You’ll know the essence of a real genius only when an extreme minority can relate to his work and decides to follow him… Dr. Turi
Hello readers;
The end of the Cosmic Code radio show!
This is your Sunday FREE cosmic code newsletter, I hope you will realize in my work the legitimacy and crucial values of my predictions. I also hope you will be able to accept the undiluted truth presented today because while Terania and I did our best on the radio, as expected, we wasted our time.
There are millions of websites making predictions about Planet Nibiru and millions of so called prophets, astrologers, psychics, mediums and spiritualists from all walks of life also offering their visions to curious souls.
Incidentally, the herd will flock towards the cleverly disguised, well organized, well advertised reptilius infected wealthy Christians websites designed to lure you by inserting more fears! Doing so become a serious infringement of the very powerful and subtle Supra-conscious in time and space, something human and especially religious organizations are oblivious of…
Introducing the world to God New Cosmic Consciousness
But, unlike Dr. Turi, they all have something in common, they never did; nor will ever offer their followers any well documented dated proof of their work!
How can anyone begin to talk about the Cosmos (or Planet Nibiru) when there is absolutely no proof of previous predictions involving the affairs of the Cosmos? How can anyone pretend to educate you on affairs involving the universe when they never dealt, fear or ridicule UFOs and ET’s? Where is human common sense or basic intelligent curiosity? We can only wonder.
July 1987 – I am Alien The Final Revelation
Would it be on Draco Facebook page or my latest article titled, “Meteorite, space junk or UFOs?” my visions involving the latest “Cosmic news” are very solid! That is if you took the time to read of course!
Memo: “February will be a month of shocking news, surprises and above normal earthquake activity and large natural disasters.”
Masked men shoot police officer in Mississippi Shocking?
5 with band plunge to deaths Shocking?
Furthermore, it’s not possible for me to prove my case when only a few people read or know the links are there to be used. As incredible as it may sound, thousands of my readers never clicked on any of the provided links confirming my predictive work! I guess it could also be because it is too much mental work for some to click on this link, so they can read or listen to ALL my earthquakes predictions on my previous radio shows!
Indeed as there is too little support and unappreciated for our spiritual work, we don’t wish to continue; nor feel it’s worth it in bringing “the horse to the water,” knowing he can not assimilate nor drink at the source of ultimate cosmic wisdom.
“Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.” Matthew 7:6
Posted to the world October 3, 2014 – Did the Titanic Sink Because of an Optical Illusion …
Australian billionaire Clive Palmer has announced that Titanic II, a nearly-exact replica of the doomed ocean liner Titanic, will be ready to set sail in 2018.
Terania and I simply feel that we are wasting our precious time with a god fearing, religious or “educated” atheist herd who thinks they will always know better than we do! Thus today, I might as well finish serving the public in style, by offering another undeniable, unarguable well documented, dated prediction that will infuriate Satan’s children.
Posted to the world February 11, 2013!
VIP version Prediction 22: “The ocean will offer more of his secrets and a new Titanic will make the news.”
From 2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public) “In some ways, following this Grand Cross God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius “and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster and revival comes to my mind…“
Is this OBVIOUS prediction involving Titanic good enough for the skeptics to accept as factual and recognize a real Modern Prophet? Not so readers… I offered those envious idiots the same conclusive irrefutable predictions countless times on radio, television and in all my articles.
Dr. Turi on William Shatner’s TV Show – Discovery Channel – Dr. Turi’s Predictions
And all I got from those in denial; is reprisals, insecurity, inferiority complexes, enviousness and their animalistic vitriolic!
Without us to lead the fight for your spiritual freedom, the news-media and other powerful religious and scientific monopolizing organizations controlling all information, including your education and life in general, will keep indoctrinating you and your children!
And we certainly can not ever count on the news-media cowards in a position to help! Like you, they are all avidly reading my work but would never dare to help bring back God Cosmic Consciousness to a lost society.
These souls are ill fitted to join the spiritual revolution and will never endorse, nor promote my predictive gift to anyone! Indeed it takes special courage and formidable dedication to free humanity from its own ignorance and inserted religious fears…
While we have a tremendous reading and listening audience, the true support is not there! Thus the Cosmic Code radio show has also been cancelled, because the reality is; only when the student is ready will the right spiritual teacher appear!

We refuse to pay from our pockets to educate an impenetrable herd of humans running into the hole of idiocy. Those gullible souls have been conditioned for centuries to follow the religious and scientific infected matrixes and there is no reasoning with this crowd! The same apply for the well “educated” and atheist of course! And you wonder why the Illuminati keeps its secrets. Guess they all have to get their lesson in time.
During our last radio show, we offered special deals and requested support at no avail, but again, why should you pay when I give it all for FREE? It shows how selfish, self consumed and uncaring human are towards each other and this confirm my vision and the obvious success of the reptilius engaging in destroying humanity!
I gave so much since 1991 when I first started my career in San Diego California, yet I never received anything from the millions of people I educated and entertained with my articles, my radio and television shows through my unmatched dedication over those years…
We knew the Cosmic Code radio show was most likely just for all ears and told all our VIP’s when I first announced it! But we wanted to try one more time to try and reverse a course that is already written in light by a Cosmic God so many of you are still, oblivious of…
Though today I am forced to throw the towel and let all the forces of evil, fear and ignorance consume the body, mind and soul of those who did not or will not heed my warnings of an unstoppable, epidemic of suicide and a universal mental poisoning, that the herd would rather laugh at or ignore!
“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak nor engage the fools…” Dr. Turi.

Two 15-year-old female students were killed in Friday morning’s shooting at Independence High School in Glendale, Arizona. SHAME on the parents, the teachers, the police, the experts and the US Department of Education for NOT paying attention to my warnings and for stopping me reaching your children!
How many of my readers took the time to share this article? I don’t really need to ask knowing how selfish human are. There is no way to help an indoctrinated, reptilius infected humanity, and I am forced to ally with all the Prophets of the past sealing your fate, because the will to fight with me is no more or so little…
“Nostradamus tells us that in the Last Days all his prophecies will finally be proven true. Unfortunately it will be too late for them to benefit anyone in a highly skeptical and doubting modern world. The Seventh Millennium of mankind’s civilized existence on this planet witnesses an age of high technology and amazing scientific achievements. God and His prophets are soon relegated to a rather insignificant position in a world more concerned with following its own path to perfection.“
The feeling I nurture to, once and for all exit a selfish, unconcerned public on my upcoming birthday (02/26/2016) and retirement day, is overwhelming… I know many of you rely on my regular spiritual food to make sense to this crazy world and this is why, I will keep offering those degenerating souls, for a while longer, the fluid they need trapping millions in churches every Sunday!
Our cosmic universal Church will never close and all souls are welcome to join our VIP’s in the cosmic code private website and enjoy God Immaculate Universal Divinity! And only those people will benefit from the last opportunity I will ever offer the public to join us on my Birthday/retirement day! CLICK HERE AND JOIN US FOR $15 FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS!!
Time to concentrate on what I have left to enjoy on earth with Terania, especially knowing; at the sane exact time a few years ago, I was battling cancer in Bangkok hospital in Thailand! Yesterday I took a day off with my good friend Owen, and we went to the Tucson gems show so I could buy Terania’s Valentine present.
A few months ago, in preparation to our move to Florida, we sold ALL my healing tools and crystals, and since then, the healing love and light energy in our the house dissipated. This made it harder for us to battle the reptilius and current Neptunius Dragon cursing so many lives!
Did you get the eBook yet or are you waiting for your children to become insane, investigate and get hooked on drugs, become criminals or commit suicide? Anything that concern or affect your children SHOULD become a priority for any responsible smart parents willing to spend $15 to save their lives!
“Its a miracle for curiosity to survive traditional education and religion.“ A Einstein, corrected by Dr. Turi!
Terania and I felt more depressed than usual in our house lately, and so I decided to “replenish and revive” those life giving energies and; instead of flowers or chocolate, I invested in some powerful crystals and offered them all to my wife… You should have seen her happy face we came-back home with her presents!
I also invested in all sorts of new carving tools, precious metals and healing rare colorful gems to add and create new powerful talismans, not only for my patiently waiting clients, but also for both of us! I have full faith in the mystical values of those talismans and as I walked along the endless isles of gems, I let my higher self lead me towards the right rocks. Read more about my tailored healing/protective talismans.
Its imposing healing presence feels wonderful in the living room, indeed we missed them very much! Lesson learned, NEVER sell your crystals because your personal energy goes with them. I am glad many of our VIP’s inherited those crystals and with it, our spiritual cosmic values…
Knowing Valentine is such a special day for love (and life for me by beating cancer) my choice of presents for my wonderful loving, gorgeous wife and twin flame had to last a lifetime, especially so close to my birthday.
God gave me another chance at life and I do not intend to waste what ever I have left trying to save a doomed unrewarding world! Life is much too precious, time is also priceless and I am sure many of you will understand my decision to stop the radio show and serving those who can not be helped for free!
Our life and our VIP’s are now our priority and for as long as I live on planet earth, Terania and I will keep serving those trusting, rewarding highly spiritual souls who invested in our Cosmic Wisdom.
We will keep regenerating our VIP’ spirits, guide them all with our predictions and share our new busy, exciting new life with them all… Indeed you will travel with us, share our traveling experiences and our cameras will tell the full story of all the wonderful times ahead of us…
Happy Valentine to you all, remember to show your love and your appreciation, not only to your sweetheart, but also, to humanity at large. Indeed karma will become your blessing endless rewards! I did my part over the years.. do yours now!
The Magical Power of Talismans!