“When suffering is on all sides and man hungers for the un-manifested mystery in all phenomenon, He seeks reflection of the Divine…God’s higher truths are cloaked in his creation and the message is in the stars.” — Nostradamus
Pope Francis Astrology UFO’S Centuries of Lies and manipulations
Dear readers;
SOS to the world deadly window 03/16/21 You Have Been Warned!
Posted Friday, March 12, 2021, 11:43 on BIN
Posted Friday, March 12, 2021, on Linkedin
The last SHOCKING window produced quite shocking news if you take the time to read the collected news! We are now into a deadly Plutonic window and I warn you again!
Be careful of what you say or do during those upcoming deadly cosmic winds, for what you say or do will follow you for the rest of your life! Please share my warnings with everyone, especially if you are a cop or know a cop…
Expect deadly, dramatic news and a “wake-up call!” for some! Many won’t survive this very dangerous window when the reptilius reign supreme!
March 2 / 16 / — / – (Starting on the given date, will last all the way to the next window)
Hidden secrets, sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign.
Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic Death News / Police news / Police brutality / FBI / CIA / Secret
services / Secrets to light / Mob / Scandals / Terrorism / Assassination / Cyber-attacks / Abduction /
Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Porn / Prostitution / Life and death / Serial Killers / Undiluted truth /Dying/Rebirthing / Nature and Man-Made Wake up Call.
My window ALWAYS enunciate the high probability of earthquakes or above 6.0
03/19/21: 7.0 magnitude earthquake near Ishinomaki, Miyagi, Japan
03/18/21: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Bejaïa, Algeria
03/16/21 ON THE WINDOW: 6.6 magnitude earthquake hit Kamtsjatka, Russia
The video and this newsletter don’t lie!
Man killed in shooting aboard Broward Transit bus Dramatic death news?
A 911 call from a woman saying her husband was having a “psychotic breakdown” Friday evening in the South Avenue parking garage in Rochester, NY… Indeed my deadly Plutonic Window should be heeded and shared widely because, during those deadly cosmic winds, another reptilius infected lost soul killed himself and his child!
Man jumps to his death while holding one-year-old son in Rochester
According to the RPD, the family of three is from out of state and had just arrived in Rochester to
visit an ailing family member. The Rochester Police Departments Major Crimes Unit is handling the investigation into this apparent suicide / attempted murder.
In no way will the police department and their “experts” comprehend or even accept my far-fetched teachings! Yet the world will in time realize Dr. Turi was right all along!
Chances are this “infected soul” was under one of his 2021 negative cosmic biorhythms and ingested too many legal or illegal drugs and became infested by the reptilius!

Russia pulls ambassador after Biden’s remark about Putin Russia?
NFL star Deshaun Watson sued for alleged sexual assaults Sex?
Rochester teens set man on fire in apartment now face murder charges Reptilius infected kids!
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
3/16/2021 – 8 killed in shootings at 3 metro Atlanta spas. Racist attack! Dramatic death news?
Four people were shot dead after fight over stimulus check Dramatic death news?
Dead on the window published Friday, March 12, 2021, 11:43 on BIN and Linkedin – My video clearly mentions to be ready for crazy people to kill innocent people and many non-cosmic-conscious people will not make it! My visions and warnings offered to the world in “SOS to the world deadly window 03/16/21 You Have Been Warned!” can not be denied!
Hockey player, 19, dies after being hit by puck Dramatic news
After 26 years with the CIA, I had silent wounds CIA?
A small plane crashes into a car on a Florida road leaving two dead and two seriously injured Death news?
Note by popular demand, another documentary on Divine Astrology, Jesus’ initial cosmic Ministry, and the subconscious will be added to the two I have already, on Amazon Prime… We are currently discussing, the taping process.
This means I am getting more international exposure and with it, an endless chain of consultations.
I am currently booked all the way to July 2021 and not everyone will want to wait that long to hire my service.
Thus, I came up with a good idea and you may want to pay attention, especially if you are on a very long waiting list!
You have the option to get your reading, as soon as two days from now, if you decide to receive TWO compressed files instead of one! (video of me doing your reading) And instead of waiting for our live meeting on Zoom, for weeks or months to come.
That is a lot of time listening and learning from me!
Only clients, investing in my TOP SERVICE do not wait… Meantime, you have now the same option to receive your reading, shortly after you ordered it!
In fact, because of the other planned documentary on Amazon Prime, I may soon be forced to only provide compressed files, because of the incredible, endless wave of demands – For consultations, coming from all English-speaking countries, in the world.
What is the difference you may ask? NONE and you will get much better service is the answer!
Thus, if you think not seeing me on Zoom, is hurting your investment… You’re wrong.
In fact, just the opposite!
Your consultation will be more condensed and much deeper, as I can focus on the very important introduction, then on the reading and not be disturbed by any outside interferences, like you moving, talking, or any noises coming from your house.
The majority of my clients, do not have the basic knowledge of what divine astrology is all about, and how, as a child of the Universe, the stars command their destiny!
The beauty is that; knowing all about your UCI *Unique Celestial Identity, you’ll be able to apply your will (the part of God in you) and control your natal stars and fate!
Your stars are both positive and negative and knowing about it, will become a major contribution to your success or your failures in life!
Knowledge is power, ignorance is power! If you are not happy it’s because you do not live your destiny!
I always ask my client to do the listening and not talk during the session, because you are unknowingly interrupting the deep channeling connecting me from the superconscious in time and space.
Note also I have more answers than you have questions for me, since I explore and explain the 12 different departments of your life!
Thus, NOTHING, will be left unanswered!
This includes all the teachings on the “black Moon curse” and the teachings of all critical Universal Laws that apply to your fate and critical information on your health, love, and career!
I will elaborate in length on 2021 Scorpius Draconis forcing changes in very specific areas of your life and even read your future all the way to three or four years ahead of you. I do my best working, when alone (with you) listening and watching your chart following and listening, to my guidance and predictions in every house and signs…
The explanations on the Great malefic (Saturn) and the Great Benefic (Jupiter) have very significant importance you must be aware of, not to forget the ever so important Dragon’s Head and Tail information depicting your fate and all your past lives…
If you decide to have a compressed file generated and emailed to you instead of waiting for months, it may be a better way for you to go this way.
Especially if you are in a peculiar situation in your life, if you feel stuck, depressed, insecure, and need answers right away. And knowing the results of your personalized reading will be much the same you lose nothing!
“But what if I have questions or need clarification” you may ask!
Again if you still have any questions or need confirmation you can always email me at turitrue@gmail.com or teraniapromodir@gmail.com after our meeting and I will personally answer you.
This includes the very important Astro- Tarot channeling at the very end of the video where Draco’s channeling will astound you!
IMPORTANT Email teraniapromodir@gmail.com right away if you want to go this way and save a lot of time.
Vatican says it will not bless same-sex unions, calling homosexuality a ‘sin’ and a ‘choice’
In the video above, I explained why gay people are gay and it is certainly not a choice!
I also explained the painful abortion dilemma…Yet, I don’t think science and the religious poisoned crowd will ever be able to accept my far-fetched cosmic teachings, which I know to be real!
So many women have been forced “karmically” to give away their children or stop (forced) to end a pregnancy and those women carry with them, terrible heavy guilt with abortion…Which is slowly consuming their mental and physical health!
One must remember, the religious and scientific infected matrixes, do not care about you and me, and all they want is for their corporation (the Vatican/NASA) to survive.
Yet, the most horrific thing the church did to humanity is to hide the truth or Jesus’ initial cosmic teachings of his Divine Ministry!
Forensic experts question Tiger Woods crash probe after new finding
It is important for me to prove to countless trusting readers the reality of my UFO’s predictive legacy with something they can check! Unlike Coast to Coast false prophets and a myriad of astrologers wanna be on their show, when I make predictions it’s because I read the stars correctly!
Would they be politicians, (Trump) celebrities from all walks of life, including famous sports figures, people love their idols, period! They do not want to hear anything bad about any of them! And many of those souls, can not handle the truth!
Yet, the stars do not lie to me and again, offering proofs of my predictions should be appreciated and reinforce your trust in my expertise!
This means also when we meet and I perform a consultation on Zoom and offer you my expertise pertaining to your future and my critical cosmic teachings, be sure the predictions will come to pass and your life will change for the best!
What will you get if you order a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!
Mamacrow –Thank you for this excellent report… Thank you again. Fantastic! I WAS a Hogue subscriber… WAS.
Read and judge for yourself! Coast to Coast am “Election Special Waste!” SOS to the world 1/7/21. But God is always watching and always rewards the gifted!
Florida woman posing as plastic surgeon arrested after botched nose job
Three killed, six hurt after vehicle plows into pedestrians in San Diego
Missing woman who went on one-day hike was found dead in the mountains, police say
Danish woman dead after AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine
“doja cat looks beautiful but the dress is a NO from me, sorry,”
Without investigating its dynamics, how can our infantile scientific community and the average person possibly distinguish the marvel of Divine Astrology from pseudoscience? By honoring the word science and being curious! Dr. Turi.
Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
TUBI – Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology
Thank you, very much for your great 5 stars ratings and wonderful supporting comments on Amazon Prime which surpassed my expectations! If you did not yet, please go to Amazon Prime to rate my latest Astrology movie and ask any question you may have, you will get an answer!
Make sure also to keep offering me ratings and wonderful supporting comments (219 so far) on my UFO’s movie on Amazon Prime! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too!
Another documentary is in the works!
I encourage all our precious supporters to watch Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology all the way to the end, share it with others, and most importantly RATE & REVIEW it on Amazon Prime and also on IMDb.com!
I am well ahead of time, well into the future, and “the future HAS, and will always be my utmost faithful witness!” Dr. Turi
If you are not happy it’s because you do not live your destiny, Nostradamus…
Nostradamus 2021 Universal and Personal Forecast
Order your 2020 Personal & Universal Cosmic Biorhythms Dates
Join the Cosmic Code and become a VIP!
Dr. Turi penetrated the secret of this core and teach the entire world on radio and television
Sharing emails:
I, Dimitri, present a living testimonial in supporting a higher truth in Light and the Cosmic Code from the higher wisdom of Dr.Turi’s cosmic consciousness with Love in Light. Don’t become SPIRITUAL DEAF & BLIND ! Heed his SPIRITUAL WARNING in preventing from taking your life for granted! We all should be grateful for Dr. Turi is a living proof in his ripe of young age at 71 years old on the 26th of February 2021. Believe In Oneness with Dr. Turi as if you can fake it until you make it. SO BE IT, LET IT BE WRITTEN!
Happy Birthday, Dr. Turi!
Blessings with Total Love,
What will you get if you order a live Zoom consultation with Dr. Turi? Read all the details!
We are all children of the universe, we are the very essence of those stars, and the more cosmic conscious you become the more of God’s cosmic language you will speak and understand!
I knew the extreme negativity of Trump’s stars and the “Hitler” quatrain, I wrote back in June 2013 is also a sure proof of my UFO’s predictive legacy before Trump got in power.
The reptilius negative group of ET’s will put certain people like Trump in power, to maintain a serious dose of troubles, fear, insecurity, and chaos, something those nefarious entities need to survive in the dark matter!
For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; For those who do not, none will ever suffice… Dr. Turi
Posted to the world on June 12, 2013
German/Vikings Skin Alike
Black and White Red Blood
Fire War Violence Passions Rule
God Nowhere To Stop Fires
Hitler’s Evil spirit reborn
Posted to the world on
, 2015Prepare Month of Blooming June icy *December
White Moon Ninth Day Speak
Evil Spirit of Hitler Legacy Challenged
A Cosmic God May Grace Humanity
On January 26, 2015, I gave the month of December, for Trump to exit the White House, which also reflects the accuracy of a quatrain, I wrote 5 years ago! White Moon Ninth Day Speak? I was 3 days off! Does this speak of a real Modern Prophet you should and must trust?
Back in 2019 I first introduced the benevolent Draconis and the nefarious reptilius to the world in this TV show which like Coast to Coast am, will have to pay heavy karma for promoting and endorsing conspiratorial material and the reptilius agenda.
Age Of Truth TV and infected Lucas is a firm promoter of the TOP conspiracy talking heads in the world and as a leader and promoter of the reptilius’ agenda, heavy karma awaits him too!
But without cosmic consciousness, the majority of humans on planet earth can only delegate life or politics through their 5 limited human rational senses.
This is why young souls, (religious or atheist) could never benefit from my cosmic work!
Their mental capacity is not advanced enough to investigate and assimilate the cosmic code jurisdictions and this crowd can only regenerate and assimilate conspiratorial, rational materials and not the critical warnings and teachings induced by my UFO’s predictive cosmic legacy!
While I did the best I could, to introduce the world to various groups of ETs, in the TV show above… Much better explanations are offered in my Amazon Prime movie.
Dr. Turi Amazon Prime UFO movie rebuttals
Thank you, very much for your great 5 stars ratings and wonderful supporting comments on Amazon Prime which surpassed my expectations! Please do not hesitate to rate again and post your reviews to IMDb too!
Amazon Prime new documentary: Nostradamus’ Divine Astrology rebuttals
Dimitri February 24, 2021