, government officials, and children of all ages, and again today’s news can only confirm my visions! How can anyone deny my UFO’s predictive legacy?
AZ police shoot man, 35, after he plowed vehicle into a group of cyclists
Memo SOMEONE MUST BE RIGHT! Memo! Be very cautious, the nefarious reptilius group of ET’s will become dangerously obvious the next few days. Cops will be killed or kill people, avoid large gatherings, crazy infected people will become more active and deadly!
Bidens announce their ‘beloved’ German Shepherd Champ has died Famous death?
Losing a pet as painful as losing a loved one, after a few years, I still feel the pain of losing my beloved dogs Draco and Macho!
Deaths of Connecticut mom, young daughter declared murder-suicide.
Well before the coroner autopsy examination, I published the reason “Suicide/Reptilius” because the “Dance of Evil” will take much more depressed, infected, degenerated mothers and children. “America will lose many children!” It could be coming from a foreign power like Russia or North Korea since America is prone to suffer a nuke attack under Biden’s stars! “Kim Jong Un has a message for the US” Listen and share pls
Wife hiking with husband falls 200 feet to her death off cliff
This is I warn people with my SOS deadly windows, but this type of warning could never be offered to the churchgoers who were “trained” to fear Astrology! The fact is this untimely death could have been avoided had she and her husband been open to reading my warnings in this newsletter!
US law enforcement ‘very nervous’ about proactive policing as gun violence soars
Memo: The reptilius are after the police, government officials, teens, and children! A shortage of police will plague the US as we move further into the “Dance of Evil!”
Head-on bus crash leaves three people dead, multiple injured Dramatic death news?
Georgia officer dies after being dragged by fleeing motorist Police
Minneapolis shooting leaves 5 wounded Reptilius
5 injured in Colorado Springs shootings Reptilius
Gunman shoots man next to 2 children in broad daylight in the Bronx Reptilius?
Georgia officer dies after being dragged by fleeing motorist Police?
50 police officers leave crowd-control unit in Portland Police news?
2-year-old killed, three others injured in two shootings on Detroit freeways Reptilius
Memo: This nasty group of reptilius is after the police, government officials, and children of all ages, and again today’s news can only confirm my visions! How can anyone deny my UFO’s predictive legacy?
Trump is preparing for an indictment Wake Up Call?
‘Dawson’s Creek’ writer Heidi Ferrer commits suicide after contracting COVID-19 Suicide/Reptilius
Connecticut mom, 7-year-old daughter found dead at home Suicide/Reptilius
Two men kicked off United flight after fight over armrest Reptilius
Several tube riders found dead in North Carolina Dramatic news?
Ohio shooting victim dies after he’s run over by cops called to help Police news?
John Paragon, ‘Pee-wee’s Playhouse’ star, dead at 66 Famous death?
Driver charged in deadly crash reportedly was having sex?
Daredevil Alex Harvill dies while practicing for a world record motorcycle jump Famous death?
Update: A few hours after publishing this newsletter and the YouTube video above – One is killed and 12 are injured after a gunman goes on a drive-by shooting spree in Phoenix
The chaotic shooting spree spanned across eight separate scenes where shots were fired, as the gunman drove a white SUV through the area firing wildly at strangers, investigators said. The reptilius at work!
SOMEONE MUST BE RIGHT! Memo! Be very cautious, the nefarious reptilius group of ET’s will become dangerously obvious the next few days. Cops will be killed or kill people, avoid large gatherings, crazy infected people will become more active and deadly!
Dear readers;
My YouTube video explaining what a Mercury retrograde is all about did affect many businesses and I warned you to expect delays, frustrations, loss of time, etc. “Airline and bank websites go down in another major Internet failure”
Again who can deny the words, “airlines, technology” used in my newsletter and the video? The rest of the frustrating news “Largest highway closure ever’ going according to plan” can only prove my UFO’s predictive legacy!
The outages come just over a week after countless websites and apps around the world went down for about an hour when Fastly (FSLY), another major content delivery network, suffered a widespread failure.
Non-cosmic people will blame Russia instead of the reptilius and Putin love the attention… This does not mean he never did wrong to the US but no all outages can not be blamed on Russia…
How many millions of people on planet earth are suffering those disrupting or deadly cosmic winds readers? You are VERY LUCKY to be offered such rare cosmic wisdom because you are an EXTREME minority of curious and smart people who are reading my work!
Do you realize for a second how FRUSTRATING it is for those people STUCK in airports, do you think given a chance NOW, they would do all they can to avoid such a waste of time and money?
Only smart people become VIPs and plan their lives safely by reading our daily guidance and forecasts posted just before the 1st of each month all throughout the year! Be safe, be wise, save time and money join the Cosmic Code private website today!
It seems obvious those entities are running the show everywhere we look at and keep hijacking the body, mind, and soul of so many oblivious human beings! Indeed the situation will get much worse before it gets better!
Why the explosion in unruly air passengers
If you look at the current dramatic news involving suicide this trend will get much worse especially with female teens. This nasty group of reptilius is after the police, government officials, and children of all ages, and again today’s news can only confirm my visions!
For some “unknown” reasons it seems more people are going crazy! The endless chain of insane news is much too long but here are the latest! “1 dead, 2 injured after a dispute over mask at Georgia grocery store.” – ‘Do not touch me, I’ll destroy you!’: Video shows woman going nuts because McDonald’s employees wouldn’t mix slushy flavors even older people who spent a life together are becoming infected! “78-year-old charged with murdering his wife.”–“Suspect in Alabama workplace shooting found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot.”
While daily deaths have decreased in recent months, a dangerous coronavirus variant is on the rise
Royal Caribbean postpones cruise after 8 crew members test positive for COVID-19
You may test my accuracy when I tell you we are not out of trouble yet with Covid 19 variant and it will hurt and kill more people all the way to December 2021, then as of January 2022, slowly but surely it will become a story of the past!
Put your hands on the “2021 Nostradamus’ personal and universal forecast for all signs” and realize that all you are witnessing today was FULLY predicted back in August 2019 when I wrote my predictions!
“If you are not happy its because you do not live your destiny” – Nostradamus
Nostradamus 2021 Universal and Personal Forecast
Order your 2020 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates
(Tyson was born a pothead – There is always a bit of truth in his sarcastic jokes!)
Astrophysicist on UFO sightings: It looks terrestrial, not alien
Tyson; As a scientist, I want to believe in UFOs, but …I can assure you UFOs and ET’s are very real my friends… In fact, Tyson the last person on earth to ask such questions while people like me have REAL answers to share with the public but in my case, it seems the UFOs community, the religious fanatics, and close friends (CTCam/George and Tom) muted me! Please help me re-instate “Alien Contactee” on Amazon Prime!
I really want to offer my supporters “The Superconscious Secrets Revealed” Dr. Turi’s New planned Movie but to do so I need to revert all the negative reviews and only YOU can do it! Please Ask for Alien Contactee to be reinstated! Thank you for your support, my good friends. We need many more of those emails of support from you! The easiest way to contact Amazon is: HERE
As mentioned to you many times before they are not attracted to those in power or notorious “well-read” morons who were given a national stage to mislead and in some cases, abuse their kind!
“In 2014, a woman named Tchiya Amet accused Neil deGrasse Tyson of raping her while they were both graduate students in astronomy at UT Austin, ultimately leading to her dropping out of the program. Dr. Tyson was accused of sexual misconduct by 4 other women, yet, the American Museum of Natural History said he would remain director of the Hayden Planetarium.”
Tyson was born a Libra (professional student) and psychically/mentally ill-equipped to delegate anything about UFO’s, ETs, or the Divine – The sad fact is “educated idiots,” like Astrophysicists Hakeem Oluseyi and NeilDegrasse, like your government and the scientific community have absolutely NO clue as to what or why various groups of ET’s, are cursing humans of all ages and from all walks of life on planet earth!
The natal UCI *Unique Celestial Identity of those young souls is much too earthy and not spiritually advanced/refined enough to delegate the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic awareness, UFOs or the spirit!
They are not allowed in the “Divine realm” and can only see and judge life through their five limited rational human senses! In another word, they can only see as far as the end of their noses and educated pride blinds them to what they could never experience, accept, assimilate or appreciate!
ET’s are only after, spiritual people like me; who have something Astrophysicists Hakeem Oluseyi, Neil Degrasse, famous UFOs “talking heads” and 99.09% of humans walking this earth; will never have. Spiritual values, cosmic consciousness, or a gift of perception!
Watch “Alien Contactee” on Tubi
Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals
Be sure, those ET’s are masters of matter/supreme engineers and will get NOTHING from this normal human crowd! The sad reality is the stage is often offered to those trying to explain a multitude of mind-boggling phenomenons they never experienced personally. While those like me, who were touched directly by ET’s are envied, ignored, or even ridicule.
A true contactee will have something unusual or a legacy to show for and in my case, it is more than obvious, yet not readily understood or accepted!
When I keep “harassing” my readers on a daily basis with my visions as they come to pass, not everyone is able to pay attention! Thus repetition is my only option!
If you think COVID 19, death and drama is over and life will soon return fully normal think again! if you watched my videos I keep reminding you it’s not over yet! It won’t be before the middle of next year and America is about to lose a lot of children and instead of killing the messenger, you may want to share my critical visions and prepare yourself.
I wish I had positive news for you reader, but unless the world becomes cosmic conscious and acknowledges those nefarious entities cursing the human mind and learns how to fight them through the Super-Conscious my dramatic visions will become clearer with all passing days!
2021/2022 Year of winds and fires
Do you recall my words? No one, directly or indirectly involved with the US Capitol invasion will escape karma, this includes Trump, his family, his supporting mignons, and some of his reptilius infected aggressive base.”
“Infected” Lara Trump telling border citizens to ‘arm up’
Memo from “SOS TO THE WORLD DEADLY WINDOW 06/07/21.” Anything and everything can and will happen thus a BIG SURPRISE and a WAKE-UP CALL is ahead on any of my future SOS to the world deadly window of June 21st, 24th 2021.”
My vision will come to pass! Update: 6/18/21 – “Trump is preparing for an indictment”
Cosmic God may spare humanity
Hitler’s famous infected spirit to die
The world rejoices infected souls cry
Written by Dr. Turi 4/10/2018
I have another quatrain dedicated to Barr’s fate.
Dying flowers mid-month of October war April
Reptilius led leak weak decisions
From high to low dark rotten lawmakers
The world to learn tainted power
Written by Dr. Turi 6/11/21
See why other supporters are signing, why this petition is important to them, and share your reason for signing (this will mean a lot to me. http://chng.it/RjpxCfhtqh
Cotee Harper
Awareness is the key to everything ❤️
Karen Baker
I’m signing because I want to help.
Melanie Sindone
I truly believe you, Dr. Turi. People could benefit from your/this knowledge. They are hurting and need guidance but do not have honest, trustworthy, individuals to turn to for help.
Maria Finizia
I believe in positive vibrations. We need to wake up. Be strong. And love one another. Make peace not war.
Alleen Rodriguez
I believe in the power of pure and positive intention.
kim thompson
I believe in Dr. Turi, his wisdom and knowledge, and his positive intentions for all people and this planet, and I wish to support his endeavors to educate and enlighten people. I would like to help.
It is time for wholeness, change and truth.
i just want to know the truth …
Rose Garcia
Education systems have to change. Propagating narrow visioned theories that exclude acknowledging the beings not of this planet, that have been around for millions of years is just ludicrous.
susan grabina
Dr. Turi is a genius and we need his knowledge
Rod Ciferri
Because it’s the truth – it’s time for all you discarnate entities who have been pulling the strings on much of humanity for eons to move along – it’s ok if you let the door hit you on your loser backsides on the way out!
Brad Rissman
I want everyone to become more aware of the true consequences of our action
Matt Spence
Wanting to raise awareness to humanity about the truth so we can have a bright future
Ed TheSun
Have had numerous UFO experiences, some I initiated and some came upon there own will.
Luigi Consalvo
To raise the awareness
Cheryl Bauer
I;m signing this because I want the people to wake up and know the truth.
Louis Turi
Once you join us I will take good care of your spirit on YouTube and teach you all the secrets of the Cosmic Code jurisdictions. God is my witness as we explore his Divinity and magnificent creation outside of conventional, deceptive indoctrinating fearful beliefs! www.drturi.com