SOS to the world deadly window 12/20/20 be ready for SHOCKING, EXPLOSIVE news!

Dear readers;

11/19/20 – Dr. Turi Tracie Austin TV & KGRA Radio
12/7/20 – Dr. Turi on Lorien Fenton Files
2/2/21 – Dr. Turi  with Deborah Beauvais 


 11/10/20 – Dr. Turi on Jeff Mara Podcast – Another captivating, educational radio show!

Donald Trump Jr. tests positive for coronavirus Shocking?

With the current 2020 dragon on his house of death Trump’s son in serious danger of very serious respiratory complications. Let’s pray for his recovery!

Image from WISN-TV

Multiple people wounded in active shooting at a mall near Milwaukee  Shocking?


1,707 coronavirus deaths were reported in 1 day. That’s the highest daily death toll in 6 months 
Bobby Brown Jr., son of singer Bobby Brown, dies at 28  Famous death?

Dear reader;

If you took the time to investigate 11/14/20 SOS to the world deadly window the quatrain and keywords used certainly reflects the type of dramatic, deadly news I was warning you about! More in the video above… 

Again readers, “The True $$$$$$$$$$pirit of NASA” Must entertain you with yet, another discovery!One of the best places to look for life in the solar system is erupting with water: scientists don’t know why”

The researchers used images collected by NASA’s Galileo spacecraft to come up with their theory.

Europa’s ocean is under a dense layer of frozen crust that is largely believed to be at least six and as many as 19 miles thick. The surface temperature on the moon is exceptionally cold as well, approximately minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit at the equator and minus 370 degrees Fahrenheit at the poles!

” God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty (or for NASA scientists!) He gave them to us for interpretations so we may lead a safer more productive life!” Paracelsus

The next cosmic winds are going to be very different and involve SHOCKING NEWS, explosions, large earthquakes, cosmic news, etc., If you are into UFO’s both the benevolent Draconis and the nasty reptilius will be very active!  this window is now operational be careful…

Hi Louis, this past Monday 11/16 we got shocking news at work. A psychiatrist born 11/16/73 on his way to work On Sunday 11/15 killed himself by throwing himself in front of an NYC subway train. He was such a kind and good doctor, we all cried, just 47 yrs old. You never know what’s going through peoples minds 🙏


Cheryl is a student of mine and a nurse in N.Y.

DT – The 2020 dragon Gemini/Sagittarius is right in his 8th house of death… RIP! He was born with this dragon Gemini/Sagittarius axis in mutual reception in 1973/2020! He could not handle the pressure and the reptilius got his body, mind, and soul … Many more people have and will commit suicide as we slowly move into the predicted “reptilius dance of evil” Hun! Be strong, do not feed them with negative thoughts!  Blessings DT

NOV //-//-2020

Read all the details of all the 2020 and 2021 SOS to the world deadly windows ahead of time – Join us on the Cosmic Code private website

My windows ALWAYS depict the high probability of earthquakes at or above 6.0

UTC time: Sunday, November 15, 2020, 22:37 PM 6.0 in MarihatagCaragaPhilippines – Note the show was taped 11/10/20 – Dr. Turi on Jeff Mara and because of the time zone in the Philippines some mathematics must be done – The Philippines are 13 hours ahead of Washington, DC, thus the quake took place on 11/15/20 at 22:37 PM UTC time or 90 mn before the 16th!  Then Jeff’s show needed some editing and waited until November 14 before posting the show on YouTube, thus the window is dead on! 

It is so important for humanity to STOP feeding the reptilius infected deceptive scientific community wasting incredible fortunes making you believe one day NASA will put a man on Mars (or Europa!)

While the great Draconis are stimulating the mind of our scientists to develop marvelous technology, the reptilius are leading all the greedy billionaires to invest in those ridiculous projects because they are in for financial purposes only! 

All those “educated idiots” did last 20 years is to build a space station 254 ridiculous miles from earth and go to the moon! 

Memo: Apollo 17 became the last manned mission to the Moon, for an indefinite amount of time. The main reason for this was money. The cost of getting to the Moon was, ironically, astronomical.

No man will pass the moon’s obits physically ever and, you must see through this masquerade and instead, invest in Mother Earth and in God’s spiritual critical purposes involving our solar system.

This is why it is critical for all my supporters to watch the movie and get the undiluted cosmic truths offered in this production!  

Unless humanity reconnects with God and his Son Jesus’s initial cosmic Ministry, understand and, wisely use his cosmic design science will end up destroying the world! While those missions are financially oriented and deceptive in nature, is there any practical applications that could help you deal with life at a personal level?

Absolutely NONE readers, because that was not the purpose of the creator and to this day, scientists think they know better than God and one-day science will offer you all the answers!

The world is going in the wrong direction, we need to go back to the source and learning all about the stars, something humans from all walks of life have been enslaved by God himself to find out! 

“For evil to succeed all the good people have to do is NOTHING!”

I need your help so the children of the future will be able to enjoy a fruitful, safe life! 

And if you read the few comments I posted below of some of the smart, intuitive people who watched my new movie, you will realize the critical values of my cosmic work and share it widely so we can finally enjoy the promises and blessings of the New Age of Aquarius!

You must help me build my first Astropsychology school and gather  thousands of “Teachers of Teachers of Light!”  Let do this while we can readers!

Great news, the new Amazon Prime movie “Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology” is now available for the world to enjoy and learn more about God’s immaculate cosmic design!  Please go to Amazon Prime and IMDb to rate the movie! Thank you all, DT.

From the United States

I would give more stars if I could. I can’t get enough of this stuff. I was glued to the TV and did not take my eyes off it the entire time. Every time I watch him I learn more and more. He is incredible at what he is doing for us. WAKE UP and LISTEN to Dr. Turi. I am on my 3rd book of his. I just can’t get enough. I also watch and read his newsletters and his videos on YouTube.
Very informative & well done. We have arrived at a time in our lives where we all need this higher learning. Thank you to Dr. Turi for providing so much great information.
Loved the Presentation and Do Feel the Sense of Regeneration.
Thank You Dr. Turi
Incredible! Thank you Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi did a magnificent, powerful and informative presentation regarding divine astrology and cosmic code. Everyone should watch this movie and learn to access the power within themselves through the stars. Thanks for putting this information out there for the world to hear.
This was a very good and detailed documentary that is fascinating and compelling! Dr. Turi is excellent at explaining astrology, and how it relates to everything and everyone. Very interesting! I would love to see more movies from Turi.
Enjoyed the detail and explanation of Divine Astrology. Well done.
Powerful Message!! Wonderfully produced!
Dr Turi is a great teacher!
Thumb up! Very informative! Thank you!
Dr. Turi; An awesome teacher and author. Knowledge is power and ignorance is evil.
One person found this helpful


More good news…

ANOTHER part of the documentary, is being produced and there I perform a live Full Life Reading, for the Director and it is on its way!  Both new documentaries will also be translated into many languages! 

Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals

While “ALIEN CONTACTEE” is still doing extraordinarily well, I foresee the ratings of the new movies will surpass the first one!  Please click on “Divine Astrology” to watch the movie, then click on the 5 stars and give me your honest feedback reader! You may also rate the movie from IMDb

Thank you, readers…

Please sign my petition


Dragon’s Tail 20Sag48 (7) (public life/others/partners) Sad enough Donald Trump’ Sagittarius unrefined Dragon’s Tail is spoiling, tarnishing his public image with emotional remarks about racism,  Angela Merkel on Germany shooting that killed 9: ‘Racism is poison” religions, “Protesters Dispersed With Tear Gas As Trump Visits Church” foreigners, education, colleges, “U.S. colleges struggle to salvage fall semester amid COVID” universities, foreign affairsand he is very unlucky with the law. 11/14/20 – “Trump had a very bad Friday in court with his election cases. They’re headed for more action next week.”

Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine is 94.5% effective

To those who do not know… In many of my videos on YouTube, a while back I clearly said, “When you elect a President the people under his command are forced to suffer is stars, his fate and, endure his idiosyncrasies *conspiracies *Covid 19! Once removed from power WE the people will not have to suffer his stars (the wall/Virus) any longer!” But are you ready for the stars and fate imposed by President elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? 

 I also predicted that this reptilius curse will end in early 2022!  One of my visions has again spoken and proved me right with this great medical announcement so many of us were waiting for! 

Learn more about your President UCI outside of conventional psychiatry! 

I am a Gemini, I’ll make your head spin!

Posted to the world on January 26, 2015

Prepare Month of Blooming June icy *December
White Moon Ninth Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
Cosmic God May (DID/MAY) Grace Humanity


I gave the month of December, for Trump to exit the White House, which also reflects the accuracy of a quatrain, I wrote 5 years ago! 


The world’s largest wetlands are on fire. That’s a disaster for all of us

The world watched as California and the Amazon went up in flames this year, but the largest tropical wetland on earth has been ablaze for months, largely unnoticed by the outside world.

From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/2019 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups*Antifa? and institutions in 2021.*POLICE?*Supreme Court of the United States? He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”


Mamacrow – Thank you for this excellent report… Thank you again. Fantastic! I WAS a Hogue subscriber… WAS.

The magical power of talismans

Get the new 2021 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs from Paypal or ORDER from my website

How will the new 2021 cosmic winds affect your life and all the people you care about? Find out and have a winning edge on your future by using Nostradamus 16th century Divine Astrology!  You may also put your hand on the 2020 version for only $5.00 and check how the rest of the 2020 cosmic winds will affect your life.

 “If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!” Nostradamus

Since I hurt my back OTR for FedEx I can not drive long distances anymore and I am now open to take care of many of you. But if you want to avoid paying a fortune to meet me live on Zoom, show you real support for my cosmic work and become a VIP or a Patreon first to save a lot of money! You may also email if you want to become a student or need more information!

MEMO – Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010: You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know!  Alan

Hitler was born with the same astrological configuration as Trump and feared power and wealth! He was able to “hypnotize” his base first then forced the entire German population to submit with his passionate hatred speeches.

The new 2021 Nostradamus’ personal & universal predictions updated e-book version is now ready to purchase. The long series of predictions for 2021 is something you must be aware of and prepared for and use to your advantage. The exact date to when the world will finally be free from COVID19 and other critical visions is also offered to my trusting readers.  You may also put your hand on the 2020 version for only $5:00 and check how the rest of 2020 cosmic winds will affect your life. 




About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.