PANDEMIC WILL END – SOS to the world Shocking Window 01/03/2022



 “The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to “educated dunces

“The universe is a DARK PLACE I’m trying to make it brighter before I die.” Neil DeGrasse

The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr. Turi

Read 2022 Scorpius Dragon

Pay attention to the planet Mercury (communication/transportation) will turn retrograde from January 14 to February 3, 2022. But contrary to modern Astrology Divine Astrology dates starts before and last after the given dates… 

Millions of oblivious people and powerful organizations will pay a serious and costly price for ignoring or ridiculing God’s cosmic design and its accompanying universal rules! 

Coast to Coast am another “Prophets Wanna Be 2022 New Year Special Waste!

Amazing how gifted people who do not really need to advertise get muted or kicked out from various popular platforms… Ingenuity, accuracy, originality, dignity, and the truth don’t exist anymore? 

“When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.”— Jonathan Swift

Thanks, CTC am! Don’t expect much from Prophets wanna be invited on Coast to Coast am offering their “visions!” John Hogue’s predictions for 2022 are simply ridiculous, unrealistic, very gloomy, depressive, and not to be trusted!

With the deadly Scorpius Dragon’s Tail cursing his own subconscious in no way can Hogue regenerate himself or anyone listening to his “wrath of God” type of garbage!

I did not listen to him (my spies did) yet I am sure you must have felt like committing suicide once listening to the CTC am program!

Especially with the pandemic, the US and the world’s economy, and ex-President Trump! I will soon write an article and make a new video and give you REAL, trustworthy predictions for 2022.

Dr. Turi’s real predictions, warnings, facts, and the truth are not welcome on Coast to Coast am remember?

Google User Wow, Dr. Turi you predicted rightly about 1/6/2021, US Capitol invasion -Dr. Turi. Your astrological report was the only and most accurate of all the ones done by other professionals on Coast to Coast am!

Read more about “Hogue” and many other psychics, astrologers’ previous predictions that have all failed CTC am vast audiences.  


Dr. Turi; Thank You for your decision to make a video and article on predictions for 2022.  I am sick and tired of all the frauds on Coast 2 Coast.
God Bless you.



January 4 – // – // Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)

Entrails Upset Spit Above
Red Fire Wind Water to Dance
Stars Command Shock Science
Calm Deception to Strike

Japan / Asia / China / US / France / Italy / Gold / Cosmic – Space News / NASA / Nukes / Weird Original news / Freak / Bizarre / Unusual / Space / Rocket / Missile / Surprises / Unexpected / Explosions / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling /Incredible / Strange Behavior/ Awakening / Bombshell / Mind Boggling / Crazy / Lightning / Electricity / Fire / Unusual / Unexpected / Humanitarianism / Children / Teens / Unrest / Fascinating / Genius / Discovery / Very old – Very new / Invention / Science / Discovery / *Earthquakes (always at or above 6.0 / Tsunami / Typhoon / Hurricane / Volcanoes/ Tornadoes / Airports / Airline / Aeronautics / Planes / Balloons / Helicopters / Drone / Technology / Hacking / Cyber attack / Internet / Electricity / Electronics / Television / UFO’s / Cosmic phenomenon 

1/6/22 – 6.1 magnitude earthquake near Corinto, Chinandega, Nicaragua
1/5/226.0 magnitude earthquake Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia
1/4/22 – 6.2 magnitude earthquake near Hualian, Taiwan, Taiwan
1/4/22 – 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Sola, Torba, Vanuatu
1/3/227 tornadoes hit KentuckyRed Fire Wind Water to Dance?

My “SOS to the world deadly window Dec 29, 2021, always depict a high probability for tornadoes,volcanic activity and earthquakes at or above 6.0  

12/29/21 – 7.3 magnitude earthquake near Lospalos, Lautém, East Timor
12/31/21 – Destructive tornado touches down in Covington, Georgia


A young woman reacts during the march. Women from the collective NousToutes organized a protest Toulouse against sexual violence and patriarchy. They demand more meanings to the French government to protect women beaten by their partner. They say that 65% of killed women came to the police to make a complaint but police classifeied the complaints. They also ask police to have a better trianing to pay attention to these complaints. To date, 101 women have been killed by their partner in France. Toulouse. France. November21th 2021. (Photo by Alain Pitton/NurPhoto via AP)3 women brutally killed in France, in ‘unbearable’ start to year

Speaking to CNN, Marylie Breuil, spokesperson for Nous Toutes, a French feminist campaign group, said that although the killings were “shocking,” campaigners in the country were sadly “not surprised” by the turn of events. “Violence doesn’t stop with the New Year,” she said.

Texas mom charged after teen child found in trunk of car at COVID-19 testing site

Even with a quatrain and OBVIOUS keywords such as “Children? Shocking? Strange Behavior? Weird? Stunning? Baffling? Incredible? Strange? Unusual? etc.” young envious souls are not spiritually advanced enough to recognize and accept the predictive gift induced by my UFOs predictive legacy! 


Looking at her Pisces stars there is no doubt in my mind, she committed suicide! The Dragon’s tail in her 10th house of career last two years put too much stress on such a soft, sensitive emotional, shy sign. Her chart was overloaded with heavy Saturn and being non-cosmic conscious, she succumbed to the “black moon.” 
She consumed too many antidepressants to survive and fight depressions but the reptilius finally got her body, mind, and soul!
She was an easy target since she did not have the stars for stardom and the crazy lifestyle imposed on famous people was too much for her.
With no one cosmic conscious to help her near, in death she found the peace she so desperately sought for so long! God Bless Her Beautiful Soul…

China, US, UK, France, and Russia pledge to avoid nuclear war Nukes?
China locks down city of 1.2 million after 3 Covid cases found China?
China’s longest underwater highway tunnel opens China?
French TV star Bogdanoff dies of Covid, days after twin brother France?
Inventors come up with a new wrapping material that dissolves Invention?
A look at the stunning fall of Elizabeth Holme Stunning?
Newborns to teens, hospital has a deluge of Covid-19 patients. Children? 

Memo: Those entities are after the police, government officials, teens, and the children because they are the most vulnerable members of our society and will stimulate reptilius infected lost souls to engage in dangerous or criminal acts never experienced before!

Kris Jenner avoids question when Stormi interrupts Children? 

When Andy Cohen asked Kris Jenner about Kim Kardashian’s rumored relationship with comedian Pete Davidson, she had the perfect distraction as her granddaughter Stormi Jenner made a surprise appearance on screen. Strange Behavior?

NYPD officer shot in the head while resting in his car Shocking?

Memo: Those entities are after the police, government officials, teens, and the children because they are the most vulnerable members of our society and will stimulate reptilius infected lost souls to engage in dangerous or criminal acts never experienced before!


Māori journalist becomes first person with facial markings

With the help of my OBVIOUS keywords If you are unable to realize or accept this picture is indeed part of a “Weird and Original news” you may have a problem discerning reality and my cosmic work! Yet as incredible as it may sound “Young Immature envious souls” will still deny the obvious!

NASA will launch a mission to a valuable, unexplored world NASA?

NASA infected scientific corporate matrix is as deceptive as the Vatican’s religious matrix’s financial/political oriented purposes!

874 cars were torched in France on New Year’s Tradition France?
Thousands more flights canceled across US  Airports / Airlines
Dad goes to 7-Eleven for chocolate milk wins 1 million Surprise?
2 killed in stampede at Indian shrine Shocking Idiocy

“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak to fools.” Dr. Turi


Dear reader;

My YouTube video elaborates on what to expect about the pandemic and on January 4th, 2022, please pay attention to my warnings and share widely.

Also, do me a favor if you are a true supporter, click on the link below, and sign my petition. Together and with my cosmic teachings, we can make this world a better, safer, peaceful, lovely world! Thank you all.

Sign my petition, help the world assimilate God’s cosmic design! 

If you never visited Thailand a great opportunity is offered on my Facebook page for you to do so! As a cosmic teacher and a public person, I share all my crazy experiences with anyone willing to enjoy my pictures and great videos.

Go to your Facebook page and search for DrStars Sun and join me there for more!

Yes it’s a real big cat (over a 1000 pounds Liger!) This experience was very humbling to me because this wild beast could have easily broken the chain and killed me had he decided to do so! At this moment I truly realized how vulnerable humans truly are and how precious life is…

Year of the Tiger - 2022 Chinese Zodiac

I was born in 1950 in the  “year of the Tiger” or Aquarius  but I would not fight this guy on his turf lol

I also had a 4000-pound “pachyderm”  gently massaging my back and, watched a few shows which I share on my Facebook page.  

As usual, if you took the time to read “SOS to the world deadly window Dec 29, 2021 – You Have Been Warned!” and pay real attention to my YouTube video warnings, denying all the predicted dramatic, deadly news is simply impossible! 

Yet, even with the obvious dated, well-documented predictions using Nostradamus’ 16th century Divine Astrology methodology, not all human beings are able or willing to accept the facts I represent! 

Mankind will in time wake up, realize its errors by maintaining deceptive archaic religious teachings and supporting our infantile deceptive scientific community’s financial Mars’ endeavors…

On January 18, 2022, at 1:50 PM the cosmic “Change of Guards” will take place with the new Scorpius dragon enforcing a total personal and universal rebirth!

This unavoidable often deadly and dramatic universal metamorphosis will also affect all countries and every single human at a personal level by house and signs!

Knowing in 2022 where you must “die and rebirth” and be prepared will become a major contribution to seriously benefit or dramatically suffer God’s cosmic will! 


Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

Never experienced before devastating natural disasters induced by climate changes, combined with political unrest is forcing millions of people to seek a better, safer life!

Yet those unfortunate migrants are not always welcome and many have and will perish in their challenging journeys…

They must face conditions and hardship many of you will never experience in a country where opportunities, jobs, and security is not existing!

Over 25000 migrants died on their journeys over the last few years

Those migrants must endure exposure to the elements, cold or burning temperatures, terrible weather, dangerous seas, rapists, and gangs stealing their meager possessions all along the way.

They are fleeing injustice, abuses, death, uncaring governmental forces hoping for a better future for their children. That is all they have to keep forging forward! 

Those who have the power, the wealth, the security are all corrupted to the core and ready to do ANYTHING to keep the greed at any cost! 

This dragon is unforgiving, deadly, remarkably dramatic, and will force more dignified governments and other responsible human beings to feel the pain and act to help, to feed, and protect those in need! But countless souls will die well before…

I am warning you, readers, the predicted “SCORPIUS DANCE OF EVIL” will kill many “possessed” teens and children and people from all walks of life!

Often in mass-murdering as the reptilius will use this deadly dragon to stimulate infected kids14-year-old arrested in connection with convenience store shooting that left 3 dead” and criminals to act out all that is pure EVIL!

Memo: Those entities are after the police, government officials, teens, and the children because they are the most vulnerable members of our society and will stimulate some of them to engage in dangerous or criminal acts never experienced before!

I wish I had better and positive visions for you my friend, but I can only translate the cosmic hieroglyphs as they are! And an indoctrinated religious or scientifically oriented society can only seek plausible answers through accepted doctrines or their educated logic.

The creator did not put us on earth to suffocate with pain and suffering,  but to experience, to learn, and enjoy the Garden of Eden as he created it for his children!

But only an extreme minority of “wise men” speak God’s cosmic language and know how to “heed the signs!” 

Regardless of what God’s cosmic will is karmically imposing upon this earth, governments,  countries, and its people, the changes I foresee will be progressive and make many of us rebirth from our own ashes… Better and wiser!

2022 – Are You Ready To “Die and Rebirth?” Special end-of-the-year discount offered! 



Many of my readers are, secretively learning from my cosmic gift and it is an honor for me to be able to do so, yet the rewards do not match the interest I generate around the world, especially in India!

MEMO – Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent in 2010:You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE, you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment, my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know! 


So far 1,083  spiritually advanced and committed souls have signed my petition and to them, I say thank you for wanting to help me make this world a better, safer place for the children of the future… Because I know if there is a will to do so, it can be done! 

It is only when the student is ready that the real gifted teacher will appear and it is only if you “vibrate” at my cosmic speed that you will show a pure interest and make a real commitment to wanting to learn and support my work! Your best shot is to become a student of Astropsychology and digest 16 MP3 files… This is a full week of incredible teachings you can only get with me.

The wisdom you will acquire will not only change your conception of life but will stay with you for the rest of your existence. I am 72 and God willing, I have only a few years left. It took me a lifetime to master and read the hieroglyphs of the universe, to understand God’s cosmic design, and realize Jesus’ initial Cosmic Ministry… 

It is only through gifted people like you and me that this supreme cosmic wisdom will survive and I need many of you to carry on leading and burning the torch of pure universal wisdom.

Don’t forget, while religions and science are an intrinsic part of the human experience both are ruled by the nefarious reptilius… Email she will guide you into the light, as we must keep shining!

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!



Due to the deadly pandemic, 2021 has been a very karmic and memorable year; for the entire world! So far, Covid has killed 5,113,808 souls and still takes over 3,000 people per day! 
This disease has destroyed countless lives and businesses, inducing insecurity; depression, chaos; discord, incredible challenges; suicides, and death!  
People of all ages and from all walks of life; slowly degenerated spiritually and many of us were forced to literally “die and rebirth.”
And all the while, I predicted; “a universal infestation” that would affect the human respiratory system, in my “2020/2021 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast”
The good news is; the year 2022 will mark the end, of the pandemic!  

I understood the importance of feeding your spirit with my cosmic wisdom and for months, on my YouTube channel, I did just that… Yet; I also promised my supporters from all around the world a new movie on Amazon Prime; that would divulge all of Nostradamus’ healing secrets and elaborate on the supra-conscious creative forces.

Since Covid made projects almost impossible, for many of us; I was quite frustrated, not to be able to fulfill; my promise to you.
Bob Brown Director of UFO Mega
But God has a plan for each one of us and I could not hope for a better opportunity; offered to me during my last conference, in Las Vegas; by my friend Bob Brown, Director of UFO Mega.
No one has or will be able;  to put UFO conferences together, as he did; for many years! 
Thank you, Bob… Because of you, I will be able to heal the body, mind, and soul of many people; at your SPECIAL HEALING LIVE EVENT in Las Vegas, March 2022.
I have only two hours; to do my presentation and introduce my new UFO documentary and my improved UFO slide show.
In a nutshell, I will lecture and prepare you; on how to use the forces of your subconscious. 
Then, while a piece of soft music; will envelop the room and your spirit, I will put you in a light; safe hypnotic trance and stimulate your subconscious creative forces, to work their magic on your behalf.
Sit back, relax and enjoy the Divine at work.
Then; the best for last… You will pick a partner of your choice, and under my guidance; you will learn all about Nostradamus homeopathic natural healings tools, using your hands and feet.
This newly acquired wisdom; will stay with you for the rest of your life and can be practiced, on your loved ones. 
 As usual, those two hours; will fly by fast but my lecture and workshop will be recorded and offered at a later date, to those who could not attend the life-transforming event. 
As you all know, my services are quite expensive, and not every one of you can afford $350 or $700 on my live, zoon regenerative consultations.
Price-wise, I am simply unapproachable for too many people; in desperate need, of my cosmic wisdom and healing! 
This is your best chance to enjoy my gift, meet spiritually inclined people; who vibrate at your highest spiritual values, and have a specific good karmic purpose in your life.
Please read all the details; of the best of the best, I can offer you personally; for ONLY $25.00 when you sign for my lecture and workshop!
The UFO Mega executives are in the process of adding more incredible healers and UFOs speakers; from the world that, like me can, and will change your conception of reality and your life for the best.
Visit the main website often and attend as many lectures and workshops as you can.
Rooms will be booked rapidly, act ASAP so you can make good use of the discounts!
You Own The Power Of The Divine –Healing the body mind and soul:  
The deadly pandemic changed and destroyed many lives all around the world living millions of people confused, scared, depressed, and degenerated. The stars in 2022 are imposing a full rebirth of the human race. Knowledge is power, ignorance is power, at a personal level, it starts with Dr. Turi’s rare Cosmic Teachings.
Since life is a constant process of changes and “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought”  Dr. Turi’s safe hypnotherapy expertise will help you adjust your astral body, reach your subconscious creative forces and, stimulate its power.
Dr. Turi explains the working of the Super-conscious in time and space and how you were born to create your future.  Solid examples will be offered to the attendance that will change your entire conception of reality! 
Using safe and relaxing hypnotherapy techniques, this workshop will heal your body-mind, and soul. Reaching your wishes for love, health, and financial security will become a real possibility. The positive suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and will open the golden door to the “creative magic” you were born with and, a much more positive attitude towards life in general. 
A wonderful experience you will never forget for as long as you live! Using your own super-conscious power, the golden key to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life will be offered to you.
After this light hypnotic session, you will become much more aware of what consciousness is and what creating your own future with your thoughts is all about! Miracles do happen, I will guide you to make yours become a reality! 
Dr. Turi is a 12 year Cancer survivor who refused chemotherapy and instead used his own “Natural Blood Transfusion” creation to boost his immune system, regain his strength and save his life. His story and his secret will be shared with the attendance.
In the following workshop on Nostradamus’ 16th-century natural healing, I will share the great Seer’s secrets to longevity. A pearl of rare wisdom that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Dr. Turi’s best-seller “Beyond The Secret” is a major contribution to your success and will seal your newly acquired wisdom offered in the workshop.  Book signing at the booth.


 Healing the body mind and soul:   
The deadly pandemic changed and destroyed many lives all around the world living millions of people confused, scared, depressed, degenerated, and suicidal. Do not lose hope, have faith help is on the way!
In 2022, the stars are imposing a full rebirth of all the human race affairs, and those changes are karmically imposed by God Cosmic Design. The Universal clock never stops and imposes constant changes you can not avoid!  Knowledge is power, ignorance is power, at a personal level, it starts with Dr. Turi’s rare cosmic teachings.
Since life is a constant process of changes and “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought”  Dr. Turi’s safe hypnotherapy expertise will help you adjust your astral body, reach your subconscious creative forces and, stimulate its power.
Dr. Turi explains the working of the Super-conscious in time and space and how you were born to create your future.  Solid examples will be offered to the attendance that will change your entire conception of reality! 
Using safe and relaxing hypnotherapy techniques, this workshop will heal your body-mind, and soul. Reaching your wishes for love, health, and financial security will become a real possibility. The positive suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and will open the golden door to the “creative magic” you were born with and, a much more positive attitude towards life in general. 
A wonderful experience you will never forget for as long as you live! Using your super-conscious power, the golden key to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life will be offered to you. After this light hypnotic session, you will become much more aware of what consciousness is and what creating your own future with your thoughts is all about!
Miracles do happen, I will guide you to make yours become a reality! Dr. Turi is a 12 year Cancer survivor who refused chemotherapy and instead used his own “Natural Blood Transfusion” creation to boost his immune system, regain his strength and save his life. 
My story and this natural, powerful immune system boost potion secret will be shared with the attendance.
In the following workshop on Nostradamus’ 16th-century natural healing, I will share the great Seer’s secrets to longevity and youthfulness.  I am 72 years old, yet I am told, I don’t look my age!  All you need at home is olive oil (bring Nivea cream) for the show. Another pearl of rare wisdom that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
“Your future is nothing else than the reincarnation of your thought” Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi’s best-seller “Beyond The Secret” is a major contribution to your future success and will seal your newly acquired wisdom offered in the workshop.  Book signing at the booth.
Dr. Turi’s fifth kind UFO’s Experiences Slide Presentation 

This movie is NOT the one you watched on Amazon Prime or on YouTube!  It is completely re-edited by Tom, my genius webmaster. The upgraded version has exact locations of events,  X-rays of an alien, UFOs, and ET’s pictures caught in the desert and so much more!

Furthermore, after my workshop; I will ask four people, I do not know; to come on stage and sit at a table and prove to the watching audience. the incredible psychical legacy left by those encounters!

A true contactee MUST offer tangible proof of his experiences and I will do just that! 

1 – Dr. Turi will bring you back to 1966 to his 1st dramatic abduction in the attic of his old house.

2 – years later, he experienced a very dramatic and painful meeting with three MIBs when he and his sister got lost in the mountainous region of the south of France… A mind-boggling encounter you do not want to experience…

3 – In November 1981, around 10:00 PM Louis saw a huge spaceship hovering less than 30 feet above his brother Joe’s stalled car and both experienced more missing time. What happened to my mind and memory is simply impossible to explain but changed my life as a recording artist!

4 – All the way to August 11th, 2001 when Louis and his ex-wife Brigitte; were abducted in the sky of Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Turi saw the 3 MIBs again and ET’s removing his pregnant wife’s fetus and then he experienced the “downloading” of the “Cosmic Code secrets” inside the flying saucer. They were “dropped” over 50 miles North of the city and experienced serious missing time.

5 – Dr. Turi latest UFO’s experience, 2 am. He and 85000 pounds of equipment (FedEx truck and two fully loaded trailers) were picked up from an AZ highway and put on another one… The experience was totally mind-boggling and involve also Fed Ex management! 

Note: The photos above, showing the “blue orb” secession; were captured by, Terania; during the May 2012 Gemini solar eclipse…There were originally six photos. 

After entering his body, mind, and soul during June 2012 solar eclipse; the solar ET entity, Draco; re-enhanced, Dr. Turi’s cosmic consciousness!

Those five UFO close – fifth kind encounters, left him with a mind-boggling predictive gift; that brought the FBI, twice in his house; for giving exact dates of terrorist attacks in Paris and New York!


Lights are dimmed down, soft music starts in the background.  While a soft soothing melody; glides over in the background, using safe hypnotic induction procedures, Dr. Turi will put the audience in a light trance and open the door to the subconscious’ miraculous forces. 

The dynamic suggestions used will bring about your most cherished wishes for peace, wealth, love, and health. You will have full access to your own creative force and through my guidance conduct the power you were born with wisely to build your own future.
This highly spiritual healing session keeps the audience semi-conscious and offers a unique feeling of all-encompassing love, peace, and total relaxation. There is no deep hypnotic trance induction and the listening assembly is totally safe and sound during the session.
Dr. Turi’s hypnotherapy expertise will help adjust the astral body to use and respond to the supra-conscious suggestive healing forces.

Knowing the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought, turning your own psychic energy into a powerful laser beam will bring about emotional, financial, and spiritual stability while improving the seat of attraction between human beings.
The plan is to slow down the body’s physical atomic structure and accelerate the etheric astral body through consecutive progressive suggestions to make your own formulated miracles happen. This 4-minute short video offers the listeners a practical understanding of what the creative power of the supra-conscious creative forces is all about. 
The positive inserted suggestions will be sealed within the depth of your subconscious and will open the golden door to a much more positive attitude towards life in general and your own future. An experience you will never forget for as long as you live! Using your own super-conscious creative forces, the golden gate to a much more exciting, healthier, and productive life will be yours.
After this light hypnotic safe session, you will become much more aware of what the principle involving consciousness and creation is all about! Miracles do happen, make yours! 

The inserted suggestion will undoubtedly bring about your most cherished wishes and open the gate to using the Divine.

“Dr. Turi, I have learned more about what it means to be human in your week-long crash course in Sedona than the 7 years I spent in an accredited college.” Dr. in Psychiatry student feedback. 

Workshop: Nostradamus’ 16th-century natural healing

“Healing The Body, Mind, and Soul”

All diseases are from a Spiritual and/or a physical blockage due to a lack of regeneration.

Following the Super Conscious lecture and the hypnotic healing session, you will be paired with someone of your choice. Dr. Turi is a 12 year Cancer survivor who refused chemotherapy and instead used his own “Natural Blood Transfusion” creation to boost his immune system, regain his strength and save his life. His story and his secret will be shared with the attendance. 

This workshop will teach the attendance how to use Nostradamus’  homeopathic healing, it involves hands, neck, spine, and feet pressure techniques designed to reset your physical atomic structure by calibrating regularity, build more magnetism, improving heart condition, and avoiding cancer, increasing magnetism and the seat of attraction with the opposite sex.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn all about Nostradamus’ rare 16th-century natural healing while enjoying a deep physical and spiritual cleansing therapy.  

The Seer’s rare methodology induces a strong regenerative power, eliminates depressions, rigidity, chronic headaches including back problems. Those simple and safe procedures will benefit everyone attending this lecture/workshop and your newfound healing wisdom will benefit you and your loved ones for the rest of your life.  

Bring a large towel or a blanket to the workshop for the foot healing session and do not wear socks.
Dr. Turi professes that our infantile science does not possess the keys of what it means to be human and using Seer’s rare methodology, rigidity, chronic headaches, back problems can be altered and ultimately restored to health. 

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!

Tuesday, November 16th3 PM PST (AZ Time)

I told Greg Bornstein that my window of November 11 will produce a “sudden release of energy” and earthquakes at or above 6.0! Little did I know that my first prediction with mother nature came to pass!  Read more “SOS to the world November 11 & 19 SHOCKING DEADLY NEWS AHEAD!”

11/14/21:6.3 magnitude earthquake near Bandar ‘Abbās, Hormozgan, Iran
11/14/21:6.0 magnitude earthquake near Bandar ‘Abbās, Hormozgan, Iran
11/11/21:6.0 magnitude earthquake near Nabire, Papua, Indonesia
11/11/21: 6.6 magnitude earthquake near Hirara, Okinawa, Japan
6.2 magnitude earthquake near Masachapa, Managua, Nicaragua

U.S. could face a fifth major wave of cases, but vaccinations and new treatments would likely temper its severity.
Dr. Turi;
Your ability to see the future is incredible! Once again your predictions are coming true. You said another wave of Covid by year’s end and it is starting!


Indeed knowledge is power, ignorance is evil!

There is only a very fine hair between Divine cosmic information and pure imagination, Astrology is an art, Dr. Turi is the Master!

Because of the pandemic, more than ever people need real and solid spiritual regeneration and once I train you, you will become a trusted, accurate, gifted lightworker guiding and offering your true light to the world!  

Free your spirit with a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? 

Read all the details!



Sign my petition, help the world assimilate the truth!


About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.

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