February 28, 2019
In a world where leaders assign themselves to religious archaic convictions, conspiracy or prioritize entertainments, sports and trust its infantile scientific community only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity. Dr. Turi
Dear readers;
Worse day for trump, its just the beginning… First and foremost realize that: I could not care less if you support or despise President Trump! My cosmic work is far from being politically oriented, it is spiritual in nature ONLY! And it is designed to bring forth your own cosmic consciousness by offering you the real reasons to why Trump had the worse day ever since he became our President!
There is no shape-shifting only a reptilius psychical infestation!
Blooming flowers mid month of June icy *December
Cosmic God may spare humanity
Hitler’s famous infected spirit to die
World rejoice infected souls cry
Written by Dr. Turi 4/10/2018
I am convinced infected President Trump will pay a heavy price for his GREED and the IRS will get him…
The real dilemma here is, the humongous ignorance from a conditioned American cosmic unconscious public unable or unwilling to dig deeper in my lifetime work!
Its a tragedy for President Trump to be surrounded by “well read,” traditionally educated unconscious young counselors morons who could never guide their own selves properly! Indeed the golden keys to what it means to be human and avoid those destructive, unproductive and very dangerous cosmic winds secrets, will never be accessible through the type of controlled education/indoctrination they oblige by!
I teach my students that; there are NO accidents in life, only cosmic circumstances at work the “norm” could never either appreciate and ridicule and worse, would never investigate! So using very simple rational terms I will offer the answers to what happened to our President a Cosmic God has enslaved everyone of you to uncover!
There are good (God/the Draconis/day + ) and Bad (Satan/the reptilius/nigh – ) cosmic winds endlessly blessing (positive) or cursing (negative) every human who resides in this solar system. Yet our infantile science know nothing of “The Marvelous Soul of The Cosmos” and still see all the planets as dead rocks hanging above in the sky to amuse astronomers researchers to build robots designed to “visit” Mars!
In their “educated” minds, those “lifeless rocks” have nothing to offer humanity and Astrology should be not only ridicule but also classified as a wasteful “pseudo-science!”
Nothing can be further from the truth readers, but the reptilius made sure their scientific or religious accepted disciplines can never be challenged by controlling ALL sources of information! And there is Dr. Turi…
The reptilius at always at work leading you to generate endless, irrational, unfounded fears through conspiratorial materials, something they desperately need to survive…When will the world learn to battle ignorance and fear with positivism? I can only hope and wonder… It start with yourself looking for freedom in body, mind and soul and explore yourself and the world around you! FREE YOURSELF watch this video!
While my previous and future “SOS to the world deadly windows” have been accurate and undeniable, both science and religion would never honor the word “SCIENCE” and would rather assume than to start paying more attention to my cosmic work!
Age of Truth TV March 2nd proof of Predictions
It is a TRAGEDY for the most powerful man on the planet, not only to be oblivious of the interstellar winds shaping the destiny of nations and his own, but not to be able to make a good use of them because he is surrounded by a bunch of rational idiots!
It is a TRAGEDY for the most powerful man on the planet to be in charge of our common destiny when he does know ZILT, ZERO of his fate and the one of the country he rule! A few days before the “predicted” Russian “stolen” election, I generated Trumps’ UCI and fate * Unique Celestial Identity as to explain what will happen to Trump and this great country!
I just turned 69 yesterday and I spent all my life dedicating myself to help humanity upgrade its psychical awareness and my latest Astrological discovery, once again has proven MYSELF right! But what good it is if I am the only one who knows about it?
There will be days, where as soon as you wake up, anything you’ll try will work perfectly, and there are days where you wished you did not get up because God and the Devil became best friends to ruin your life! Knowing about those cosmic winds can only become a MAJOR contribution for your failures or your business and personal successes, if not your life!
But dunces do not read, they can only assume and laugh…
For your own sake, take the time to READ about my cosmic pearls of wisdom (FOR FREE!) Knowing all about your UDD or PDD is a must, so you can apply your will and avoid the worse that fate can trow at you! While you are not President Trump or a very famous, wealthy celebrity, you are much more lucky than them all! Why? because the option to control your destiny and your life is offered to you through my work!
And unless you check my claims, if you are a skeptic, you have the right to remain silent! Others, more curious people, use critical thinking so you can upgrade from the idiotic sub-humans walking all around you to the very rare Super-Humans level…
2019 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms
Yet my critical work about the President’s idiosyncrasies is not getting the formidable attention it deserves just yet… “Donald Trump President?” While infected conspiracy “Talking Heads” let their fear of power , fear of the government and wild imagination serve the reptilius, more and more people are running into the bottomless hole of dangerous ignorance!
Shape-shifting Mormonism, Scientology and the Reptilius
No one will ever turn in to a “lizard” reader, but the reptilius will hijack unconscious people’s mind every chances they get! Conspiracy is real and has its limits, idiocy has not! This nonsense is only accepted by those who have been indoctrinated by infested unconscious “Talking Heads!”
There is NO ridiculous “reptilian” advanced technology enslaving humanity, yes we’ve been on the moon and HAARP does not “yet” control the weather! Furthermore, the moon is not a UFO’s base and our closest satellite is not hollow! There is only an obvious REPTILIUS’ PSYCHICAL WARFARE CURSING AN OBLIVIOUS HUMANITY and the mind of those you trust and listened for years!
When will such conspiratorial stupidity end and when reason and real cosmic education start?
David Icke’s tainted imagination Versus Dr. Turi’s facts about shape-shifting reptilians
Remember readers; as I said in Lucas’ Age of Truth TV show... “If you make people think, they will love you, but if you REALLY make them think the way I do, they will hate you with passion…”
If you can not use your critical thinking just yet, it is because you are “indoctrinated” and afraid of getting OUT of your own conspiratorial box of accepted information! And this is detrimental because your fears feed the reptilius who can not survive without them and yet, you are completely oblivious or even reject this fact!
Spray-On Nanofibre 'Skin' Treats Burns and Wounds
This revolutionary, spray-on 'skin' helps heal wounds without causing pain (via NowThis)
Posted by Seeker on Wednesday, February 27, 2019
President Trump does not drink I heard, he does not smoke or use legal or illegal drugs, yet he is one of the most infected man on the planet, why if he lead such a clean life can he serve the reptilius agenda you may ask?
There are many ways to succumb to the psychical control of the reptilius readers, and both EGO and GREED makes all humans most vulnerable to those nefarious entities. If you were a billionaire like Trump, would you take such a tasking position as the United States of America top man or would you simply enjoy your wealth until your last breath?
I think of myself as a smart guy and believe me, fame and fortune and Trump’s position is not what I would go for! Yet billions of infected human beings would not agree with me and do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, (good or bad) like our President did, to win the Presidency! And this is how Trump’s greed opened his tainted spirit to the reptilius which now owns him…
The only reason why I want a bigger stage is not to satisfy my “humongous ego” but to serve all the people who need me and can make a good use of my cosmic ingenuity! My aims are honorable and real and if God decides other wise, I’ll be happy to go fishing in an exotic place on my boat till I drop!
Enjoying the sun set and the sun rise, feel the warn exotic air, enjoy the food and drinks and all the old and new friends and be happy with my family is such a better dream for me than to slave for ego, greed and drive for power!
My gift and curse are my total dedication to upgrade humanity’s psychical welfare, save you from the reptilius and guide you accurately for as long as God gives me the strength to do so when you become a VIP!
Feed the religious or scientific matrixes or free your spirit with Dr. Turi
After watching this educational video, if you do relate to my cosmic mission to upgrade your cosmic consciousness and save humanity from the evil reptilius , please sign my petition…
The March 2019 universal and personal monthly forecast is ready, become a VIP and let me guide you every single days of the month, you are in good hands with me… JOIN US TODAY!
While I am still healing from a bad fall in the Marshal Island last August and may undergo surgery, I should be able to attend all my future conferences. Please join us and have a blast in the process…
Join my Facebook page…
Blessings and thank you to my world wide reading audience.
Dr. Turi
Mother Mary’ Spirit in Sedona Beyond The Matrix Healing
Listen to my predictions made on Suzanne Ross the Beyond the Matrix radio show January 2019
Hello Beautiful Beings,
I am delighted to be working with Suzanne on this event and I so look forward meeting all of you next month in Sedona. I hope to meet you there because we will have a blast! Facebook: Please go to the event link on FB: https://www.facebook.com/
In case you did not read it yet, check what the cosmic winds and the angels have in store for us all those days…
Star’ Spirit in Sedona Beyond The Matrix Healing
Make sure to visit https://scispi.tv/
If you intend to be part of this show, you must visit Suzanne’s website and contact her to reserve your spot in the light with me.
Dr. Turi
Join us in Las Vegas April 19, 20, 21 and Los Angeles March 16, 17, 2019
As a keynote speaker, I am inviting twenty people to join us for FREE in this event. Email: teraniapromodir@gmail.com
Invitation to join us on amazing UFO Cruise in October 2019

Come and drink at the source of all wisdom
If you are one of those rare spiritual human beings in the ocean of life looking for my uplifting spiritual hook, and interested in learning more about the Cosmic Code, God’s cosmic divinity, Astroforensics, or Astropsychology, just ring the bell! We will open the door of a new world above for you to join our VIP’s in our Cyber Cosmic Code University! All the answers to what it means to be human and so much more is awaiting you!
Cosmic Code VIP Membership $10
2019 Nostradamus Personal and Universal Predictions For All Signs –$10
Astro-Carto-Graphy Relocation Reading $210 or $150 for VIP’s
2019 Positive Cosmic Biorhythms Personal Reports $100 for VIP’s
The Magical Power of Talismans $350 for VIP’s
Astropsychology home course $1050 or ($525) for VIP’s
Dr. Turi TOP service – Personal live Skype consultation $700 or $350 for VIP’s
Taped full life reading $310 or $210 for VIP’s
Taped comparison chart $410 or $210 for VIP’s
Regular psychic reading $150 by phone only – Same as Full Life Reading for VIP’s
Taped progressive reading $210 $150 for VIP’s
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