The gravitational forces that move all galaxies is a scientific fact, But the greatness of the spiritual cosmic manifesto is yet a mystery to science and humanity at large. The brain has more interconnections than there are stars and planets in the Milky Way because you are a child of the Universe! — Dr. Turi
This quatrain above and keywords used were posted by Dr. Turi on March 30, 2021, at 1:26 am to warn our VIPs of those deadly cosmic winds and for them to plan around those dates or be very cautious because life doesn’t stop!
I also emailed the FBI directly and posted a Memo to the public: “Cops will be killed and cops will kill innocent people, expect terrorist acts and be aware, the reptilius are after the police and the children! Be ready for a dance of evil where death and drama will reign supreme!”
It seems the Deadly window is now active if you read the latest news from France and India… Indeed the predicted “deadly dance of evil” must serve as a wake-up call that the pandemic is not over!
French police official killed in a knife attack at station near Paris
Remember readers, a few days ago I warned major cities FBI offices directly on dozens of their websites about TERRORISM but no many people pay attention to a real modern Prophet! And Coast to Coast am fired me!
Anti-terrorism probe launched after French police officer killed in knife attack!
FBI visited Dr. Turi again, following Paris Terrorists Attack!
Derek Chauvin GUILTY as predicted months ago! PREDICTION CAME TO PASS! That is if you paid attention to my words in many of my youtube videos!
Google User – “Wow, Dr. Turi you predicted rightly about 1/6/2021, US Capitol invasion -Dr. Turi. Your astrological report was the only and most accurate of all the ones done by other professionals on Coast to Coast am! Check the fact the video was posted on Jan 2, 2021, or 6 days before the attack. Plus you are a nice person. I love that. I haven’t been getting your emails lately. I’ll have to email you guys. G”
Read more share pls https://www.drturi.com/sos-to-the-world-01-13-21-the-dance-of-evil-started/
Sharing emails; “Dr. Turi; The cop, Chauvin, was a Pisces, born on March 19. The dragon’s tail is in Pisces 10 the House of status and career. Once again your dragon prediction has proven incredibly accurate!
Ohio police officer shot and killed 15-year-old girl holding a knife! Police? Children?
It will never stop until the police and society becomes cosmic conscious and accept the reptilius infestation is REAL! Memo: Do you recall my words in countless of my videos? “The reptilius are after the police and your children!”
The dance of evil will never stop unless you start paying attention to my warnings, to my cosmic teachings, and the reptilius’ agenda! This is just the beginning America will lose many of its children and many of you are unable or unwilling to accept the harsh reality! You won’t get accurate. well-documented predictions on CTC since the truth does not matter to George and Tom!
Be warned APRIL 27! Pay attention to my warnings watch the video Be part of the solution to help me save precious lives, SHARE my cosmic work!
1 killed, 2 injured in a grocery shooting in West Hempstead, New York, police say
Another lost, depleted young soul infected by the reptilius! Not enough people are paying attention to my warnings or watch the video explaining how to avoid those entities…
A 7-year-old girl was fatally shot in the drive-thru lane of a Chicago McDonald’s
Police arrest former sheriff’s detective wanted in Austin shooting that left 3 dead
Memo: Do you recall my words? “The reptilius are after the police and your children!” The dance of evil will never stop unless you start paying attention to my warnings, to my my cosmic teachings, and the reptilius’ agenda! This is just the beginning America will lose many of its children and many of you are unable or unwilling to accept the harsh reality! Be part of the solution SHARE my work! Read more
3 people were killed and 2 others injured in a shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin
NY Jets legend Al Toon’s daughter found dead in Arizona after apparent murder-suicide
47 mass murder since March 2021, this number reflects the veracity of my vision of a reptilius “Dance of Evil.” The next SOS to the world deadly window is for April 27 and will involve famous death, Russia, the secret services, and more police and infected souls deaths from all walks of life. I am also expecting SHOCKING news and large quakes around April 21st! MAKE NOTES!
To those of you who listened and recall my predictions of the 2016 Russian election interference and me warning you for months in my YouTube videos about Russia in 2022!
Remember crazy infected people will kill people, cops will be killed and cops will kill innocent people!
Today’s date is 4/18/21 make NOTES of my visions because you will not get this type of predictions on Coast to Coast am with their false prophets wanna-be who told you for months Trump will win the elections and Covid 19 was no deadly and fabricated! Time for my supporters to share the visions imparted by my UFO’s predictive legacy!
The video and my warnings are real https://youtu.be/Qk-IJvmHi1U Read more on the current SOS to the world deadly window and pls share my work, help me save precious lives. https://www.drturi.com/ufos-and-ets-revelations-can-the-world-survive-a-reptilius-universal-psychical-infestation/
Join the Cosmic Code today it’s FREE, get my bulletins directly in your mailbox.
Two people injured, one critically, after a shooting at a Nebraska mall
The predicted “dance of evil” with the police and reptilius infected teen criminals from all walks of life is undeniable, it will not stop and will get much worse! *18-year-old from Ohio arrested with AK-47 in Times Square subway station. America is on the way to lose thousands of precious lives as we move into the future I’d rather not discuss with feeble-minded souls.
I repeat, those nasty entities are after your children and the police (pay attention to my warnings!) I have been warning you about for months on my endless chain of YouTube videos. JOIN today don’t miss anything you can only get from Dr. Turi. Read and expect more deadly, dramatic news…
Remember crazy people will kill, cops will be killed, cops will kill innocent people Police release bodycam footage in fatal shooting of 13-year-old boy and innocent people will be killed by reptilius infected souls, affairs involving drama, sex, secrets will come to light and a wake-up call for many cosmic unconscious human beings is on the way! i.e. Matt Gaetz!
Who is Indianapolis FedEx shooter Brandon Hole?
Brandon is the victim of the reptilius and a society made up of educated morons and religious fanatics who could not help him to regenerate his depleted spirit! When will the world take me seriously with my UFO’s cosmic teaching?
Those nasty entities are after your children and the police (pay attention to my warnings!) because this is just the beginning of the long-predicted “Dance of Evil” I have been warning you about for months on my endless chain of YouTube videos. JOIN today don’t miss anything you can only get from Dr. Turi
Brandon was born a DUAL (confused) with Pluto (death) in the sign of Sagittarius (religion) and more information is offered to our VIPs on the Cosmic Code private website! Join today it’s FREE, get my bulletins directly in your mailbox.
San Antonio police officer wounded and two people dead after shooting during a traffic stop
Universal & Personal 2021 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast For All Signs
How will the stars and the 2021 Dragon will curse or bless your life?
8 dead and near 60 injured’ after gunman goes on rampage at FedEx facility
My words in my YouTube video are very clear “Crazy reptilius infected people will kill innocent people!”
Yet with all the deaths and obvious drama with the police killing innocent people or being killed during my SOS to the world deadly windows, no many people, (including Coast to Coast am) can handle the vexing truth I own through my UFOs predictive legacy!
What is most terrible is my critical warnings are not taking seriously and my voice is muted by (George/Tom) or those who could help me warn the world! Karma coming for them all for stopping the light!
Show your support join my YouTube channel and sign up for my FREE cosmic code newsletters
Thank you
Dear reader;
The deceptive scientific “fascination” with Mars must be kept alive, but rest assure readers, no man will ever set foot on Mars, or pass the Lunar orbit! The Mars Cult Society A Deadly Proposition.
God did not make the moon, mars, or any planets for the scientists to play with but for a much more serious reason! While the non-cosmic conscious scientific community (like the Church Inc and Coast to Coast am) needs your money to survive, all gullible human beings gain from those corporations is ENTERTAINMENT and deception!
When I say, “God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that; you may lead a safer more productive life” the email received from one of my many satisfied clients speaks volume…
Dr. Turi and Terania,
I just wanted to give you an update on my reading I had on March 6th. During Draco’s reading, you said I had Mars in my home. You said to be very careful and that it meant I would need to move. To not get into fights with family to watch out for gas and other things related to my home.
I am typing this from my sister’s house where I am now having to stay for a while because I smelled gas in my house on Sunday. Remembering your warning, I called the gas company and evacuated my house with my dogs.
The gas company came and detected a gas leak in my house. Fortunately, I have Home Serve, an insurance provider with my gas company that will cover repairs completely.
The repairmen are coming finally today to take a look at it and assess the leak and fix it. I am able to stay with my sister until the leak is fixed. In addition, my mom had two strokes over the last month and will have to come live with me.
Because of your warning to not fight with family, I have been able to lovingly communicate with everyone so we are all working together to make sure my mom is getting what she needs.
Blessings from Casper,
Jennifer Zerba, DTM Past District 9 Director 2017-2018 President’s Distinguished District
My last SOS to the world deadly window also spoke volumes of all the deadly, dramatic news I warned you about and I can only summarize the facts with the words I used in my YouTube video below!
********Bullets fly as police come under attack by suspect with AK-47******
Memo “Police will be killed and police will kill innocent people!”
*****State trooper shot and killed a teen armed with a knife and airsoft gun*****
Those dramatic news also involved the Johnson & Johnson pausing vaccinations in all clinical trials, and my take is in the video above!
The reptilius reign supreme on earth but nothing like the upcoming “Dance of Evil” about to take countless of many oblivious, vulnerable young soul cursed to an early demise. And Justin Bieber is one of them!
Born a gifted Pisces (like me) Bieber was lead to the stage of light by the reptilius who now owns his body, mind, and soul to “swim downstream” into the depth of Neptune’s deadly quicksand. Born a Plutonic soul he is unlucky with the police and he is attracted to the criminal element and already had problems with the law.
Bieber is part of the Plutonic “Death Wish Generation” and those passionate souls are dangerous to others and themselves since they are highly suicidal! They are a magnet to fulfill the reptilius agenda, but how many of you are curious enough to read my book “The Power of the Dragon?” to find out how the Dragon is blessing or cursing your destiny.
Bieber is prone to die of violent death and I see the neck! And unlike you, he does not know Dr. Turi, the ONLY Soul Doctor who can guide him and save his life!
Justin Bieber says his drug problem was so bad that bodyguards would check his pulse as he slept
This type of over tattooing is a sure mark of a reptilius infestation cursing millions of infected souls rotting in jail!
Back in 2013, I told George Noory ‘We have only 50 years!” but in reality, we have much less time ahead of us! And please do not blame me for being “negative” by offering you this critical warning!
I can only go where the world is; right at the bottom cursed by its own religious and scientific convictions and total cosmic ignorance!
We Have 50 Years Left! – Read the endorsements!
I can help you and I can help the children of the future and the world at large… But the question remains, can you or are you willing to be helped?
As much as you may need me to help you and your children, it is not up to me. Reintegrating divine astrology, into the traditional educational system, is a serious challenge and due to the strict control of the elite, becomes more of a daunting – stressful task. Your support is important, readers, because a critical mission demands cooperation, expertise, and money…And this world, has a way to go.
Please reader, do not make me responsible for your fears, your lack of perception, your lack of commitment to fix this huge mess that became your only and sad reality!
And it won’t get better soon!
Yet, I do believe in the human spirit, stimulated by the benevolent Draconis and the real potential offered by God himself to create a much better future as a whole, and finally, enjoy a good and long life on planet earth!
Indeed the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought yet, without your help, beating the reptilius won’t be an easy battle! And knowing our good old “friends” George and Tom on Coast To Coast am dropped/stopped me, for offering real predictions to the world, it’s now all up to you to help, readers!
Unlike a guru, I do not use God or Jesus as a selling tool, or even profess to be a savior or a prophet…That is your choice to label me as such! But going against accepted religious or scientific disciplines and fear of the unknown is a serious challenge! Especially when UFOs and ET’s are concerned!
I am not a church, I am not a cult leader, I am not an Ambassador or the Son of the “Most High,” or regurgitate Bible prophecies to reach you easily or even adhere to any conspiracies! This can only lead you into more fear and darkness…
I am simply Dr. Turi, a Soul Doctor, I am real, honest, direct, and supremely confident of my cosmic wisdom induced by many mind-boggling UFOs experiences… You may or may not like my FREE cosmic work, but be sure, it is much more than many of my critics could ever produce!
Grimes shows off the ‘beautiful alien scars’ she’s had tattooed across her back
Rich, famous and popular doesn’t mean smart! It’s amazing how young, immature, and vulnerable souls like this young woman who gave in to the reptilius “creativity” on her skin!
What is dramatic is that; she and millions of other “Young Souls” from all walks of life, are like her, totally oblivious of the immense power, those nasty entities, exert over their body-mind and vulnerable soul.
This type of self-mutilation “artistic” display is a realistic message from Grimes to show how infected she became. It’s all induced by a powerful drive to search, connect and seek answers to a celestial phenomenon countless celebrities will never get outside of their famous circle where sex, drugs, and alcohol reign supreme…
The fact is; those negative ET’s are already part of the humans’ biological and psychical makeup and mutilating (extreme body piercing) or extreme tattooing is an obvious sign of my far-fetched claims of their destructive power over the human race.
This is what infected souls do, they slave for the reptilius who have invaded and curse their lives!
Do Scientists Understand The Human Brain? NO THEY DON’T!
While well-known UFOs “experts” own a national stage on popular television programs, the vast majority of those researchers have never seen a UFO and can not comprehend various groups of ET’s agenda because of their own natal UCI.
This is not a critic against their phenomenal work, it’s just an astrological fact I doubt any of them can, or will accept since they never studied Divine Astrology!
Their entertaining work offers more questions than answers to a desperate audience seeking answers to this phenomenon and are often left in the dark! All that can do is assume and keep seeking the truth!
1 student dead, officer injured after shooting at a high school in Knoxville
Children, teens, and male and female adults are a target to the reptilius and without spiritual regeneration, those people suffer chronic depressions, suicidal thoughts, and it’s just a matter of time before the depleted soul is forced to give in to those entities.
Religions were created by the reptilius where death, drama, terrorism, blood, and insane cruelty keep the negative fearful thought flux to remain constant (ISIS!) Yet they can also find and activate oblivious victims anywhere! Trucker says “Allah instructed him” to cause crash, flee police.
Any excuse will work for the reptilius, as long as hatred, drama, chaos, and death becomes the objective! Sailor who shot, killed himself at Hawaii resort identified.
Anything and everything works for the reptilius and there are billions of desperate souls walking with you at any given time and place! A shooter is on the run in Paris after killing one and injuring another outside a hospital
Thus, it is quite easy for any infected cult leader to lure those desperate souls into so many reptilius traps.
Those tainted cult leaders, were ALL born Neptunians and all share something in common! It’s like an obvious trademark to the wise soul. Something I can only refer to as a RED LIGHT, and you are strongly advised to read about it!
But if you are not curious enough or mentally lazy, avoiding those infected deceptive, poisonous Neptunians will become impossible!
Sherry Shriner reptilius infected lost soul!
It’s easy to forget, that there are negative forces in this world, those goodies are used and promoted by the reptilius and readily available! (legal, illegal drugs, media, sports, entertainment, conspiracies, etc.) The idea is to poison your body-mind, and soul, the purpose to kill you and lead others, down the same dark path.
Infected gurus and famous conspiracy “talking Heads” like Shriner, David Icke, and Alex Jones will use anything and everything, including science, ET’s, religion (God), to stimulate their own obvious fear of power!
Those infected souls, are adept in making up all sorts of conspiratorial stories about the government, dangerous aliens, science AI, etc. to lure, infect then control the mind of the weaker members of our society!
A vivid imagination and the gift of the gab is all they need to convince an army of gullible people. Some will go to a great extent to sensationalize their products (Queen turning into a lizard) where the facts have no value (Sandy Hook was staged – Holocaust did not happen!) And you wonder why Icke got kicked out of Australia?
Gurus from all walks of life are NOT cosmic conscious and do not care about anyone’s psychical welfare, all they want is to satisfy the financial ego and get you to subscribe to their endless mental poisoning… As a rule, once into the Neptunius deceptive conspiracy quick-sands, there is no return!
Reptilian demonic possession and alien abduction…
Humans desire comfort, peace, and happiness yet, we are living in a fearful, chaotic, and uncertain dangerous world run by the nasty reptilius. Those people are lead to sign up to religions, science, or dangerous cults because they are looking for answers and they do not know better!
Cult leaders often make promises, that are totally unattainable here on earth, “on hell” but also offered by no other groups in society!
Humans are cursed by God himself, to look for the answers to what it means to be human and the powerful secrets of metaphysics (La Cabale.)
Spiritually, advanced mentally stable, and secure (old souls) owns also a great dose of critical thinking and recognize the deceptiveness at first glance but, not all humans’ perceptiveness and karmic UCI are the same!
Meantime, if you nurture the same fears, the same insecurity, the same beliefs or conspiratorial, religious, UFOs or political psychical “madness” the presented, discussed topics can only attract your attention!
Indeed a magnet will not attract a piece of wood!
But can any guru or any mentally poisoned “talking head” offer you great wealth, total health, constant peace of mind, true love and happiness, cosmic consciousness, and eternal life?
Or the things every human desire, at the deepest level?
“Cosmic Consciousness” is; the awareness of God’s cosmic Divinity, the Universal code and make good use of it by guiding humanity into the Creator’s mighty light! Anything else is Neptunius deceptiveness! Pope Francis, The Dalai Lama, Bible heads, Religious leaders, Monks, Gurus, Televangelists, Priests, and Nuns including “Educated Idiots” and atheists alike are unconscious Zombies cursed by their own stars to never understand the signs…
“God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty, he gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.” Paracelsus.
Knowing religious cults and their gurus are deceptive magnets born killers (~i.e. – ISIS caliphate) there is no wonder why the reptilius’ focus since the get-go was on creating over 7500 religious denominations…
Infected Sherry Shriner or the “Virtual reptilian cult leader” was influenced psychically by the reptilius to create and lead her dazed and confused pack! Indeed Satan disguised himself as Jesus the savior and subsequently tricked the world into praising him/her.
But humans were already deceived well over 2000 years ago when those 3 kings (wise men/astrologers) following the stars, knew about a very unique, extremely powerful star stellium and its impact on a human being destined to start the “Age of Pisces” 2000 years ago!
“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13
But Jesus’s initial cosmic ministry (Astrology) was kept secret and cast aside by a politically oriented church unwilling to share critical astrological knowledge and its accompanying power!
Since the planet Neptune (ruler of the Middle East) has been dominant for the last two thousand years, the majority of oblivious humans on earth are still today deceived Neptunian.
Creating so many conflicting religions was and still is the focal point of the reptilius agenda and the reason why so many popular conspiracies taking heads, deceptive gurus including God’s representatives on earth like Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama were put in a position of power by those entities.
And unless you take the time to educate yourself on BOTH, the nefarious reptilius and benevolent Draconis (not to be mixed with another group of ET’s called the draconian!) you will never know how vulnerable you truly are!
Sherry Shriner was right about the deadly reptilius, who owned her mind, but she lacked total cosmic consciousness or the realization of opposites making all worlds and good ET’s a real possibility.
Or what led a mentally poisoned PA woman; Barbara Rogers to commit murder; in the name of what they both, once honored.
The oblivious “infected” suspect, who says, the victim wanted to die…
God have mercy!
What are ET’s and where do they come from?…
Those entities (the reptilius) live and operate/use DARK MATTER!
They are cosmic conscious and use human stars to create fear, depressions, chaos, and death because they NEED US!
They are already in YOUR head, they can and will hijack your thoughts, mess up your attitude, stimulate horrific actions and they need humans’ negative thoughts endless flux to survive in Dark Matter!
They are the evil, commonly called Satan, the devil, the Prince of Darkness!
Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals
God (the light/positive) can not bless your lost (dark/negative) soul, Steven Mineo, indeed the reptilius stole and now own the dark energy, they forested in you, for eternity…
Yet, the majority of humans are oblivious, too scared, too religious, or born too rational to assimilate or accept my far-fetched cosmic teachings.
You can not have a night without a day, a devil without a God, a back without a front, a female without a male, negative without a positive, or the yin and yang!
Thus the benevolent Draconis use the regenerative force of the Sun/gold to stimulate love, creativity, peace, education, wisdom, happiness, respect, integrity, security in so many of us…
The Devil You Know…Cultist Sherry Shriner…
Please pass on my newsletters to the world and help bring true cosmic wisdom, to this world.
Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
TUBI – Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
An incredibly wise man named Plato wrote: “…perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens, for one who desires to see it and having seen it, to find ONE in himself.”
Pluto’s impact, on generations…
Find out, what the rest of 2021, has in store for you…
And the magic keeps on. But only YOU can save YOURSELF!
No one can or will do it for you… Some people are much too degenerated, or at the early stage of a reptilius infestation, at this point, you NEED a live Zoom consultation first, and a protective, cleansing talisman! Once you are deeper within the archetypal realm of consciousness, understand, and use your subconscious creative force correctly, you will be protected.
Click each link below, to check the details:
The magical power of talismans…
Talismans…Do they really work?
Watch the video: God’s talismans magical powers…
Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com or call the office at 602 265 7667
What will you get if you order a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!
You MUST provide your full DOB and your telephone number when ordering a consultation!
“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies, for a Universal God does not speak to fools” Dr. Turi
This is why becoming a VIP to the private Cosmic Code website is your only practical way to avoid such dangerous windows or at least be extremely cautious during those days!
But what is bothering me the most is the over-sensitive scared “young souls” who are actually blaming me for being very negative and make me responsible for an avalanche of depressive, negative deadly news!
The first question I ask those people is; “What did you give the world for free lately to help them save precious lives?” Thus instead of blaming me for your fears and lack of perception get out of yourself and face the reality, I try so hard to offer you every day since 1991!
The reality is; those people are unable to handle the undiluted truth and the hard facts of life and this is why radicalized Neptunian people like Joel Osteen are packing up their mega-church every Sunday offering nothing else than false hopes, lies, and deception!
The same applies for George Noory and Tom Danheiser Coast to Coast am, producer of this popular syndicated show who told me not to make predictions or mention anything about Trump or Covid 19 during the booking last October 2020. Note Danheiser never called me back to appear on the show!
Entertainment and lies seem to be the motivator and the new rules on CTC and not the truth I represent it seems!
Google User – Wow, Dr. Turi you predicted rightly about 1/6/2021, Dr. Turi. Your astrological report was the only and most accurate of all the ones done by other professionals on Coast to Coast am!
And while an army of their guests proclaimed Trump would win the elections and Covid was made up, in my last appearance on their show back in October 2019 my predictions and warnings about Trump and Covid 19 (and the Australian fires that killed millions of animals) have proven once again to be right!
Care to read the facts on CTC website?
From Coast to Coast website: 10/16/2019 – Turi also made predictions for this year and the next based on his study of astrology, saying that for the rest of 2019, political events and relationships will “go downhill,” and that there will be a “full restructure” of many groups *Antifa/ *QAnon? and institutions in 2021.*POLICE? *Supreme Court of the United States? He also said that he is expecting “a lot of fire” and “a lot of wildlife to disappear.”
But the sad reality is; those who know my peculiar situation with Tom and George on CTC and listen to them every night lack the balls needed to mention my name, the injustice I suffered, and my accurate predictions!
Meantime to all of those over-sensitive people unable to handle the facts and the truth, I say “Do not blame me for the human race lack of cosmic awareness for rejecting the reality of the reptilius who have hijacked the body, mind, and souls of billions of human beings stimulating more fears and ignorance in you than a legitimate drive to learn about them, God cosmic design and Jesus initial Cosmic Ministry!”
Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals
If you ordered a consultation please be patient with us, as I am overloaded with orders from all over the world due to the incredible response received from my movies on Amazon Prime.
My Amazon Prime movies have been picked up by FOX for their platform TubiTV – You can now watch those movies for FREE – My “Divine Astrology” movie is still available on Amazon Prime watch it for FREE if you do not want to subscribe!
The producers will add the “Live Reading” section in Divine Astrology to learn more about Nostradamus’s 16th-century rare methodology and plans are being made to make a new movie on “The Power of the Superconscious in time and space!”
You won’t get this type of incredible cosmic wisdom on Coast to Coast am, join my YouTube channel to learn more! Make sure to rate any of my movies, please. Thank you.
I have to go where humanity is; in the dirt, in the fear, in the dark where the reptilius nefarious entities reside, and throw at your face the results of your own fears and ignorance!
Now if you want real spiritual healing and solid regeneration, good news, find love, wealth, rebuild your faith, and a brilliant future you must learn all about your natal UCI *Unique Celestial Identity, learn and respect important karmic laws blessings your fate!
Unless I teach you all about the BLACK MOON CURSE in your chart, and how to get rid of this depressive unlucky energy how can you expect to reach your wishes?
Until you do so you will never know how much POSITIVITY and GOOD NEWS I can insert into the degenerated minds of depressive, lonely, unsuccessful infected people!
The fact is I can not count all the great endorsements received after any of my consultations and unless you face me on Zoom you will never know how much of a great life I can breathe into your body, mind, and soul!
Sharing email:
What will you get if you order a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!
My Amazon Prime movies have been picked up by FOX for their platform TubiTV – You can now watch those movies for FREE – My “Divine Astrology” movie is still available on Amazon Prime but you may also watch it for FREE if you do not want to subscribe! The producers will add the “Live Reading” section in Divine Astrology to learn more about Nostradamus’s 16th-century rare methodology and plans are being made to make a new movie on “The Power of the Superconscious in time and space!” You won’t get this type of incredible cosmic wisdom on Coast to Coast am, join my YouTube channel to learn more! Make sure to rate any of my movies, please. Thank you
I am well ahead of time, well into the future, and “the future HAS, and will always be my utmost faithful witness!” Dr. Turi
If you are not happy it’s because you do not live your destiny, Nostradamus…
Nostradamus 2021 Universal and Personal Forecast
Order your 2020 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates
Join the Cosmic Code and become a VIP!
Dr. Turi penetrated the secret of this core and teach the entire world on radio and television
Sharing emails:
I, Dimitri, present a living testimonial in supporting a higher truth in Light and the Cosmic Code from the higher wisdom of Dr.Turi’s cosmic consciousness with Love in Light. Don’t become SPIRITUAL DEAF & BLIND ! Heed his SPIRITUAL WARNING in preventing from taking your life for granted! We all should be grateful for Dr. Turi is a living proof in his ripe of young age at 71 years old on the 26th of February 2021. Believe In Oneness with Dr. Turi as if you can fake it until you make it. SO BE IT, LET IT BE WRITTEN!
Happy Birthday, Dr. Turi!
Blessings with Total Love,
We are all children of the universe, we are the very essence of those stars, and the more cosmic conscious you become the more of God’s cosmic language you will speak and understand!
I knew the extreme negativity of Trump’s stars and the “Hitler” quatrain, I wrote back in June 2013 is also a sure proof of my UFO’s predictive legacy before Trump got in power.
The reptilius negative group of ET’s will put certain people like Trump in power, to maintain a serious dose of troubles, fear, insecurity, and chaos, something those nefarious entities need to survive in the dark matter!
For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi
Posted to the world on June 12, 2013
German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn
Posted to the world on
, 2015Prepare Month of Blooming June icy *December
White Moon Ninth Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
A Cosmic God May Grace Humanity
On January 26, 2015, I gave the month of December, for Trump to exit the White House, which also reflects the accuracy of a quatrain, I wrote 5 years ago! White Moon Ninth Day Speak? I was 3 days off! Does this speak of a real Modern Prophet you should and must trust?
Back in 2019 I first introduced the benevolent Draconis and the nefarious reptilius to the world in this TV show which like Coast to Coast am, will have to pay heavy karma for promoting and endorsing conspiratorial material and the reptilius agenda.
Age Of Truth TV and infected Lucas is a firm promoter of the TOP conspiracy talking heads in the world and as a leader and promoter of the reptilius’ agenda, heavy karma awaits him too!
But without cosmic consciousness, the majority of humans on planet earth can only delegate life or politics through their 5 limited human rational senses.
This is why young souls, (religious or atheist) could never benefit from my cosmic work!
Their mental capacity is not advanced enough to investigate and assimilate the cosmic code jurisdictions and this crowd can only regenerate and assimilate conspiratorial, rational materials and not the critical warnings and teachings induced by my UFO’s predictive cosmic legacy!
While I did the best I could, to introduce the world to various groups of ETs, in the TV show above… Much better explanations are offered in my Amazon Prime movie.
Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals
Thank you, very much for your great 5 stars ratings and wonderful supporting comments on Amazon Prime which surpassed my expectations! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too!
Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology rebuttals
Dimitri February 24, 2021