Cosmic anomalies?
There is no “Cosmic anomalies” in the Universe, only a divine universal plan induced by God’s real cosmic divinity! The only obvious anomaly, is the unconscious scientists’ latent curiosity to investigate its spiritual purposes! Dr. Turi
Dear readers;
Memo from Woman livestreams moments after cop kills boyfriend Prediction! “It seems my SHOCKING deadly window results posted in “July 2016 SOS to the world deadly Windows” for our VIP’s in the Cosmic Code private website are becoming more surprisingly undeniable. That is if you take the time to read the quatrain and keywords used to reflect the Mind boggling / Shocking / Stunning / Baffling current news using Technology! I am soon expecting more surprising news, a volcano eruption and earthquakes at or above 6.0.”
Today: 6.3 magnitude earthquake near Rosa Zarate, Esmeraldas, Ecuador
Yesterday: 6.0 magnitude earthquake near Hihifo, Niuas, Tonga

4 volcanic explosions on July 7, 2016: Turrialba, Alaid, Klyuchevskoy, Sinabung
We know that 12 law enforcement officers were shot Thursday night, and that five of them died. We know their alleged sniper was killed himself, after an hours-long standoff with police. But this is not all we know. Here are the eyewitness accounts, the reactions across the political spectrum — and the victims who lost their lives.
The question should be not only be about healing but also saving and protecting America. And if you think President Obama, Clinton, Trump, the police or anyone like so will do so, then you are in dreamland.
America is in serious pain and mourning because of endless, raw racial tensions, senseless killings and a serious lack of trust between the police and communities they are supposed to “serve and protect!” And from all the political chaos experienced last few months, many people are wondering if a leader will emerge from this huge mess!
CNN: “Leadership may come from lower down the political scale. “Let’s be human beings,” said the Deputy Chief of Dallas Police, Malik Aziz, on CNN. “Let’s be honorable men and women and sit down at a table and say, ‘How can we not let this happen again?”
But no reptilius infected human being can behave like a normal human being and be honorable with others, when they are mentally “possessed” by cosmic forces that 99.9% of the world is oblivious of and refute.
This is not a “normal” phenomenon that can be delegated politically and rationally or with the use of police force! This is instead; well above the heads of all the political, scientific and religious elites of America.
None of those traditionally educated, well intended people in position of power will ever find the illusive solution and stop the widening distrust and hatred between the police and the rest of a black, white and brown society.
Thus when Deputy Chief of Dallas Police, Malik Aziz said “Let’s be honorable men and women and sit down at a table and say, ‘How can we not let this happen again?” I can assure you its not if but when it will happen again! And it will only get much worse! I can’t believe the unconscious, gullible God fearing souls who believe their Jesus will return to earth and fix this situation!
Some believe “UFO’s” will and while they are, to a certain degree right; I can assure you that the Draconis, a group of benevolent ET’s; have been hard at work to counteract the reptilius’ extreme psychical damages inflicted upon humanity… 5 Dallas Officers Killed – Art Bell Reptilius infestation – Are you next?
Note you may Google “reptilius Dr. Turi” for more explanations on those entities or listen to this radio show! HELP US FIGHT THE REPTILIUS
Humans are “machines” of good and bad habits and those who fell victims of the regimenting, abusive matrixes suffering legal and illegal drugs, alcohol, sex, religion, sports and entertainment addictions are the prime target of this subtle, reptilius infestation.
Time to wake up to the truth involving all the infected matrixes!
But it seems the tangible proof of my claims are a dilemma instead of good fortune, when the majority of rational people are unwilling or unable to face a reality so unbelievable. Progressive groups of ET’s do not exactly “connect” or make themselves known with any human being and the sensitive “abductions” process starts very early in life!
In my case, there is NO doubting ET’s because of my direct “connection” with them, particularly Draco! And while I am offering the skeptics all the ramifications to how and when the embedded phenomenon happened…It is to the agnostics that magical orbs are also something to laugh at!
A Powerful Message To The World
With this in mind, I am sure those who can assimilate my cosmic work and support the fight, also realize how incredibly difficult it is to try and upgrade other human beings to a higher level of psychical perception.
Furthermore, mastering and interpreting God’s Cosmic language is not “normal” people’s priority and without a rare teacher’s crucial cosmic consciousness, not only basic astrology, but the divine can never be recognized or accepted!
Especially when the righteous and envious subhumans’ droppings managed to remove me from dozens of popular public data networks! In 2016, the current psychical level of humanity is very low (rational) and very far from reaching its sublime potential! Especially when the human vices and fears are always given a priority in a negatively polarized world.
Thus, knowing only a ridiculous fraction of human beings were born with the right UCI to reach a higher level of supra-consciousness, all the idiots in charge of those popular public data networks can never endorse or support a cosmic work that means absolutely nothing to their pin heads.
This is a very dense physical world where demimondaine subhuman affairs and vices rule supreme but not true cosmic ingeniousness. This mental dryness makes it extraordinary easy for the reptilius to infect the majority of “poisoned” humans and turn them into killing robots!
I feel I am really beating a dead horse in trying to reach or explain to the police what should be done to stop the widening distrust between them and the public!… 5 Dallas Officers Killed!
While I have offered the common cops and the police administration structural process and behavior, the option to use my Astropsychology / Astroforensic software in their patrol cars and learn to recognize not only the dangerously infected born killers but also to make a good use of the SOS to the world deadly windows they chose to ignore my endless warnings and offers.
I also wonder how many of those concerned people actually took the time to read “Police Requiem” and if they did, I’m not sure if they understand how crucial my original, cosmic work truly is.
I don’t think they do but I still put it out there again because I know this is the ONLY real solution available to them all. I am about to generate the 2017 Nostradamus Universal Predictions, and unlike my previous work, and for the fist time in my life; those “visions” will NOT be publicized.
2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
2014/2015 Arian Draconis Predictions (public)
2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions (public)
While the essence of a true prophet is to warn the world of its impending fate, the time spent everyday on an uncompromising, indoctrinating, abusive system seems to go nowhere! And as I said, there is no reason for me to keep beating a dead horse and only our VIP’swill be warned to what’s coming up in to the world… And those visions are certainly not for the fainted hearts!
The question remain… Who can heal, save and protect America from those cosmic forces and nefarious entities they know nothing about and refuse to acknowledge? Staying in denial and trust science or religions to deal with those malefic, unseen evil is a ridiculous joke!
None of those elites in a national position of influence are cosmic conscious and all are trapped in this dense physical world where the five limited human senses rules to question their existence. Little do they know of the mysterious, infinite universe and manipulating ET’s agenda above their traditionally “educated heads!”
For anyone who never heard or read my cosmic work on Facebook, their first reaction is quite interesting to say the least; I read all sorts of things from those scared, jealous “pin heads” who never clicked on any of the provided links to read the full article.
Here are some; This guy is insane, he forgot to take his med today. Are you drunk or smoking pot? You are using people death to make money! You are a fear mongering and you will end up in hell. You will end up burning in fire, No I will not share or read your trash, and the best one of all from me to them… SPAM! or Serving those Pathetic Absolute Minds for free…
Feed the deceptive matrixes or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
The reality is; people who never took the time, nor have the mental aptitude to educate themselves on the cosmic code jurisdictions truly believe, I am a con man and this deplorable assumption reflect their own limited perceptiveness to a rare precious art that took 66 years of my life to master! And trying to prove my worth to those cold, young souls, is indeed a total waste of my time.
Only a few days ago, I suffered the Gemini Dragon’s Tail of a born DUAL infected kid who stole a small radio from my house! In no way will his friends, who pretend to know him better than I do; ever conceive the possibility of him stealing anything from anyone. Yet, this is a sad negative Gemini’s trait well hidden from all!
I trusted his friends into bringing him home after a trip to the Salt River and even Terania told me it wasn’t a good idea…She’s usually right and too has good intuition. Well, instead of heeding my own “cosmic” judgement, I learned a new vital lesson at my old age! But giving the benefit of the doubt to anyone instead of heeding true cosmic wisdom, is something a wise person should never do!
People will only act out their stars in a productive or negative fashion and when drugs and alcohol are mixed, the soul becomes a perfect and easy target for the vile reptilius’ command.
But this is how it is readers, in this pool of unconscious, easily amused, gullible, trusting human blind herd. Though there are still some curious ones who actually seek and ask questions and love to read my work! And this is why, since 1991, I am still beating this dead horse, because what ever life is left in his body, mind and soul is worth saving.
Dr. Turi
Dr. Turi M.D.U.S – Psychic reading, street – level palm reader? For entertainment purpose only??? Be real, you will always get what you pay for! Divine Astrology is an art, stay with the master. Experience Dr. Turi’s Nostradamus 16 th century rare methodology. Try Draco the ET’s mind-boggling universal and personal channeled predictions and be amazed. Check www.drturi.com. Test Dr. Turi’s cosmic gifts with your FREE mini reading, E-mail teraniapromodir@gmail.com for more information.
Join the cosmic code its free! Get my articles right into your mailbox, then become a VIP when ever you feel like!
July 4th deal is now over! “Hubble spots dramatic auroras on Jupiter omen translation.”
If you need to develop or refine your cosmic vibrations, attract love and light, UFO’s, luck, health, wealth, or repel bad luck, the reptilius infestation and curses I can only strongly recommend you to read all about “The Power of my Talismans.“
New deal
- Regularly a Universal talisman cost $1500, with a live VIP Skype session, but you can get it for half price or $750 if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first.
- Regularly a UFOs (or health, work, love and career ) talisman cost $500 but you can get it for half price or $250 if you become a VIP for 12 months minimum first.
Please e-mail Terania if interested at: teraniapromodir@gmail.com and she will set you up.
Dr. Turi back on air with Pat Fringe (K-Talk) Fringe Radio, Saturday July 23, 2016 from 7-9 PM PST. Louis will speak on the current universal dragon in Virgo / Pisces and it’s impact on the world, as well as how it will affect the upcoming 2017 axis in Leo / Aquarius. He will also speak further about E.T.’s both benevolent and reptilius as well as UFO’s and other metaphysical secrets. Email Pat or call during the show if you want to experience a mini reading on the air.
Dr. Turi on air with Chris Kehler September 22, 2016 from 6 pm to 7 pm
have questions about a dream, a wish, fears, a job, a decision to make etc. But again, this work is not for normal people but for those who vibrate at a very high spiritual cosmic speed. Join us, we are there for you in the Cosmic Code website.
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God Cosmic Divinity, Astropsychology or Astroforensics just ring the bell! I will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!