I am not exactly sure how it is possible not to detect the obvious translated “cosmic Winds” when plain English words like Nukes/Freak accidents/Aeronautics/Video camera are used! In my latest article titled “Can Some ET’s Be God Sent to help Humanity?” I also offered solid proofs and more explanation of my rare cosmic wisdom that deserve the public total attention.
Sad enough corporate events promoters are also clueless of those “cosmic winds” and the penalty never far away… Big crash at Tour de France – Fans hurt in NASCAR crash – Indeed the cosmic conscious reptilius are using the cosmic code at their advantage to interfere or kill human ET VOILA!
But it seems my crucial warnings are only being heeded by a few thousands people all over the world.
“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; NEITHER DO THEY UNDERSTAND THE VOICE OF HEAVEN.” – Matthew 13.13
Incidentally, this bloody weekend cursed Chicago too! – 47 people shot! (CNN) When a city has seven killings in two days, including the death of a 7-year-old boy, something is systemically wrong. “We need to repair a broken system,” Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy told reporters Sunday. “Criminals don’t feel the repercussions of the justice system.”
And if you keep watching more videos, there is no denying my vision of the future “Monsters” taking over America from the inside out and with infected ISIS reptilius’ poisoned children. Both cosmic unconscious infected human beings displayed cosmic ignorance and shameful subhuman behaviors publicly!
Those fearless foolish humanoids were simply victimized by the aggressive Arian/Hitler Draconis Universal pull! But how many of my readers took the time to investigate my previous predictive work over the years? But the subhuman will NOT read nor investigate, only criticize!
2016 Neptunius Draconis Predictions (public)
2014/2015 Arian Draconis Predictions (public)
2012/2014 Scorpius Draconis Predictions (public)
Both were victimized by their Personal Negative Cosmic Biorhythms and behaved, robotically, subconsciously from the subtle command of the stars above!
Who’s to blame? The brutalized civilian or the cop? Knowing the “ignorance” war start in your own home, with your own family; where and how could this universal stupidity end? But when, from top to bottom this humongous infectious ignorance rule humanity safety, respect, peace and love are impossible to reach or establish!
In a world where political leaders and society assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community, only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity. Dr. Turi
Shame on the Police Agency Administration and Performance

Dylan Storm Roof born killer
I killed them all because society created a monster
Let’s face reality readers, there are not many smart or curious people on this planet. The police bureaucrats could not give a damn about the cops facing death and the criminals killing innocent people in the streets everyday! The police executives and billions of subhuman are quite safe in their offices or at home laughing about ET’s and Astrology! The police administration will not budge to save a single cop’s life by doing something different for a change!
The religious and scientific “educational” conditioning took many years to establish and like a bad law, it is often impossible to change!
The Pope Embrace Of Evolution A One World Religion? Insanity at best!
The End of God and all religions?
Pope’s focus on poor hits home in Quito
CNN: In the outskirts of the Ecuadorian capital, Pope Francis’ planned visit brought much excitement — especially among the poorest of believers. Pope Francis lands in Quito, Ecuador, saying he was excited to visit his native South America. He will also visit Bolivia and Paraguay.
While on the appearance Pope Francis is a wonderful man, the greedy, cruel gold thirty Spanish conquistadors were also religiously infected! Meantime the manipulative “stealing” legacy must be maintained for the Vatican corporation machine to survive.
While all the Incas gold was melted and millions of Indians exterminated by the reptilius infectious diseases brought by the Europeans, Central America is the lifeblood of the religious Christian matrix!
Nothing has changed really, just time by offering more refined masquerades sucking whatever is left from Central America, the Philippines and many other nations. Those struggling people’ spirit is kept into religious poisonous fears and ignorance, not realizing all infected Popes of the past are responsible for their people extermination. Indeed the reptilius infected subhuman is incapable of thinking for himself and a perfect target for foreign influences abuses.
Pope Francis aims are more than honorable making him a prime target for this destructive group of ET’s. It will be a miracle for Pope Francis (and President Obama) to survive the upcoming 2016/2017 Neptunius cosmic winds. More and more human will become victims of the reptilius using one of the most illusive, deceptive universal current to curse humanity.
Infected Neptunius political leaders will give in to the masses new Nirvanic need and sins, allowing Neptune’s poisonous natural cookies to become the reptilius dreamed potent platform for universal psychical dysfunction. I dare to offer the dramatic fate of an irresponsible, unresponsive, unwilling public, for failing my mission which means no hopes for a cosmic unconscious humanity victimized by so many abusive matrixes.
Many of my readers would rather ignore my warnings and laugh about the obvious reptilius universal psychical infection in progress, soon unstoppable. This cosmic subconscious manipulation is not yet irreversible but acknowledging the proposed facts and repair an incomplete educational broken system will soon become an emergency.
There is no way for your governments, religious and scientific authorities to assimilate, comprehend and fix a problem they can not understand or refuse to accept! The “revolution” must start within your own spiritual core and acceptance of astropsychology within the educational curriculum!
Reconnecting with the spirit and acknowledge God Cosmic Divinity is humanity’s only chance to free its jailed, poisoned spirit BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!
Slowing down and eradicate the reptilius’ agenda to poison the human psyche and destroy earth is not the product of my imagination, but a very real phenomenon the majority of unconscious human cannot yet conceive!
The proposed course of actions are extraordinary simple in their applications, that is if I could only be heard and taken seriously by society! Share those crucial messages and videos widely, help the benevolent Draconis ET’s psychically, to protect human experiment and the planet, because, without understanding this cosmic tragedy, humanity will lose the battle! Share those links widely, start fighting the reptilius today with us!
Dr. Turi on Christina George radio show July 6, 2015 from 6pm to 8pm. Be there!
Blessings to all our readers
Dr. Turi and Terania.
If you are not happy it is because you do not live your destiny!
A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law …
“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.” ~ Paracelsus
“The universe is a BRIGHT LIVING spiritual entity, I’m offering its secrets before I die.” Dr.Turi
Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi