Super snow moon, 2019’s biggest supermoon predictions

dr. turi
YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK, RUSSIA - JANUARY 31, 2018: A supermoon rises over trees in the town of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on Sakhalin Island in Russia's Far East. Sergei Krasnoukhov/TASS (Photo by Sergei Krasnoukhov\TASS via Getty Images)

Super snow moon, 2019’s biggest supermoon, will light up the sky

Dear readers;

Note all my articles are subject to revision and additions, come back often to catch up!

As explained in  previous “Cosmic Code newsletters,” our infantile scientific community can only offer you with plausible, rational and scientific answers to what the stars, moon and planets are all about!  Or in their limited world, a bunch of dead rocks depraved of any spiritual values moving around specifically designed by God to amuse the scientific community!  The Mars Cult Society A Deadly Proposition!

Yet uncovering and translating “The Soul of the Cosmos” is something all scientists, skeptics, atheists and agnostics alike have been enslaved by God to uncover! 

Like I did in the past I will offer my reader real reasons to what the stars are all about and their Divine purposes will be explained!. The stars has been used by all erudite men in all disappeared civilizations of the past! Mostly to “talk to the Gods” and make predictions, but, in the name of religion and science, this sacred cosmic wisdom has been lost in time and space.

“Indeed a Cosmic God does not engage unconscious fools!” Dr. Turi

You will find the effect of this Super snow moon blessings all women in 2019 in my visions offered below! But there are some facts involving the moon and notorious “talking heads” you must first assimilate! 

While bashed and ridicule all along, the old science of Astrology survived through commissioned MJ12 people like me who are fated to bring it back to our children in all the schools and universities! It is only when Divine Astrology and meditation will be accepted as solid disciplines that;  peace, love and respect will bless humanity!

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so you may live a safer, more productive life!”

Prophecy & the Cosmic Code with Dr. Louis Turi –  Feedback
The purpose is in the stars!

This super snow moon has an incredible predictive message I will translate for you later on, and I am asking you my dear readers, to make notes and share my cosmic work because you can only get the truth from people who are blessed by and from the truth! Then, once my visions accurately becomes a reality, simply remember who enlightened your spirit!

Explanation of a SOS to the world deadly window (video)

The moon has and will always involve women and, while conferencing on this topic, I teach Ladies from all over the world of their very close relationship to our close satellite. 

From Events and Courses:

The Moon Goddess

There is a tide in the affairs of man, when taken at its crest, leads on to fortune. 

Bygone civilizations such as the Mayan, Incas, Sumerians, Aztec, Sumerian  and the Atlantians raised Temples in honor of the Moon and faithfully celebrated her phases. The farmers of the old days also knew and used her eternal cycles to further their crops. There is much more encompassing our closest satellite and Dr. Turi’s explanation on the moons power is the genuine interpretation of its daily touch and impact upon the world. In this lecture, Dr. Turi explains how the moon rule over women psyches and humanity at large. If you have a spiritual, loving or unexplained “connection” to the Moon chances are, during one of your past lives you worked in a Moon Goddess Temple as a Medicine woman. Dr. Turi will bring some Ladies on stage and tell them all  about their natal moon’s location and how to use the power constructively.

Little does science and society at large know of the spiritual purposes of those celestial bodies which are, sad enough manipulated by the reptilius to create endless havoc on earth!

Embedded video

The reptilius at work using the Super snow moon, 2019’s biggest supermoon (high emotions) to hijack cosmic unconscious human beings and turn them into vicious animals…  Watch the video that explain it all and share please.
The reality involving “Moon Power” I am proposing  is solid and far from what Mr. Icke’s lack of cosmic wisdom can offer, yet after years reading my work he found a smart way to use it, then elude and convince people of his moon hollow ET’s base theory and notorious people turning into reptilian nonsense…
Image result for menstruation and the moon cycle

The fact is; the moon rules primarily women’s physiology, a full moon does not only creates the daily tides, but her subtle rays regulates and generate powerful emotions in all human beings, and  her subtle impact is much stronger over women. 

Sheffield school fight ‘became mass brawl after girl’s headscarf was ripped off in canteen row’

The global average menstrual cycle length is 29 days and the lunar cycle lasts 29.5 days. Statistically speaking, with a random distribution of period start dates, about 1 in 2 women will have their period start ±3 days from either the full or new moon. 

Knowing the similarity between the moon and women menstrual cycle, it also induce deep emotions, “lunatic/moody/crabby.”  Very often a dispute such as the one above start between two women then escalate with their partners to  a fight and total chaos. This is stimulated psychically by the reptilius using “the moon power.”

Image result for medical aspect of astrology DR. TUIRI

On the medical aspect of Divine Astrology the moon rules the sign of cancer, the 4th house (family nucleus) hotels, restaurants, the real estate, the breasts, food, the stomach, the female uterus and all that grows under her jurisdiction, including CANCER! 

Beat cancer, stop smoking, now enjoy a long healthy life!

Again how can anyone who never contracted and beat cancer can speak about it? My perception to the moon is much more accurate and plausible than Icke’s uncontrollable infested fruitful imagination… But he could not use my cosmic wisdom openly thus he made it all up in his conspiratorial work! Hard to believe yes? 


“There is a very thin hair between Divine cosmic information and pure imagination! “ Dr. Turi

And both nations, the US and China visited the moon (and Mars!) and she is not hollow and far from what notorious “Talking Heads” David Icke, the Reptilius Human Slave!  want you to believe!

The urgency for me to fix the psychical negative damage imposed upon his vast audiences is pressing each passing day! Yet my chances of succeeding with the reptilius on his side are very remote because those seeking souls vibrates at David’s same fearful, conspiratorial low cosmic speed…

David Icke

Conspiracy theorist David Icke should be banned from Australia minister told

Remember a magnet will never attract a piece of wood, and if Icke’s natal UCI attracts such a vast audience it simply prove the power of the reptilius poisoning more oblivious people who can only agree and support his infectious conspiratorial work.

I am not exactly happy for David to get a free copy of my yearly “Moon Power” publication directly from me for years, then re-invent himself with my both my UFO’s experiences and my Moon’s spiritual wisdom! 

The psychical damage inflicted by notorious, apocalyptic, conspiracy, religious cult leaders / speakers like him is devastating for the human spirit and much too late for some! .i.e David Koresh, Rev. Jones etc. 

Thus, if you can relate to my progressive, positive, educational cosmic work and legitimate concerns for the human race, I need you to help me reach all infested victims by sharing this cosmic code newsletter graciously offered to you! 

The world need to know the truth about Mr. Icke’s reptilius’ psychical effects cursing his greedy, egotistical nature and  his audiences.

David Icke’s reptilians effect upon the masses, stop following  and falling in the hole of ignorance and fear, STOP feeding the reptilius, wake up to true cosmic reality!

  Free your spirit with Dr. Turi

My drive is stimulated by a sincere wish to help my fellow human beings to stop falling in a black hole of ignorance and fear and liberate your spirit from oppression…

Indeed the reptilius uses  the  “moon power” to create natural disasters and curse oblivious human beings to act out negativity so they can feed from your damaging thoughts and actions! It is that simple and that is all and all is that! The video below speak the truth about my February 16th well documented  televised predictions if you took the time to read them. 

Age of Truth TV Jan/Feb 16th 2019 predictions
Age of Truth TV February 24th proof of Predictions


First, in case you do not know  they are four prominent female Democrats  openly running for the 2020 Presidential elections and knowing the moon regulates women “power” 2020 will be a remarkable year for women at large! 

There is a tide in the affairs of man when taking at the cress leads on to fortune…

Thus if you are into politics, you may want to pass on this article to your favorite politician as to understand the importance of USING “moon Power” correctly to get to the White House!  There is much more involving a sure trip to success for anyone, but one must invest in their own stars and me to find out! 

Just by becoming a VIP to the cosmic code will become a major contribution for any of those powerful Ladies to succeed and fulfill their dream of being the FIRST women ever to become a US President! But religion or a rational “educated” UCI may interfere to get cosmic consciousness, use my daily guidance and the Presidency! 

Thus this is a “New forceful cosmic Dragon” blessings ALL women from all walks of life, not only politicians, and all I can do is for all spiritual Ladies to get to know how the stars will bless them (by house and sign) in 2019. Get your 2019 forecast and use it wisely!

Keep in mind the Draconis are promoting women but the reptilius will always be there to stop their blessings Heart attacks on the rise among young women

My priceless pearls of wisdom are not for everyone but only for those intuitive enough to realize I am real and so is my cosmic work!

Women, as a rule, are much more spiritual than men and knowing knowledge is power, suggesting you to use those rare cosmic winds and get this eBook now in your favor, is only logical!

Make a good use of my lifetime cosmic work and gain much more than what you could ever bargain in the process and who does not have $10 to find out?  On February 26th, 2019 I will turn 69 and yet I am still uncovering more cosmic secrets and share them with you unselfishly! 

Infected greedy President Trump used the Russians to get in power but both the reptilius and the Draconis are watching him closely and serious karmic drama is never too far when karma is imposed! Money and greed is what will crash his empire… 

While I am still healing from a bad fall in the Marshal Island last August, I should be able to attend all my future conferences. Please join us and have a blast in the process…
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi

Hello Beautiful Beings,  

I am delighted to be working with Suzanne on this  event and I so look forward meeting all of you next month in Sedona.  I hope to meet you there because we will have a blast! Facebook: Please go to the event link on FB: and CLICK going because we want to see you there and make sure share the link with your FB followers

In case you did not read it yet, check what the cosmic winds and the angels have in store for us all those days…

virgo star sign

Star’ Spirit in Sedona Beyond The Matrix Healing

Make sure to visit to learn more about this event  and be ready for a total spiritual regeneration – I have a BIG surprise show in store for you and you can participate on stage with me. Doing so will allow you to know what the cosmic code has in store for your fate while uncovering all about yourself. 

If you intend to be part of this show, you must visit Suzanne’s website  and contact her to reserve your spot in the light with me.


Dr. Turi

 Join us in Las Vegas April 19, 20, 21 and Los Angeles March 16, 17, 2019 

Invitation to join us on amazing UFO Cruise in October 2019  760-230-5624 

Image result for uluru rock australia

Come and drink at the source of all wisdom


If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God’s cosmic divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!

Question? Help? –  602- 265-7667





About Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is a proficient author and a captivating speaker, his profound Universal Wisdom astonishes everyone. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America." Dr. Turi is the personal counselor of many celebrities, Ivana Trump, Peter Fonda, Gary Busey, Denis Haysbert, John Gray and many others. Dr. Turi is a favorite guest of George Noory on Coast-To-Coast AM radio and the BBC in London and appeared in numerous television programs worldwide.He speaks of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator and warn the world with undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Clinical Hypnotherapist - Astropsychologist focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in public speaking, teaching, metaphysics, natural healing, stress management, women’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in speaking engagements, radio, television, events and media outlets, academic work, advising corporations, the police force, colleges, universities and general public on mental health issues and spirituality outside of conventional beliefs and accepted disciplines.

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