“If we abuse Astrology for entertainments purposes only, how can the average person distinguish the mother of all art and sciences from only pseudoscience?” Dr. Turi
N. Korea launch puts Trump closer to agonizing choice
Before anything, and mostly for our personal security involving foreign secret services, I must make this announcement…
Dear readers;
Read also Supermoon predictions for America and the world by Dr. Turi
Unlike humans and science, the future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness. Thus, my vision of a nuclear exchange, published January 24, 2013 in “Cyber/Nuke attack only a matter of time!” is closer than ever! With these type of predictions, no wonder I have been “excommunicated” and fired from radio, UFO’s conferences and by all major networking websites!
Indeed my religiously poisoned and atheist enemies, who are unconsciously slaving for the reptilius, have done their destructive part in stopping my warnings and cosmic wisdom reaching the world! Thus, if you are reading this article, consider yourself lucky and share it because it won’t last! “Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Satan’s Minions and Dr. Turi”
Muting me also means endorsing the reptilius universal infestation by adding more fear, chaos, discordance fueled by ignorance and allowing those entities to suck humanity into its rapidly decaying spiritual regenerative power!
Understandably, people would rather pray to their falsified, man made god in hopes for a miracle or trust in science or their government to put an end to such volatile situation involving nukes!
Fearful, indoctrinated pious people are awaiting the “wrath of a man made god” while being ridiculed and condemned to death, by the dry atheist community! This tsunami of evil’s negative thought process can only benefit the reptilius all of the oblivious subhumans they are cursed to serve! Atheists & Christians…A cosmic God is really pissed off at you!
Little do they know that: “the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the positive or negative thought” But as a rule, the religious or atheist subhuman does not read progressive, spiritual material or any of my books. Nor do they watch educational, regenerative videos (below).
Their deplorable, envenomed mental faculties serve only one purpose… To create more fear, chaos, ignorance and evil upon earth!
Introducing the world to cosmic consciousness
Those are the ones who will never understand the true essence of a cosmic god speaking its will through me by the signs. Subsequently, in their reluctance to upgrade their low psychical vibrations, they are responsible for their dramatic fate, for letting fear run their destiny! Or by choosing and electing any President, that vibrates at the same low cosmic speed.
Once more, my cosmic work has NOTHING to do with politics or your political views! I can only respect your choices,because this is what your natal UCI (your stars) and your fears impose!
But I am speaking a different language that you have not been trained to handle or understand! I am coming from the archetypal realm of supra-cosmic consciousness while the majority of people are coming from their logical, rational earthy mind!
Thanks to the scientific and religious infected indoctrinating controlling matrixes, humanity at large is not able, willing or ready to understand the complexity of the human UCI and accept God’s cosmic divinity.
And because this crowd of dunces does read read properly, they can not assimilate the cosmic code secrets, including my warnings pertaining to President Trump’ stars and fate…So, consequently, there is not much hope for the rest of us!
The mass can’t really understand that electing a President with a tail in Sagittarius, means also sharing his “confusing” Gemini DUAL fate.
I am not blaming, endorsing, nor accusing our President for anything he says or does! I am only exposing his character and explaining WHY using the art and science of Astroforensics/Astropsychology… President Trump is, in the eyes of a cosmic god, like the rest of you… An unconscious child, blessed by his stars, experiencing his fate on earth.
In that respect, unless you build enough cosmic awareness (or study the stars like our students)you will never be able to agree with or understand your reasoning, yourself, life or your President, period!
Memo from Donald Trump President? posted June 22, 2015 and well before the “hijacked” 2016 elections…
“Trump’ stars are dangerous for America and the world and do not endorse safe foreign relationships –Trump’s tendency to act obnoxiously or egocentrically doesn’t show a wise understanding of diplomacy. “
Trump’s behavior raises questions of competency
Reptilius infestation in the UKTrump retweets anti-Muslim videos
Our President is the most honest and direct person you could ever elect! That is a supreme and rare quality! I know this as a painful fact, because I pay an enormous price too for behaving like our President!
Your cursed UCI ‘s is what rules not only your “idiosyncrasies” but also the words you choose, your acts, your motivations, your fears and beliefs! Something our infantile rational science can never explain to you! And I can only try to help you raise above all “traditionally educated” idiots who ridicule the old art and science.
Incidentally, I have also noticed lately that I am getting more hits from Russia (even China) than the US, UK , Europe , Australia or Canada! This tells you how closely the Russians and Chinese foreign secret services are watching me and obviously more curious, compared to the US Federal Bureau of Idiots!
Anything goes to attract the FBI’s attention and try making them behave like real detectives and become better than the more spiritual, cunning, curious Russians or Chinese people reading my cosmic work… Terrorism, neuroscience and the FBI
This obviously depicts why the Russians and Chinese, unlike the US FBI, are flocking to my website or joining the Cosmic Code and learning about our President! They know America is a young, religious, gullible nation with no much history compared to theirs. And the dragon and stars still play a significant part of Asia’s people, in their daily lives as did, all disappeared civilizations!
If society and the secret services never paid attention to my work, maybe the should!
Memo Posted 6/24/2017
“Prepare Last Month of the Year
White Moon 3rd Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
Cosmic God May Grace Humanity”
Not that I don’t understand the danger and reality of bullying powers like North Korea, Syria or a Russia interfering in the 2016 predicted“SHOCKING” elections!
Here’s how the solar eclipse will affect the world!
Predictions by Dr. Turi
August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse Predictions
But like religions, politics and politicians are also all infected and I’d rather stay with what I know or reading the stars for you! I hope the emotional idiots will not attack the Messenger (me) for behaving like our President! Or offering the undiluted cosmic truth! Indeed this is a great country who brought me so much since 1984 but very religiously poisoned and Neptunian.
So if you are reading this article, chances are you are smart because the subhumans read only the titles and assume, attack, ridicule…Then exit!
Like the Russian and the Chinese following my work online, you may have also realized the predictive values in my work and you want to know if, or when a nuke attack will take place in the US or the world!
And I can ASSURE you, if you pay real attention to my previous SOS to the world deadly windows, you know I will give you the EXACT date! And be also sure that I will not share this information with the public!
Remember my cosmic work is not politically oriented. I am a real French modern prophet, offering my warnings to the world and my voice has been mute by an army of “infected,” lost souls.
A while ago, I wrote the following…Do you recall?
My SOS deadly window dates for November and December 2017 are ready.
Posted by Dr. Turi on November 2, 2017 at 2:25am in Cosmic Coders Only
“I extended the SOS to the world deadly windows all the way to the last day of 2017 because millions of people will be travelling for Xmas and New Year. Thus, make sure to check on those dates first. Then, avoid large gatherings and be cautious especially during your personal 2017 cosmic biorhythms! You do not need to end up at the wrong time at the wrong place, especially after the full moon!
The reptilius will be very active during the holiday season so be very careful! Also Mercury will turn retrograde on December 1st 2017 for the entire month! More critical information for you to read in the cosmic code website! “
Note: The new 2018 Nostradamus Personal Forecast is now available via email! Meantime you are advised to invest $5.00 to check how the 2017 stars have affected your life! Doing so will allow you to investigate my predictions and invest in the new 2018 version! To make sure everyone can afford my predictions, the $5.00 price did not change.
Place your order today… E-mail teraniapromodir@gmail.com for more information.

Learn about the medical Aspect of Nostradamus divine strology
Blessings with Chief Sonne Reyna
The 16 DVD’s covers a full week of tuition where previous students spent a full day mastering the cosmic code secrets in Sedona. But we also understand that; $1500 for the full course with all the books and materials included is a lot of money to invest for some of you.

- Cabalistic Healing $1000
- Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $350 VIP’s
- Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
- Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
- Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading.
- Taped progressive reading $210
- Lucky dragon window dates $125
- Astro-Carto-Graphy $210
- The Magical Power of Talismans