Year: 2014

The Roswell Incident UFO Cover Up! Note August 2017/2018



“Four things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, UFO and the truth.”- Buddha & Dr. Turi


Dear Readers;

On November 7th, the final half price deal to join the  cosmic code website will end and the public at large will not be able to read more of my educational articles, my monthly personal and universal forecasts, including the dangerous SOS to the World  deadly windows! This is your last chance to join my Cyber Cosmic Code University and gain much more than what you bargained for!  Here is another free sample for you to enjoy and thank you for supporting my work readers.

We left Phoenix and the “Arid Zone” early enough to enjoy a wonderful sun rise… Knowing the moon was then in the sign of Scorpio but Waxing we wanted to do something involving Pluto, the Lord of Hades and visiting the underworld was part of the plan.

I also told Terania that I would be very vigilant the entire trip as to avoid the police stopping me for speeding, and God knows how many non cosmic conscious sorry souls  we saw paying the price of their ignorance on the side of the road all along the way…

About 45 minutes into the trip my cellphone rang taking Terania and I by surprise, “who the hell would call us so early?” I said. It was our alarm system Monitronics, telling me the alarm went off and the police was in route to my house! She added “if I do not call you back in a while, it’s simply a false alarm” and to keep going to our destination.

I told Terania not to worry and I was right, my cellphone did not ring again all throughout the trip! I explained to her that the stars do not lie, and somehow  Pluto wanted us to “connect” with the police.

There are magical “things” that will transpire in your life only highly spiritual souls can decipher!

Remember Scorpio rules the police, secrets, life and death and the underworld. While there was no solid explanations to why the alarm went off on its own  from Monitronics I know, the Moon in Scorpio and Pluto was testing me and did what he had to do in his own mysterious ways…

We made it to our first stop “White Sands” New Mexico without incident, enjoying the wide open space,  talking about everything under the stars swallowing mile after mile.

What a spectacle, absolutely captivating site where no one can live long in such a hot element. We were amazed at the unique “white” wildlife who over the ages, adapted to such hard conditions… Lady was having a blast but with her very short legs, she had quite difficult to walk and run in the sandy white powder.

It was very hot and I do not think we could have stay more than 30 minutes there and no suffer dehydration or sunburns. We are soon to move to Florida and I wanted to make sure my wife sees everything I saw years ago and enjoy all the experiences.

From there we drove to the Museum of Space History in Alamogordo, I added the link for you to really enjoy all the pictures I can not post here.

Quite impressive buildings the scientific matrix own and benefits for ever with your taxes and your “donations.”

Remember I am not against science and while I love all the miracles of technology, especially knowing I was  born in February (space/discovery/UFO) but I also understand why many matrix-es keep the reality of UFO a secret!

The view from the top of the building is phenomenal, from there I could check on my doggy Lady, safely left in the shadow of the big building with the car windows partially open.

I have my “old guy card” allowing me to visit every parks for free, and in some cases,  even Terania does not have to pay! In this case, we had less than 45 minutes to see everything and she charged Terania only $5 bucks.  Yes traveling during the new moon can be quite rewarding…

Terania was also perplexed and amazed and enjoyed the museum of space fully… Why she saw a person in her long wedding dress is for me to wonder about still…loll!

The walls are covered with so many people who made space exploration a reality, thus go there early because if you are into technological details and history, this is the place to read it all and learn so much about NASA’ scientists rational but great ingenuity.

Many innocent animals were used in those flights before human too and many died for science progress…

Indeed like Dr. Turi, Jules Verne was not only French but also born in February in the Aquarius constellation... And the stars and signs are just a pseudo-science? The world has some serious cosmic spiritual growing up to do before catching up with God cosmic reality!


Uranus Governs The Ingenious, Freedom-Oriented Constellation Of Aquarius

Holder of knowledge of the dimensions
The spark of all the inventions
Lover of all things in simplicity
Charged with the power of ingenuity
I am AQUARIUS, child of Uranus.

The Aquarius Dragon’s Tail of my soul mate Terania Turi, is indeed a magnet that will never attract a piece of wood! We are having a blast  together and never miss the opportunity to play and enjoy life to the fullest!

But who can live the German Martian (war/Hitler) spirit and ingenuity unspoken with the relics of an exploded deadly V2 remains brought to the US from the UK in 1945?

 The outside displays of armament and missiles is also perfect to take memorable pictures…

And I certainly love to share a few with you because this is why you became a VIP, to travel with us and learn all about the spiritual values of the our solar system and the cosmic code secrets.

This picture is a perfect representation of my cosmic ingenuity and my spiritual turbocharged  “Cosmic Brain Power” taking you well above into the spirit of the stars, much further and much faster than NASA and science can do today, then down to the depth of Mother earth entrails!

We were lucky enough (good moon) to be there with another couple who took this picture of both of us and we returned the favor of course! This is why it is so important to make a good use of the white power of the moon because all will fall in place at the end!

Knowing my 2014 Moon Power is the last hard copy version I will produce, only my VIP’s will enjoy my personal and universal guidance in my “Cyber Cosmic Code University!” Yes this picture enunciate a new high and more spiritual life to come for the Turi in Florida once I retire next year! Gee if you think you’ve seen something good so far, imagine what ahead once we do this on a daily basis? Indeed, you’ve got some places to visit with us VIP’s!

From there we drove all the way to our booked hotel in Artesia a couple of hours before the city of Roswell. We enjoyed a great romantic evening and the local food then slept like two very tired, but happy little babies..

International UFO Museum And Research Center

The next day we were on the road again and made it to Roswell safely. We arrived quite early and we checked out some UFO shops waiting for the UFO Museum to open.  I took a little video affirming the reality of ET’s and UFO’s for you to enjoy but do not hesitate to go there both physically and in cyber space!


In July 1997 for the fiftieth anniversary of the July 8, 1947 Roswell incident, I was invited to speak about my four UFO experiences and my prophetic legacy and was asked to make a few predictions in a time capsule that is now buried 6ft under in the City Hall. This capsule will be brought to light in 2047 and I will be dead or 97 years old then… Read more.

Meantime the museum does not make any reference about it and this capsule involve many famous speakers present at the special anniversary event. I did not want to appear like a forgotten egocentric to the but I think its fair for the public to be reminded of this fact!

Yes there is a cover up!

UFO’S and Et’s are real but no good for the scientific and religious matrixes financial affairs!

UFO debris offered to the museum

But independent studies and the facts are also there to stay!

What happened in Roswell New Mexico took place but  the government keep lying to you all! But not for long! 

“Only a sub-human human thinks he is alone in the eternal vastness of the universe!” Dr. Turi

“Four things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, UFO and the truth.”- Buddha/Dr. Turi

The secretive government whoring around with both the religious and the scientific matrix at work!

Can the hundreds of affidavits at the Museum offered by some of the utmost influential retired and dead Army personnel be ignored? Are all those people as crazy as Dr. Turi?

We are soon in 2015 but this is how I feel and the tools I have to use today to pass on my cosmic messages and the reality of UFO’s to the world… Thanks to the monopolizing corporate news media, religious and scientific matrix-es keeping you misinformed in need of your money to survive!

We are soon in 2015 but this is how I feel and the tools I have to use today to pass on my cosmic messages and the reality of UFO’s to the world… Thanks to the monopolizing corporate news media, religious and scientific matrix-es keeping you misinformed in need of your money to survive!

Feed all the earthy matrix-es or free your spirit with Dr. Turi

Name one single disappeared civilizations  who does not mention UFO or did not use Astrology?

Even the bible mentioned UFO on Mount Sinai “thunder and lightnings” and the 3 wise men were “Astrologers/ET’s” teaching Jesus on how to cosmically introduce humanity to “Our Father in the Heavens” with the help of the spiritual essence of 12 Apostles representing the 12 hours of the day, the 12 months of the year, the 12  signs of the Zodiac, the 12 tribes of Israel etc.

Indeed Jesus’ initial ministry was altered and changed to fit the burgeoning religious matrix to establish power and control over the uneducated God fearing mass!

Dead sea scrolls secrets

The beginning of the end of all religions 

Imagine seeing this face at 7 years old in the middle of the night? 

UFO”s Are Very Real  –  And So Is The Legacy! – What Did They Do To Me?

The events that transpired Roswell New Mexico on July 8, 1947 are as real as the ones I experienced personally in the fifties with my own incredible UFO experiences and the imparted predictive legacy and cosmic wisdom is all I have to prove my claims. All you have to do is to take the time to investigate my work!

What are ET’s and where do they come from?

On November 7th, the final half price deal to join the  cosmic code website will end and the public at large will not be able to read more of my educational articles, my monthly personal and universal forecasts, including the dangerous SOS to the World  deadly windows! This is your last chance to join my Cyber Cosmic Code University and gain much more than you expected! Next week end we are traveling to California and will be visiting some interesting places that will, as always, be shared with our VIP’s.

Note Terania and I will be generating all the November forecasts this time a bit late…Please note that  earlier in the month we extended those who were not yet members for a full month of free access but as this status will expire on the 3rd of November, we will proceed with the VIP monthly – daily guidance forecasts and horoscopes for all signs…So, stand by VIPS, it will be done.

Blessings to all our VIP’s! 

Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.




L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast –  Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University


Here GOES Honey Boo Boo What a loss for humanity!



“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”- Buddha

Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi

Report: TLC cancels ‘Honey Boo Boo’

TLC has canceled the series in light of claims that the program’s newly separated matriarch, June “Mama June” Shannon, is dating Mark Anthony McDaniel, a man who served 10 years in prison after being convicted of aggravated child molestation in 2004 and who is a registered sex offender.

Dear Readers;

As we approach the weekend,  I decided to share with the public another sample of my work and make you aware of where you belong in the scheme of reality. Consequently, after reading this article,  you may decide to become a VIP and become part of the extreme minority of a rare breed of smart and curious human beings. Enjoy…

For someone like “Mama June” to date a child molester tells you how desperate she is to be loved by someone who would, in time probably mess up with any kids her fame and fortune would bring close enough. TLC image is much more important than the stupid decision and devastating consequences she brought to herself and her family!

But this is what morons and careless people do in exchange for love and thinking before acting is not an option! This confirm the fact that, in the battle between emotion and reason, emotions will always win… Inserted religious fears are deeply and subconsciously encrusted in the mind and depict why millions of American will never be able to exit their comfortable zones, all the while missing the marvels of God’s cosmic divinity! 


Rejection and how to deal with it.

Do not expect much from television programs today to educate you or your children on the inner spiritual values encompassing our solar system and stimulate your curiosity! But the image above is the perfect representation of the image of an American “normal” family used in the too many absurd reality shows on your TEL-levision.

Yes, we are a society of consumers lead by a multitude of greedy and powerful corporate money making machines who do not have to work too hard  to keep much of the nation in total stupidity.

Do you really thing TLC got rid of “Honey Boo Boo” because they care about your family or because  “Mama June” is dating a convict? All they care is the ratings and the millions of puritanical Christian viewers deciding who join, stay or goes at the end! Yes this is how it works why do you think Duck Dynasty is so popular, because it is not a brainer! 

It is the goal for the Hollywood entertainment, the scientific and religious matrixes to keep you fat, over medicated and religiously poisoned and amused by “HERE COMES HONEY BOO BOO” or “Duck Dynasty” programs. The quack of a duck is all you will get at the end of every entertaining episodes and I don’t think this can help you or your family to become smarter and live a better, safer life!

This speaks of the level of intelligence of  a nation’s depleting spirit not realizing those false stars were put on the stage of ignorance to amuse you and to control both your behavior and your spendings…

‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson and ISIS Alarming Ideology! God Have Mercy!

TLC like many other televisions companies will not invest in educational programming that demands its viewers to use too many gray cells because, mentally and physically smart and clean human beings are quite rare on this planet. 

The large gullible, pious and legally or illegally drugged majority of people watching those programs are totally unconscious of what TEL -levision  does to their mind… 

And these are the people who are convinced I will burn in hell for ever, I am deceiving and abusing my clientele and these lost souls can never be reached nor educated on God cosmic Divinity. Not that they will have the brainpower to read and check on the endless endorsements of all the people I “abused” since 1991.  What Does The World Say About Dr. Turi?

Indeed a perfect moronic mass feeding the stinky rich Hollywood pigs pulling all the producing strings dedicated to use and abuse anyone for profit. Indeed they are the first ones to ridicule my legitimate, regenerative work on the Cosmic Code Jurisdictions and think it is only a pseudo-science!

Reality show producers are not looking for genius’ material because mental gymnastics are not for BOO BOO, sports enthusiasts packing all US stadiums or the “Ducks” followers.

But this does not mean those producers are stupid, once they check on my own cosmic reality show proposal they already know, only an extreme minority of smart human beings would watch it and my cosmic expertise will offend the pious Christians!

The reality is;  there are no enough normal or above normal intelligent curious human beings on this big rock to appreciate my ingenuity and my cosmic reality show…

But be sure, there are more conservative, “educated” viewers than TLC and FOX  National Geographic Channel can handle to produce and watch shows like Cosmos.  Much of the viewers are the product of the scientific matrix designed to feed and financially support  “NASA and Mars One” experimental masquerades. 

All narrated by their chosen frontman, Neil deGrasse Tyson, a rational scientist who also lost his spiritual connection with God cosmic Divinity! And what amazes me the most is that, too many of those false “star” truly think they are geniuses…

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Deepak Chopra , NeildeGrasse – ARE YOU A TRUE GENIUS?

Neil deGrasse Tyson “Cosmos” Versus Dr. Turi Cosmic Code Reality Show

I have my own way to judge humanity level of intelligence by looking  at the most successful TV  shows series, and it is scary!  In fact my dogs get more hits on “You Tube video one“  and  ”You Tube video two“ than any of my many educational astrological videos…

This tell you the damage both the scientific and religious matrixes did to the old science doing their best to alienate and destroy the last remaining truth about God celestial divinity available to humanity.

Indeed my pleas to help your children and explain what happened with Adam Lanza got less than 2386 hits since December 2012!  Where has the world gone and when will humanity wake up and  start investing on a different type of multidimensional cosmic reality is a mystery!

This speak of the latent mental power or the “human – animal” side of humanity and the inborn  mental laziness of the so many people I am trying to reach and educate about a real God.

*The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.”

 ~Albert Einstein*

Your children NEED cosmic spiritual regeneration YESTERDAY or could end up like Adam Lanza, or another of the endless victims of the controlling educational/entertaining/religious and scientific matrixes.

 Please watch this video, understand the urgency and offer me your support and pass on my pleas to salvage what ever is left of  the human psychical welfare before its too late.

Indeed humanity has only a very short window of opportunity or less than fifty years to wake up to God’s cosmic Divinity, abolish all religions as perceived and  practiced today and avoid a cold rational skeptic society to get in power and run the world!

If you think Hitler was a bad guy, watch what a cold scientific atheist lead society can do to the religious and/or all the spiritual workers. When I warn the world of a godless society build and run by cold monsters,  no one today can really comprehend the gravity of my visions…   

But with shows like “Cosmos” on FOX, the scientific community is grasping more “hard educated heads” engaging in its own intellectual battles against the religious matrix. And none of those  well read souls are aware of the celestial magnitude impacting their “educated” way of life, regardless of the side their cursed natal UCI dictate they should belong to!

Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Christian Pastor Calls For Atheists And Gays To Be Put To Death? Amazingly Human!

Indeed humanity is in total darkness unconsciously driven and unaware of a cosmic God running the show from the very heavens those scientists think they know so well…

Those who pretend to be the experts in a chosen field are often the least knowledgeable on the topic they try to teach others about. Dr. Turi

But the universal clock is in eternal motion and therapeutic, educational spiritual programs like the “Cosmic Code” does not benefit nor endorse the future of today’s traditional established educational corporate religious and/or scientific matrixes monopolizing the market; Because it is solely designed to benefit and raise YOU and your children spirit to God’s marvelous cosmic reality! 

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 

Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.




L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast –  Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University





“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.   Dr. Turi

Dear VIP’s;

In the wake of a few security breaches, Secret Service Director Julia Pierson was forced to abruptly resign early October 2014. Still the “Wild crazy dogs” did not quit trying to kill our President and as mentioned before, it is not a question of if, but when and where Obama’s unusual shocking demise will take place.

But for this nasty vision to transpire, the NSA professional vigilance must fail and my cosmic work ignored!  

 I am quite certain  the director of the National Security Agency and the commander of the U.S. Cyber Command somehow will end up reading, yet another of my warning of President  Obama very high possibility of assassination.  

But while I mentioned stopping serving the public with my articles, I may not be helping the President’s fate all together and any cause to reach and teach the cosmic code power to the public but at the same time, Terania and I can’t take life too seriously all the time because I am still recovering from Valley Fever. Thus consider this article as your “Sunday Free Newsletter” and the option for the police, the NSA, the FBI and all secret services to pay much more attention to my expertise in “Astroforensics.” 

Feed the matrix in need of us all to survive or free your spirit with Dr. Turi

I know the NSA has infiltrated all my websites, but the general public should also be informed on the cosmic code jurisdictions and offer a solid chance to check all my predictive claims but again they think I am another Miss Cleo. 

The president himself, his staff and the new NSA Chief security are probably not cosmic conscious, not trained psychically to decipher the “signs” offered through my latest quatrain and solid keywords…Then again, even Hitler used astrology; so don’t be fooled.

What is really scary is, even with my latest dated, unarguable predictions results,  and my new warning blasted all over social media on October 21st, they did not budge! “Chicago man to Obama: Don’t touch my girlfriend – What’s next?” Read it all before hand, then watch the news” 

Update 10/24/ 2014  Shooting rampage leaves California deputy dead, three wounded

Watch this video

Update 10/24/2014 STUDENT OPENS FIRE  AT HIGH SCHOOL – Ugly face of death drama horror surface?

( 3 days later my vision came to pass  ‘Dog got’ White House fence jumper

Wednesday’s incident is the second time someone jumped the fence at the White House in the last month. In mid-September, a man, whom authorities identified as Omar Gonzalez, scaled a fence and, armed with a knife, made it into the White House before he was detained. FULL STORY

Dozens of shots in Parliament – Raw power challenges police deadly villains?

Furthermore, my quatrain and keywords below  are impossible to argue and enunciate the undeniable ISIS terrorist attack in Canada “Ottawa shooting: What we know, don’t know.”

The problem  is like the US, the Canadian authorities and the world DO NOT KNOW  is how to read the signs and be prepared to anticipate the Plutonic deadly energy. My “SOS Deadly Windows” are real and should be fully heeded by all…


Hidden secrets sex, money come to light
Raw power challenges police deadly villains
Ugly face of death drama horror surface
Nature man’s religion bloody folly reign

Russia / Famous Death / Dramatic News / Police / FBI / CIA / Secrets / Scandals / Terrorism / Abduction / Finances / Super wealth / Sex / Serial Killers / Reality check / wake up Call.

Please read Plutonic Deadly Window THE DO’s AND DON’Ts. at the bottom of this article.

Teen injured in school shooting dies

SHAME ON THE FBI THE POLICE AND THE NSA!   10/24/2014  Shooting rampage leaves California deputy dead, three wounded  – NY officers attacked with hatchet  – I posted my vision of A VERY HIGH POSSIBILITY for the police being targeted by criminals on countless of US FBI, police and NSA websites well BEFORE the deadly news, offering them with the link below!  None of those cowards had the decency to acknowledge my predictions or remotely showed any interested in learning something new that could be saving  countless of cops lives!

Does it bother them that I know better than their “experts”  and able to prove it undeniably?  And those are the people who are supposed to serve and protect us when they can not even protect themselves or listen to reason? I am here for any police group and no one has asked me to share my wisdom…

This is terrible and so wrong for all the courageous public servants  facing death every day! Indeed the police executives are safe and sound behind their desks, away from the bullets and you are taking chances every day because it seem, they do not care to try anything new, anything that appear much too controversial when my work is purely scientific at its core!

WHEN WILL THE POLICE AND THE WORLD ACCEPT THE TRUTH? and consider Astroforensics and learning from my expertise and use the modified software?  

Again our President, the NSA and 99.99% of the world’s population is cosmic unconscious and unaware of the cosmic rules.  I also warned my VIP’s “for every action there is always an equal reaction” and the jealous man meant every words he said to the President that day.”

Something he, his protectors and the FBI are not fully aware of!  I also wrote, “there is ALWAYS truth in any and ALL jokes VIP’s… I will collect the next few days dramatic news and expose them right here for you to realize how powerful the stars truly are. My quatrain and keywords should give you a clear hint of what the future old for you and the the world at large… Be safe, New Moon or not, Plutonic windows are always dramatic and deadly! 

The deadly results are  now obvious – Calif. deputy dies in rampage; 3 wounded  – STUDENT OPENS FIRE  AT HIGH SCHOOL – Shooter had ties to jihadists, sources say and as usual I did personally blast ALL FBI, NSA and police websites to warn them of this upcoming “cosmic energy” because it is not over yet.

During this dreadful cosmic auspices the NSA (and all readers) must use double precautions with our President, especially all TARGETED COPS not to put themselves in harm’s way. – Update * CNN NEW Calif. deputy dies in rampage; 3 wounded   – Update * CNN NEW NY officers attacked with hatchet (who can deny my gift?)

The news during those upcoming days will be deadly and dramatic in my obvious confidence and dedication to safe lives and help the secret service.

Many years ago, 2 weeks in advance, I wrote to LA Chief of police  Daryl Gate, warning him of the legendary “Rodney King” experience and Los Angeles burning down. I also wrote to San Diego, CA police Chief Burgreen telling him exactly when he would catch the “Torrey Pine  serial cop killer”  and none of those gentlemen ever heeded my warnings nor took me seriously!

It all unfolded as predicted and I have all the proofs in hand…

For now I can only expect the police executives, the “experts” and the general public to ridicule my work and I, but I alone know, the future has and will always be my utmost faithful witness…

All I am asking the readers is to make note and pass on my warnings along because many born criminal souls will be invited in a dance of death and nature will also participate.

Knowing President Obama “2015 Personal Cosmic Biorhythms” I know exactly when he will become extraordinary vulnerable to the “Mad Crazy Dogs” aiming for his life.

In fact 2015 has crucial dates I will divulge to my VIP’s for future references, those days will be the maximal risky time for our President’ safety. This is why, once again I am “harassing” all  US secret services because the NSA failed again to keep any “Wild Crazy Dogs” away from the White House and the President.

Humans may not yet be fully aware of the cosmic forces predisposed against them dictating their fate and what I foresee for Obama can be avoided if those in charge would pass the content of my drastic articles and enter an intelligent dialogue with me.  Sending a couple of FBI agents to scare me did not and will not work! 

I NEED to warn him or his staff personally but, while those two FBI agents visited me in 2013, after reading “Kill All FBI Agents Now! nothing of real value was accomplished that day and the agents and I wasted our time.  

Those two men told me that my work could stimulate crazy people to act against themselves or the President! Little do they know that the deadly “stimuli” is already inborn in the human UCI or the spiritual DNA and can only manifest itself during specific “Cosmic Biorhythms”, something they know nothing about!

Thinking my work is only a wasteful pseudo-science is a serious mistake that could/will cost the President;s life if they do not exit their traditional educated zones or become more curious about my work! 

Its much like those 3 Denver girls tried to join ISIS, THOUSANDS MORE WILL AND SUCCEED! but how many FBI agents or real detectives read the full article to understand this phenomenon? I was right when I see “thousands more will join ISIS” AND TIME WILL SAY SO!

Young, vulnerable, innocent, cosmic unconscious and cursed by their natal UCI

All three girls skipped school and took a flight to Germany, wanted to go to Turkey

3 Denver girls tried to join ISIS

Looking at their age, using Astropsychology /Astroforensics,  those two sisters were born with a Dragon’s Tail (negative) in Aquarius (freedom). On a negative note this Dragon is  very rebellious with a  strong need to travel the world but also attracts the  very WRONG group and friends…

Some HUMAN UCI, MALE OR FEMALE are prone to RADICALIZATION!  and impossible to change!

Key words for a negative Aquarius Dragon’s Tail

You are afraid of flying and enclosed places

You only dream about your own wishes

You cant make a commitment with love

You attract wrong friends and weird people

You are too independent or pursue too many lost causes.

You are afraid of success and responsibilities

Its a tragedy for those kids, their parents, the teachers, the NSA and for the US Department of Education to deprave society and the children of my cosmic wisdom…. Indeed my book “The Power of the Dragon” should be a mandatory read for all and a  N.Y. best seller, but both, the religious and scientific matrix-es, will never allow Dr. Turi’s cosmic wisdom to reach those lost teens… 

Knowing the world is made of 99.99% of cosmic unconscious souls soon, with the upcoming 2015 Religious Neptunius Draconis impact,  ISIS will be many steps ahead of the US and will have no problem recruiting thousands lost, uneducated, unaware  young souls victimized by their natal UCI…

All they need is to fall for one of their Personal Negative Cosmic Biorhythms and robotic-ally, subconsciously act upon the powerful stellar pull!  

At this point I can only ask my wise supporters to pass on my work and ask people to join the cosmic code website, and learn all about the cosmic code jurisdictions. I need you to help me help those kids!

When those who are supposed to SERVE AND PROTECT the public are the first one to infringe the Universal Laws, how can this world improve psychically and secret services protect the Presidents of all nations?

Yes, if we were in Russia, China or North Korea, my dedication, confidence and printed word would have already killed us (and my family) but this is America, the land of the braves and the land of the FREE! 

While I am not into politics, nor religions my mission has to do with trying to help everyone willing to learn about God’s cosmic Divinity and save ALL lives. I couldn’t care less of Obama’s Presidential performances as a black, white, yellow red, green or blue President!  I am French and can not even vote for any law makers or for the next President! 

My aim is in its highest purest cosmic form and this is why I can not elaborate or offer all those climacteric details to the public, mostly because the stars do not care and my wisdom could be used inappropriately by the villains…   

All will be divulged to my VIP’s early November in “Ebola” and Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Pred…

Meantime, offering all those compelling dates and warnings to the non believers, the atheists, the agnostics, the “educated”  or only my VIP’s is still  a total waste of time as far as President Obama’s dangerous natal cosmic predisposition is concerned.

I do not expect any of my readers reaching for the authorities or the FBI to help him or I! Indeed the world is mostly made of insecure, envious cowards safely watching the actions from safe distance…  But that ain’t Dr. Turi! 

Yes the Homeland security read my work, but do they take my work seriously enough? Indeed two FBI agents visited me at home following my warnings of Obama’s very possible assassination! The cosmic forces at work are unforgiving, and like the pack of “Wild Mad Dogs” after him, relentless.

Our work could help make a difference, and the life of  our President depend of the more spiritually advanced “detectives” reading, understanding  and acknowledging my work. Until then all we can do is to pray for his safety and his family, exactly like I would pray for yours, regardless of your religious, political views or your skin color… I see human through the Divinity of a cosmic design all deniers and young souls alike are cursed to uncover…

Do not engage in sale of weapons after the full moon…Unless you want to attract such bad experience to yourself! Those people should read the Do or Don’t warnings…

· Stay clear from fast money making schemes, jail or death is next.

Things didn’t go as planned for a man attempting to sell his handgun to someone in Washington state.

The seller told police he rode a ferry to Mukilteo, Washington, with an acquaintance earlier this month to sell his Sig Sauer handgun to a friend of the acquaintance’s for $1,000, Seattle’s KIRO-TV reported.

Image source: AFP/Getty Images

Police said the seller and his companion met the prospective buyer in a parking lot and got into the buyer’s car, where the seller showed his handgun to the buyer, who agreed to purchase it, police told the station.

Police said the trio agreed to head to the buyer’s apartment so the seller could demonstrate how to clean and reassemble the weapon before the purchase was finalized. That’s when, police said, the acquaintance placed a live round of ammunition into the gun’s chamber, pointed it at the seller and asked, ”How does it feel to get robbed with your own gun?”

Police said the acquaintance ordered the seller out of the car, took his cellphone and threatened him to not call police, KIRO reported.

Police helped the victim identify the once-prospective buyer on Facebook, where multiple photos were found of the individual holding firearms — including one photo showing off what appeared to be the stolen handgun, KIRO reported.

Police said two people were arrested Friday in connection with the Oct. 6 incident. The buyer, a 23-year-old Everett resident, and the acquaintance, a 21-year-old Oak Harbor resident, were found in Everett sitting in the same car reportedly used in the robbery, KIRO reported. Both were arrested and taken to jail on first-degree robbery charges.

The DO’s:

· Time for you to dig into deep secrets, Pluto loves bringing back dirt so you will meet the people or get the information you need.
· Time for you to dwell with magic and do some Cabalistic ritual to cleanse your home and spirit from low entities. My Cabalistic Cleansing ritual is a good start. Don’t ask for it unless your are a VIP.
· Time for you to dig into your bank account and see any fraud activity.
· Time for you to get rid of your current credit card and ask for another one
· Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
· Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
· Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
· Stay clear from prostitutes an STD or AIDS is lurking around.
· Time for you to visit your departed ones and ask them for guidance and protection.
· Time for you to take serious notice of all your dreams or learn all about a prophetic or imaginative dream.
· Time for you to for you to dig into my long list of newsletter to find what you really need or the answer of a question you may have.
· Time for you to think about your own mortality and write your will.
· Time for you to investigate any form of legal or corporate endeavor.
· Time for you to regenerate your spirit and learn more about witchcraft.
· Time for you to look for ghost’s manifestation.
· Time for you to enjoy a horror movie or sex movie, yes nothing wrong with porn if you are French or if you are normal. God made sex to feel good so we do it often.
· Time for you to tell the truth to anyone but be cautious doing so.
· Time for you to deal with the police if the moon is waxing.
· Time for you to join the Law Enforcement Agency if you UCI endorse such a dangerous job.
· Time for you to clarify your situation in court of a cop did you wrong.
· Time for you to visit or deal with an attorney to sue anyone who deserve karma.
· Time for you to look where your spirit is at in your life.
· Time for you to wake up to religious poisoning.
· Time for you to listen to your intuition about certain people.
· Time for you to realize your strengths and your weaknesses or be reminded soon.
· Time for you to do what you are the most scared and win.
· Time for you to realize you are actually on hell and fighting for survival.
· Time for you to tap on the Plutonic forces to stop smoking or drinking.
· Time for you to apply your will to do the impossible.
· Time for you to listen to your intuition.
· Time for you to learn the hard way why you went to jail and learn from your errors.
· Time for you to cry your eyes out and feel sorry for yourself.
· Time for you to realize you cannot hide any longer from the undiluted truth.
· Time for you to die and rebirth into a much better, wiser person.

The DONT’S: especially if the moon is waning or if you are under any of your personal native Dragon dates

· Stay clear from large public gathering, may religious lunatics died in stampedes.
· Stay clear from suspicious people, your intuition won’t let you down.
· Stay clear from an offer than sound too good to be true.
· Stay clear from fast money making schemes, jail or death is next.
· Stay clear from the low life, you could get hurt or killed for a dollar.
· Stay clear from gang’s activity or recruitment, your death is near.
· Stay clear from doing or saying anything wrong to the police, remember the Rodney King dilemma?
· Stay clear from Sunday psychics, psychic accidents are very real.
· Stay clear from haunted houses; bad entities could succeed stealing your mind, body and spirit.
· Stay clear from dark alleys and empty streets, chances are you have been followed and you are watched.
· Stay clear from gambling with loud people Vegas or not, your sense of security is very wrong.
· Stay clear from far away bathrooms and be very cautious of long dark corridors including elevators.
· Stay clear from practicing witchcraft with uneducated people.
· Stay clear from signing anything without a witness.
· Stay clear from anything that is dark.
· Stay clear from any and all animals, Pluto will turn them into killers.
· Stay clear from trusting anyone asking for money.
· Stay clear from using your heart it could cost your life.
· Stay clear from the Full Moon light where ever you are.
· Stay clear from ingesting anything you don’t trust
· Stay clear from accepting a stranger’s drink, Pluto is inside.
· Stay clear from wild lonely places.
· Stay clear from trusting anyone during any 2010 Plutonic windows.
· Stay clear from fighting with your loved ones.

Do nopt let your kids out without supervision. During one of my TV show in Tucson I mentioned the death of a kid by drowning trying to save his friend that fell into a canal in Phoenix. Had the mother read my Moon Power Book or read my VIP Cosmic Code newsletter forecast, she would have been aware of Pluto. Like millions of preventable deaths she did not and for the rest of her life she will cry her loss and never be the same mother ever again. The $24.95 super deal ends TONIGHT what a little price to pay for such a supreme wisdom. Don’t be left behind, knowledge is power ignorance is evil. Join my 2010 VIP list ASAP. Read Dr. Turi’s 12 Cosmic Code Newsletter – As soon as you become a Cosmic Coder you will be with me for the next 12 months and enjoy more of my educational material. A real spiritual Master is a very rare thing join the world, be warned!


Terania and I are heading toward Roswell this weekend, my camera will get busy and I will share the experiences with all my VIP’s upon our return. Thus there won’t be no new moon  chat room meeting. However the free mini readings test drive will go on as planned and will start on October 28 to October 29 ONLY! 7 PM AZ time – 9 PM PST.

Read all the information carefully if you are interested, and please DO NOT CALL the office. Please email if you need assistance.  


Dr. Turi

  • Published  March 10, 2013 –  President Obama’s Assassination  – Recovered original article below.

White House tours canceled  White House tours canceled

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich bashes White House plan to save …

The fact is; not only all current politicians but a cosmic unconscious media is being told all sorts of ridiculous “stories” and reasons for the Obama’s Administration decision to stop the public visits.

Yes the danger is very real “Obama  is the most threatened President ever.”

If you are a VIP and read the full content of “The Stars and Fate of Hugo Chavez” and all the details involving his assassination there is no wondering why they made this crucial decision! Especially when they read “US Economy Undeniable Prediction” and realize my dated, printed published predictions should be taken very seriously! Thus it seems, not only you trusting readers, but  the secret service and the police are now paying serious attention to my predictive work by finally becoming investigators of the Divine.

President Obama’s assassination

Indeed our President is forcing the FBI/CIA to work overtime to protect him from his karmic fate and his advisers’ cosmic unconsciousness. God will allow no human being safety by riding the Dragon’s Tail which in time will bring a serious penalty! Not event the best of the best efforts of the Department of the Homeland security can measure against God’s Universal will or the Cosmic Code jurisdictions.   

Honestly and publicly exposing the  dangers President Obama could suffer through my prediction of his assassination cost me to be “fired” from George Noory Coast to Coast am national radio show because my warnings to save our President’s life are perceived as direct threats by those in charge of his security…  

He went much further knowing that the risks of assassination will increase dramatically if God decides to let him finish his term in the White House.

President Obama signed a law today granting lifetime Secret Service…

Remember I am French, I can’t vote neither take a stand for any politician and my aim is not to hurt anyone or stimulate any group to act out their frustrations,  but offer real warnings to the President because like the majority of you; he is a cosmic unconscious human being that have feelings, operate daily under his karmic UCI and has a loving family.

My mission is to offer the truth as I perceive it and at the same time offer protection to ALL human beings because we all who share the same color of blood regardless of gender, political preferences, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and color.

The problem I encounter is, the mass of cosmic unconscious young souls making up this world perceives me as either dangerous for the President, the FBI or as an egocentric Mrs Cleo. All because they assume, misjudge and are incapable of accepting my confidence and rare wisdom as legitimate. I do not blame them for their misguided perception because no one was there to teach them God’s celestial divinity and how to read the signs…

Offering political or economical reasons for shutting down the White House is for the gullible public but in reality it is the direct follow up of the latest news on the passing of Hugo Chavez. While this idea was on the plate the latest development (and my predictions) is the final results.

I can only hope and pray for the safety of our President including your own readers but I would feel very much more confident if President Obama, his close advisers, the FBI and the CIA (including yourself) had access to the “Lucky / Unlucky Personal Dragon Dates.”

Personal Lucky Dragon Windows Dates

Indeed the utmost accurate timing offered by Dr. Turi’s latest Astrological discovery. Be at the right time at the right place to meet the right people and be amazed on the accuracy of this service. There are NO accidents, only cosmic circumstances yet unknown to science and humanity.

I will generate 6 dates for each of the next 12 months ahead of you. Rest assured those dates will be very obvious to what will happen to you then. It surely will not be a normal window but an incredible timing set for you to undergo incredible experiences. This service is the Astrology state of the art offered only by Dr. Turi as I am the only living Astrophile practicing Nostradamus rare 16th century Divine Astrology methodology.  Ride your Dragon’s Head, get your best dates for the next twelve months. Be at the right time at the right place with the right people. Use them to travel, invest and promote your life.  Read more on this service.

This unique priceless service is offered for a very cheap price,  make the most while you can, the price will go up in time.

Price:  $125 (internet service only)



Here are a few emails you may find interesting readers:

Following my latest newsletter President Obama’s assassination a FBI agent answered me…Incidentally only a few intuitive regular cops emailed me their problems and this gentleman is the first one to do so. Many of his comrades chose to exit my list instead of doing real police work and investigate my claims.

This FBI agent has balls and enunciate his cautious curiosity, he also with who ever is left in my special list reading all my newsletters. I made a request for him to offer his DOB and give him the full proof of my ability…Will he take another step towards the light and do so or will he retract into the darkness of his accepted rational education?

I was about to post his private email and ask for your help VIP’s but he is a FBI agent and this forces me to respect his privacy. Mike Broomhead is like me and George Noory (also part of my list) a famous radio host and there is no need to be private in exposing the truth to the world. Mike is a Scorpio dragon’s Tail thus very cautious and infatuated with the police if you listen to his shows.

Like Arty Bell and George Noory, Mike is also a Gemini (A messenger of the Gods) and very smart too. Thus after many emails explaining a few things to him we developed a “secret” Internet relationship. But do you think Mike will have me on his show to discuss the truth and the Cosmic Code with his audience? 

 I can not impose myself with George Noory or Mike Broomhead or any of the hosts who invited me in upcoming booked radio shows…  Human have a conscience and know very well between right and wrong the question is now will  (Mike, the  messenger of the Gods) help me in my mission an down some good karma? I hope Mike  George and anyone else knows about karma, because I do!

Time will tell…

U.S. Secret Service has jurisdiction over the protection on the President, Vice President. Et al.

  Phone   602-640-5580




My answer…

On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 9:31 AM, Louis Turi 

With all the respect I owe you my friend, all human beings are under the jurisdictions of the stars but being unaware of this fact makes you part of the 99.09% of unconscious people who are victimized everyday by those stars because they are much more than dead rocks. Reading the title only and assuming wont help you be a good detective. Give me you DOB and let me prove it to you by pointing out some dates when it won’t be a normal day at work…




Another one from a famous radio host in Phoenix AZ KFYI  Mike Broomhead

June 4, 1967. Just don’t tell me anything bad. :-)




Hi Mike; I only translate the stars and they do not care lol – In fact one of those days Oct 29/30/31 also November 12/13/14 (make notes) will be quite unusual/interesting experience for you… I wanted to give you a little heads up because two of the 6 dates I gave you will be quite significant and won’t be normal days work!   I can talk to you before or after those dates Mike so you can experience first hand my expertise… Your call… I will email you a little generic on your Gemini natal “UCI” Unique Celestial Identity next…





When you say unusual & interesting what do you mean?




Not a normal day’s at work Mike…I see the people and affairs of your past coming back, some issues with your plans, car and KFYI problem with technology…Nothing you do not know I am just making you aware of it for those dates. These are called “Lucky/Unlucky window dates” based upon my software your DOB and my latest Astrological discovery. Be aware and be cautious on those dates that’s all.




So today the President of Clear Channel Phoenix (Jeff England) was let go. He was partly responsible for giving me my shot on the air. Was this a part of your ”unusual day at work”? LOL

The sad reality is Mike  Broomhead at KFYI  said he would debate anyone on anything, but he lied, he never got my rare pearls of wisdom and never invited me on his show… 

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans!

 Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm 

DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!  This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!


2016 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions

Join us to read the complete VIP version! 

Are you ready for Ebola and the upcoming pandemic of 2016? Make note, I’ll talk to you then!



“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.   Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;

Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!
Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology

All the signs now are undeniable and I saw them all coming to curse America and the world at large back in 1995. This predicted religious war will be ugly!   This was well BEFORE  the US Iraq invasion, Osama Bin Laden, my 911 prediction and ISIS birth!

Dragon Forecast 2015 How will the 2016 neptunius dragon affect you and those you care?
2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions

“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak nor engage the fools…” Dr. Turi.

Radical Extremist Atheism the world new deadly mental plague!

Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Carl Sagan and the science of Astrology!

“If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi 

Channeling The Greatest Prophet Of All Times “Notre Dame”

Nostradamus – “Sole Dios”


Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi


Neptunius Dios of poisonous Riligious Deception Rules
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poison Mad Spiritus
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

God nowhere to stop red water!

2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (FULL VIP version)
Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions
2013 Scorpius Draconis World Predictions

From ” Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says! 

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, movies, hospitals, mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs,  the spirit…  

In some ways, following this Grand  Cross  God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius “ and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind…”Check the original article titled “Faith – 11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions” published February 11, 2013 anJerry Pippin radio show (God Bless His Departed Soul) of  April 4, 2014 where I mentioned those predictions.

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus

Refer to the very bottom of this page for the news titles collections. Thank you – DT


Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions.


Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving, chemicals, drugs poisoning…. 

The E. coli outbreak linked to Chipotle restaurants has now caused 45 cases of illness across six states, according to the CDC. Sixteen of those ill individuals have been hospitalized.

Should the world and the media start to pay attention (and share) my cosmic wisdom?

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving poisoning, water….


From the Cosmic Code – Prediction #4: New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. Africa and the Middle East are Neptunian countries where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light.  New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and  a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the worst violence witnessed in France since World War II, a volley of nearly simultaneous terror attacks that the French President called “an act of war  – Read more.

Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks (call it a double hit?) 

11/14/2015 Mormons leave church to protest same-sex policy

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving churches, religions..

LDS Who can deny my predictions?

Spiritual Pride, wealth, power, notoriety and total Neptunian deception

Prediction #21 of 24:   Religions of all nominations will explode with billions of new God fearing lost souls joining this universal Neptunius deception. I see a proliferation of cults and
more dirty secrets to come to light with mormonism *(CNN) — Church: Mormon, 40 wifes, one as young as 14 years old   

Reptilius infected Snoop Dogg launches pot line. What a role model for our young generation? Snoop Dogg was “subconsciously” commissioned by the reptilius to fulfil their agenda against humanity psychical welfare.

I was commissioned by the Draconis to make you aware of their presence in our local solar system and fight them! I am Alien The Final Revelation

The new Neptunius Dragon will start its “nirvanic” curse upon the world on November 12th, 2015. Its karmic impact upon humanity will be used by the reptilius to infect more unconscious subhumans who will commit suicide and crimes at an alarming rate!

The approximate number of undergraduates who commit suicide each year is currently 1100 or 200% increase since the fifties.  Lost young adults are targeted by the reptilius and suicide on Campus will explode!

Sad enough the religious, scientific and entertainment matrixes have no room for Dr. Turi to save you and your children… God Have Mercy, this is just the beginning!

11/9/2015 Mom kills son, herself in hospital

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving hospitals, mass suicide,

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  oil, gas…

California officials – Put down the California crab legs — they could be poisonous.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving poisoning, water, submarines, Chinese sub tracked U.S. carrier oceans, 

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands, poisoning…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands,

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  poisoning etc.

Blood-soaked Islamic ritual sees 100s hack their own heads with machetes

God nowhere to stop rain of blood!

The reptilius infected subhumans were conditioned to fear and follow their geographical, manmade God… How can you remove 2000 years of psychical abuses, lies and mental manipulation and re-introduce a Universal Cosmic God?

This is the curse of a humanity who must realize the reptilius controlling evil working through all the false Gods created by man’s folly… Imagine when the 2016 Neptunius Dragon takes over the world? How will those upcoming “nirvanic” deceptive winds will affect you, your loved ones and the world? Make a good use of my gift or pay the price of cosmic ignorance!

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands,

 From  2016 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions – Prediction # 3  – Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life.  Expect a full restructure of the movie industry and new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old  movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of  suicides and drug abuse in record numbers. “  How will this dragon affect you or your kids? 

Hurricane Patricia — the strongest storm ever recorded by the U.S. National Hurricane Center — is threatening Mexico’s Pacific coast.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands,    Read more

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  dams, water, fishes, sea, drownings, the ocean, the Navy, submarines, Islands, suicide…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  water, drownings, the ocean, Islands, chemicals, poisoning, oil, gas, hospitals,  submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, fishes, sea, the spirit…

This is a serious omen sent by the reptilius upcoming revival of the Neptunius Universal deception cursing the conditioned human spirit and the enormous Spaniards deadly abuses inflicted upon the natives Indians. Sad enough 99.99% of human can not relate to my predictive spiritual work just yet!

10/15/2015 –  Powerful storm system brings ‘life threatening’ flooding, mudslides to Southern California

Published February 11, 2013 – ” Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, fishes, water, rivers…

New Hartford World of Life church members arrested after teen dies 

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  churches, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…”

10/14/2015  The Counted: are US police hiding behindsuicide by cop’ shootings? 

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  water, chemicals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, hospitals,  submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…” 

Police have shot dead more than 100 people who were described by associates or authorities as suicidal so far in 2015. Many of those who died did display suicidal intentions as they entered lethal encounters with officers. The total was described as alarming by mental health advocates, who said law enforcement agencies should urgently provide better training for police in dealing with people in mental health crises.

10/10/2015  New Fish Kill Baffles Experts: Thousands of Fish Wash Ashore In Freeport, Texas

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  water, chemicals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, hospitals,  submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East,

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, oil, gas, the Pope, churches, religions,  water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions,  water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning, oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, sea, the spirit...  

10/6/2015 – Rio 2016: Dead fish wash up in Olympic lagoon –

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions,  water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning, oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie , mass suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, sea, the spirit...  

Five dead in apparent murder-suicide in Minnesota  

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  mass suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  religions, churches, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail,  poisoning, epidemic…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions,  water, churches, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Posted by Dr. Turi on November 6, 2014 at 10:55 am in Cosmic Coders Only –
Prediction #2 – Neptune rules legal and illegal drugs where the law makers will start to realize the damage of legalizing pots leading to more mental problems and suicides. Cigarette manufacturers will go bankrupt. New DUI , weed laws will enrich your city. I see a lot of deaths, turmoil, riots and *****suicides in all prisons.*****

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, churches, religions, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean,  ships, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

10/5/2015 –  Bloodshed in Jerusalem caught on camera – CNN Video

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions…”

Oregon college shooting: Gunman ‘targeted Christians’

Back in 1995 I said to Art Bell on Coast to Coast. “Worry more about a religious war inside of the US” when he was wondering about my Prediction of Bill Clinton being re-elected! Listen to his shocking response, click on the link and acknowledge my undeniable predictions! I also predicted the police abuses upon the public!  Only the envious immature young souls will deny my work. Don’t you think it’s time to accept my cosmic gift as true and help me warn the world instead of ridiculing my work?

Watch the video

10/4/2015 – 16 dead in French Riviera  after heavy rains flood French Riviera 
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood?
 2016 Neptunius watery graves

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean,ships,Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Lost at sea: Ship with 33 people missing in Hurricane Joaquin

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the Pope, church, religions, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean,  ships, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…  

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving “POISONING”

In a world where political leaders and society assign themselves to religious archaic convictions and trust its infantile scientific community and celebrities, only extreme stupidity can plague the rest of humanity. Dr. Turi

9/21/2015 – Salmonella case: Peanut exec Stewart Parnell sentenced – Poison Mad Spiritus
Knowledge is power, ignorance and fear is evil!”

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions,  Water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Twelve women and children died and one person is missing after a flash flood washed away vehicles at the Utah-Arizona border, officials said.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions,  Water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning , oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

9/14/2015 – More children getting drunk on hand sanitizer

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the church, religions,  Water, chemicals, hospitals, poisoning ,oil, gas, the ocean, Islands, submarines, movie  Suicide, epidemic, pandemic, jails, convicts, Prison, drugs, * dams, water, sea, the spirit…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, islands, ocean, water…

Prediction #16 of 24 – I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning, suicide, death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.


Memo – Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  the Church, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…

From the cosmic code website


Update 9/5/2015  Thousands of jubilant migrants arrive in Austria from Hungary

Note: Those Predictions were created in the month of October and posted on the Cosmic Code website for my VIP’s November 7th, 2014

Jul 14, 2015 The Middle East is about to change in 3 major ways

  • Prediction #4 New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. Africa and the Middle East are Neptunian countries where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light.  New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and  a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many. 

‘San Quentin 6’ inmate dies in riot

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail, poisoning, epidemic…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, Oil, religions, ocean, water,  poisoning…

Sad enough I also made this prediction on Gaiam in Colorado in George Noory TV show but the producer is stopping me teaching the public about the cosmic code jurisdictions.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean, water,  poisoning...

Adult dies of plague in Colorado 

Prediction #4  of 24 – New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. /////////// and ////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light.  New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and  a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this
mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean, water, ships –   Giant ocean ‘blob’ discovered

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving  mass suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, ships, subs, prisons, jail,  poisoning, epidemic…

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean, water, movies, cults…

MEMO from  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions –  “ Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life. Expect a full restructure of the movie industry with new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old  movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of  suicides and drug abuse in record numbers.”


May God Bless your lost soul 

‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ actor kills self? Shocking?

The stars and fate of  Whitney Houston
Order your Full Life Reading now, be prepared, be warned!

GUNSHOTS’ 3 dead, including gunman, in Louisiana theater shooting

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, ocean, water, movies

  • Prediction # 3: Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life. Expect a full restructure of the movie industry and new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old  movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of  suicides and drug abuse in record numbers. “ 

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams,, ships, subs, prisons, jail,  poisoning, epidemic…

Prediction #2 of 24“I see a lot of deaths, turmoil, riots and suicides in all prisons.”

Armadillos cause spike in leprosy cases in Florida –  An unusually high number of leprosy cases are being detected in Florida, and experts believe it’s because people are getting into contact with armadillos.

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, water, Chemicals, oil, *ships….”

July  20, 2015 ISIS steps up use of chemicals?

Famous radio host Art Bell will soon be back on radio and compete with Coast To Coast am, may be my readers can refresh his memory of a prediction I made in 1995 on his show? “America will be experiencing a religious war” This was well before Osama Bin Laden, 911 terrorist attack in N.Y. and ISIS!  Listen to the show! 

This prediction was also offered to all my VIP’s 10/15/2014 in the cosmic code website.

Prediction #23 Isis will use poison gas and will ////////////////// Read more! 

Nexen pipeline leak in Alberta spills 5 million litres

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving oil,

Indian devotees after a stampede at a religious festival in Godavari in the Rajahmundry district on July 14.
July 14, 2015 (CNN) 27 killed in stampede

“Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving religion…

Prediction #7  of 24 – I am expecting a full restructure of the Navy, the oil industry and pharmaceutical abusives corporations making billions selling new nefarious drugs against depressions stimulating more suicides.

Prediction #16 of 24I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning, suicide, death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.

Prediction #16 of 24I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning,  death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, Water, drugs, poisoning…

200 hurt in water park blas

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving suicide, the Middle East,  gas,  water, the ocean, Islands,  religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams,, ships, subs, prisons, jail,  poisoning, epidemic…

“and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind…”

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East,  water, religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, the ocean, ships, water, subs,  prisons, jail, epidemic,  poisoning…

World largest ship depart from France

Cruise ship hits wall: 17 injured

Prediction #16 of 24I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning,  death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.

China’s islands ‘almost complete’

Prediction #4  of 24 – New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. /////////// and ////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light.  New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and  a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.

Prediction page # 11 of 24 – “A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. – Those predictions are still available  on the Internet for the world to judge my claims!

w DT.

Ship sinks in China’s Yangtze River

Prediction #16 of 24I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expectan upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning,  death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcies.

Blob of warm Pacific water threatens ecosystem, may intensify drought Oceans

‘Genocide’ charged as boat capsizes in Mediterranean “death at sea”

More than 200 sickened on cruise ships

5/12/15 Millennials leaving the fold! The OCD Atheist Godless Generation’s Will  Religions
5/3/15 2 shot at Mohammed art event!  Terrorism

North Korea’s achievement of those goals would create a strategic headache for the United States and its key allies in the region, South Korea and Japan.

Iran Claims to Have Seized US Ship

Prediction #2 of 24“I see a lot of deaths, turmoil, riots and suicides in all prisons.”  *KKK-linked prison guards charged in murder plot *Officials: Al-Qaeda attacks prison, frees 270

Prediction #7  of 24 – I am expecting a full restructure of the Navy, the oil industry and pharmaceutical abusives corporations making billions selling new nefarious drugs against depressions stimulating more suicides.

4/3/2015 – * 2 dead in murder-suicide on cruise ship
4/1/2015 – Andrew Getty, grandson of J. Paul Getty, dies at 47

oil   *Oil plunges to a 6-year low. Is $30 next? *OPEC leader: Oil could shoot back to $200

chemicals, poison  Poison *Toxic moonshine kills 99 in Mumbai slum *Two of B.B. King’s daughters are alleging that the blues legend was poisoned to death by two of his closest associates. *Royal Caribbean cruise cut short by illness *Whitney Houston’s daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, found unresponsive in tub *Police: Parents feared apocalypse, killed family *Poisoned drink for Boehner?  *71 die after drinking home brew *Caramel apples linked to fatal outbreak *Professor guilty of poisoning wife – 

hospitals, epidemic, viruses *New virus discovered in Kansas *Experts raise alarm as plague kills dozens in Madagascar *Measles cases in California soar  *Teen’s death shows horror of flu epidemic prediction *2 former Sacred Heart Hospital executives plead guilty in scheme  *At least 10 dead as Texas prison bus collides with train

the spirit *Andrew Keegan starts new religion .  In some ways, following this Grand  Cross  God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius “and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind…” Check the original article and Jerry Pippin radio show of  April 4, 2014 where I mentioned this prediction.


New virus discovered in Kansas

Prediction #4  of 24 – New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. /////////// and ////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light.  New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and  a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.

Prediction page # 11 of 24 – “A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. – Those predictions are still available  on the Internet for the world to judge my claims!

2/12/2015 Inmates free hostages, kill selves

Prediction #2 of 24“I see a lot of deaths, turmoil, riots and suicides in all prisons.”  *Officials: Al-Qaeda attacks prison, frees 270

2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions VIP

“the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East,  religions, the pope, oil, gas, the ocean, ships, poison, water

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East,  religions, the pope, oil, gas, drugs, dams, the ocean, ships, water, subs,  prisons, jail,  poisoning… *Mandatory water restrictions in California *Malaysia to get epic flooding *Biggest storm in years wallops Calif. –Why the CDC just declared a flu epidemic  (Miley Cyrus)

NASA: Antarctic ice shelf will disappear by 2020

5/16/2015  Unknown sea creature discovered

Prediction 22 of 24The ocean will offer more of his secrets and a new “Titanic” will make the news.

Several shipwrecks found in Lake Michigan

Prediction #7  of 24 – I am expecting a full restructure of the Navy, the oil industry and pharmaceutical abusives corporations making billions selling new nefarious drugs against depressions stimulating more suicides.

5/21/2015  Suicide rates among young black boys on the rise

Former Broncos player commits suicide by hanging

DELIBERATE Germanwings Flight 9525 prediction – Dr. Turi right again!

MEMO from  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions –  “ Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life. Expect a full restructure of the movie industry with new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old  movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of  suicides and drug abuse in record numbers.”

Police: Parents feared apocalypse, killed family May God Bless Their Lost Souls

Memo from “Prediction #6 of 24  – I am expecting enormous loss of lives due to the proliferation of new cults attracting lost souls in search of God and its forgiveness through wars i.e. ISIS and a serious increase in mental disorders and suicides.  India’s worrying level of youth suicides – Read more! Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers!

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East,  religions, the pope, oil, gas, the ocean, ships, water, subs,  prisons, jail,  poisoning… 

Ex-NFLer accused of murdering prison cellmate  (prisons)
 Supermax ‘worse than death’ Prisons)

Poison found in prison food Poisening

19 people slain; 2 attackers also dead, others hunted



Bobbi Kristina Brown, born March 4, 1993 (Pisces) in Livingston (NJ)

Let’s pray for her recovery! 

Whitney Houston’s daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, found unresponsive in tubEND OF LIFE/NEW LIFE?

MEMO from  2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions –  “ Hollywood and the movie industry will experience the “titanic” in real life. Expect a full restructure of the movie industry with new 3D technology. More people will get more depressed, many will spend time and money watching new and old  movies. “Celebrities of all ages and genders are the target of this dragon where human will realize the glamorous life of the rich and famous is as fake as Neptune taking many away in a wave of  suicides and drug abuse in record numbers.”

Update 1/23/2015 California measles outbreak grows to 68 cases

Prediction #4  of 24 – New STD and new diseases will plague humanity in some parts of the world. /////////// and ////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light.  New drugs and medical discoveries will bless and  a pandemic will curse humanity and kill many.

Read 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions

Teen’s death shows horror of flu epidemic prediction

 Shannon Zwanziger was born in 1997 with a Neptunius Draconis making her seriously prone to die from infectious organisms. May God Bless Her Soul – Traditional Doctors MUST learn from Soul Doctors! The cosmic wisdom of all wise men of antiquity must be taught to all modern medical students!


 “physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

Update 12/31/2014 – Why the CDC just declared a flu epidemicEpidemic/medications/hospitals

Update 1/23/2015  Vessel sinks off Hawaii coast – 75,000 gallons of fuel sinks off Hawaii 

Update 12/12/2014 – ‘Titanic of the Golden Gate’ found

Prediction 22 of 24 – The ocean will offer more of his secrets and a new “Titanic” will make the news.

Update 12/29/14 ‘Holy Grail’ of shipwrecks found?  – Ocean/ships?

Update 12/28/14  Trapped on ferry: Our feet are burning – Ocean/ships?

 Time to recall Dr. Turi’s predictions and pass them on to the world because it is going to get much worse… I see also deadly tsunamis and a devastating US hurricane season with tornadoes and flooding never experienced before. Every months throughout the year 2015 I will translate the Cosmic Code, signaling the very high possibility of  very large earthquakes and the most destructive upcoming natural disasters starting with “January 2015 SOS To The World Windows.”

This crucial list is posted  in the Cosmic Code website for my VIP’s. Join us today, do NOT plan to travel during the dates offered or pay the price for ignoring the signs I translated for you. Note, I predicted the Asian and Japan tsunamis to the day and refused to travel to Thailand on December 23 with my friend Owen because the cosmic auspices were negative. Doing so  saved both our lives while thousands of people died 3 days later! Be warned, get those dates, my warnings. My newsletters and predictions will stop reaching the public on January 1st, 2015. 


Malaysia to get epic flooding; threat of landslides loom.

Update 12/12/2014 – India’s worrying level of youth suicides

Prediction #6 of 24  – I am expecting enormous loss of lives due to the proliferation of new cults attracting lost souls in search of God and its forgiveness through wars i.e. ISIS and a serious increase in mental disorders and suicides.  India’s worrying level of youth suicides – Read more! Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers!


Update 12/12/2014 Plunging oil prices may trigger unrest

Update 12/12/2014 Mukasey: Waterboarding not torture

Update 12/4/2014  For some, gas falls below $2

Pope attacks ‘diseases’ of Vatican

From ” Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says! Posted April 9, 2014.

Update 12/7/2014  Florida Triple-Murder Suspect Is Arrested. What He’s Accused of Has Left a Church Absolutely Devastated.

Prediction #5 of 24:  Neptune rules religions and this Dragon is aiming for the Church, President Obama and Pope Francis. Like his predecessor John Paul, he may pay the ultimate price with a mysterious death or assassination.  *  *STATEN ISLAND, N.Y.  —  $28 million: That’s the estimated market value of 4 Staten Island Catholic churches set to close

Update 12/5/2014 –  Andrew Keegan starts new religion 

I am another deceived  Neptunian

Prediction#21 of 24:  Religions of all nominations will explode with billions of new God fearing lost souls joining this universal Neptunius deception. I see a proliferation of cults *’10 Things I Hate About You’ star Andrew Keegan starts new religion

Continued; The church will suffer a lack of interest due to the atheist growing movement.  New controlling laws will be issued against the New Agers and psychics and more religious movies will “advertise” religions and Christianity. *Jesus Will Look Different in Highly Anticipated TV Series.

Join Dr.Turi Cyber Cosmic Code University be warned, be prepared, be guided accurately!

 Update 12/3/2014 – Eruption could destroy Japan

Prediction #16 of 24 I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect an upsurge of news involving food / chemical poisoning,  death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcy.  Check my well documented, dated published past predictions about volcano eruption and large earthquakes  – Get a free copy of my books!  Moon Power 2014 and 2014 Dragon Forecast.

There are specific prediction for the cruise industry that can not be divulged to the public! I can only be objective with only a few predictions I made public!

2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (FULL VIP version)
Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions
2013 Scorpius Draconis World Predictions


Update 2/4/2015 –  OPEC leader: Oil could shoot back to $200 prediction…

 Note: Those Predictions were created in the month of October and posted on the Cosmic Code website for my VIP’s November 7th, 2014

From 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (VIP full version)

Update 2/3/2015  Royal Caribbean cruise cut short by illness

Prediction #16 of 24 I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect more food poisoning. Death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcy.  Check my well documented, dated published past predictions about volcano eruption and large earthquakes  – Get a free copy of my books!  Moon Power 2014 and 2014 Dragon Forecast.

Update 11/16/2014 170 sickened on cruise ship 

Norovirus sickens 170 passengers on cruise ship bound for L.A.

South Korean ship carrying students sinks

Update: 11/15/2014 –  Chemical plant leak kills 4

Watch this video

Flight 370 Satellite Image May Show Possible Oil Slick … (oil?)

Updated 04/13/14 –  Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business (Gas?)


 From  AVAAZ Team, Ebola Africa Black Death Predictions 

Prediction page # 11 of 24 –  “A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. –  Those predictions are still available  on the Internet for the world to judge my claims!


CHECK 2009/2010/2011 PREDICTIONS

 “physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician”  Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).


When the flu wiped out millions

Do you think it is another “accident” for a CNN writer to post such an article or another serious omen of what is to come to a world of cosmic unconscious human? No, there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances humanity and science are not yet aware of and keep ignoring and denying…

Memo: ”  The camera lodged in the suspended water bulb is a VERY strong omen (and a serious warning to pay close attention to water on earth) offered to an unconscious scientific community. Water is the utmost precious commodity on the planet but I see water shortage, more poisoning of the oceans and the ozone layer forcing humanity to take serious actions within the next two years.”

Be warned pay attention to  my “2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions and all the Nostradamus natural healing tips I am offering to all my wise VIP’s  and avoid the upcoming universal Neptunian cosmic poisoning wind. (VIP’s only) 

Ebola” and Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions for 2015 (public sample) Share Pls!


  • 1 Expect ////////////////////////////////
  • 2 Neptune ///////////////////////////////////////
  • 3 Hollywood and the movie industry will ///////////////////////////////////////
  • 4 New STD and old diseases will //////////////////////////////////
  • 5 – Posted Above…
  • 6 I am expecting loss of life due to the proliferation of ///////////////////////////////
  • 7 I am expecting a full restructure of the/////////////////////////////////
  • 8 I see angry /////////////////////////////////////
  • 9  I see serious //////////////////////////////
  • 10 I see Las Vegas /////////////////////////////////////
  • 11 I see a full restructure of the //////////////////////////////
  • 12 I see an upsurge of ////////////////////////////////////
  •  13 I see problems ////////////////////////////////////
  • 14 I see a lot of //////////////////////////////////
  • 15 I see a lot more of //////////////////////////////////
  • 16 I see many ////////////////////////
  • 17 I see new ////////////////////////
  • 18 I see a //////////////////////////////////////
  • 19  I see large ///////////////////////////////////
  • 20 I see “political” /////////////////////////////
  • 21 Posted above
  • 22 The ocean will ///////////////////////////
  • 23 Isis will ////////////////////////////
  • 24 /////////////////////


This elusive Dragon is extremely deceptive and will aim and curse many people born in////////////and ////////// with a strong or weak Neptune in their chart. Thus if you are a //////, a //////, have the moon, a rising a natal or hidden dragon in those signs and begin to feel low in energy, depressed, suicidal and nothing seems to work for you, you are strongly advised to let me help you regenerate your spirit with a consultation. 

Science and the world are ill prepared to deal with this poisonous dragon and I want to make sure my VIP’s can reach me all along its control over humanity. Thus the offered saving deals and payment affordability options will last until Neptune release the world or all the way to ////////////

This may change if I get too busy or decide to retire completely and stop working. At 65 I had my share of idiocy fighting the “educated” atheist / scientists and God fearing lost souls who truly believe they know better than God and I. 

The prices are as follows! THRU THE WHOLE 2015 YEAR DUE TO NEPTUNE …

1 – $700 (no limit on Skype)

2 – $350 (90 mn on Skype or on the phone)

3 – $250 (60 mn on Skype or on the phone)

4 – $150 (45 mn on Skype or on the phone)

5 – $100 (30 mn on Skype or on the phone)

6 – $50 (15 mn Emergency Astro-Tarot only with basic astrological information)

7 – $100 (no limit telephone / reading conversation with Terania)  – She is fully cosmic conscious and as knowledgeable as her husband, but she is very much more patient and intuitive with the tarot. You will be pleasantly surprise of her inner wisdom, her soothing voice and deep caring nature. )

Note our cart is not set to offer discount on all the above readings, so please call Terania at 602-265-7667 with your credit card and to set up a day and time for our live Skype meeting or on the telephone. You may decide to use paypal but you still will have to call Terania with your DOB and for  your appointment. 

While precise cosmically customized health talismans work miracles to protect and build the 6th house of health, they also negate the 8th house of death and reinforce the subconscious healing power.  Nostradamus, used all sorts of potions made with plants, herbs and flowers he collected in “La Provence” naturally produced by the wild South of France mountains.

Nostradamus  “The Star lover Doctor” was a fervent student of all erudite men of the past and knew each part of the human body is connected with a zodiacal sign starting with Aries (the head) to Pisces (the feet.)

 Investigating your natal UCI and locate the nefarious planets by signs and houses is the first step to produce a personal powerful talisman or prescribe a natural potions to bring power to the weakest, prone to diseases organs.

While my Astropsychology course teaches the full spectrum of divine medical cosmology, there is no way for me to even begin teach you all the ramifications here.

Each individual is a very complex cosmos in itself and an accurate prognostic and diagnostic demand serious researches on the subject’s cosmic nativity. Meantime if you suffer an headache or break a bone, fixing it is “Universal” wisdom. And this is what I will now offer my VIP’s as as precautionary measure to avoid catching Ebola or any other disease for that matter.

Combined with my////////////////////// the “magical potion” can also help if not eliminate other problems or addiction you may suffer. Sad enough the atheists, agnostics and “educated” scientists alike, will perceive me and all erudite men of antiquity, more as a “oil snake vendor” than a  true gifted “Soul Doctors.”

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call h…

“Hippocrates of Cos or Hippokrates of Kos, was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, philosopher, naturalist, astrophile and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.” Did Hippocrate got a Nobel Prize?

Now on to all those vital informations and, while this educational homeopathic health oriented article and all my predictions are quite extensive,  the reader must take the time to read and assimilate it all.  The following directions are very simple and all ingredients available at any food store…

  • 1 If  you feel depressed and keep degenerating your spirit, you will ///////////////////////infectious diseases. Do not /////////////////////////////
  • 2 Use /////////////if you get sick/////////////////.
  • 3 If you do not want to get sick and avoid Neptune poisoning power//////////////////////////////////
  • 4 Most importantly, switch from ///////////////////
  • 5 Drink ///////////// every morning and add ONE DROP of//////////////, NO sugar, NO honey added only a few drops of/////////////.  Human are machine of habits/////////////
  • 6 ///////////////// has incredible therapeutic values modern science will make sure you know nothing about! In fact Nostradamus used it in all his potions to heal people from the plague. //////////Read more about////////////// priorities.
  • 7 Nurture/////////////////////////////
  • 8 Spend enough time //////////// everyday//////////////. Contrary to what you have been told,//////////////////// offer the only way for you to get enough //////////.  ////////// is life force #1 and /////////////////helps against depressions, psychosis, dementia and combat alzheimer diseases.
  • 9 Use the//////////////////////at your advantage to avoid  the depleting of  your spirit and your physical atomic structure. Indeed ///////////////////healing tools
  • 10 The more you understand and use////////////////////the more power to you. Remember you will become much more vulnerable to ailments or “accidents” under ////////////////////////.  Knowing and using your personal cosmic biorhythms positive dates  or a personalized talisman can and will bring emotional, financial and spiritual stability in your life! 


Life is a constant process of changes that affect everything, including science deplorable perception of the divine. Little do they know of//////////////////// altering the atomic structure of the human physical/spiritual body and the marvels of magic and the true power of Talismans!

The Magical Power of Talismans!

As of November 2015, the  Universal “Religious Neptunius Draconis” will be in charge the world and the set of predictions presented at the bottom of this article is not for the fainted hearts!

While the young souls can only ridicule my predictive work, the more spiritual human beings who studied  both  the “2014 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” and  the “Scorpius Draconis Universal Predictions”  will have no doubt of what the future has in store for humanity!  Those predictions are still available  on the Internet for the world to judge!

11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions …

While my quatrain and keywords speaks of///////////////////////////////////////////////////


Feed the earthy matrix or free your spirit with Dr. Turi

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus

Indeed you do not want to miss those predictions and not only heed my warnings but FOLLOW faithfully ALL the natural healing tips I will offer my VIP’s.  While you may use my Natural Universal Blood Transfusion regularly, this alone will never be enough to build the supra resistant immune system you need to beat Ebola virus.

The Nostradamus homeopathic tips I will divulge to my VIP’s and the crucial information can and will save your life. Meantime, the earlier you start the potion, the better chances you will have if, God forbid you catch the disease. Terania and I already started the process and this regimen must be performed everyday!

Once you get Ebola, your survival chances are currently ZERO, unless you are very wealthy and able to pay the exorbitant price for the experimental antibiotics that may kill you before Ebola does.

Once symptoms set in, a person is contagious and has six to 16 days to beat the Ebola virus or die. LEARN MORE

  Is your life and those of your loved ones worth becoming a VIP? 

Carl Sagan Scientific Fabricated LIES On What Life On Mars Would Be Like…

Reply by Mrs. Turi: Think back to just before that of WW1, in which everything was already made up of the same crowd  that had per-planned  record citations –  which involved that of ones repayment alongside any other allegations that were too assessed by our administrations and its possessions.

It was the same for their allies and  other organizations just like today, who many are involved in private ownership of businesses and such who have wanted and still want America to be at war…For this reason, we have seen and are still seeing some very devious colleagues of theirs; who were and are all  deeply under suspicion for being involved in certain actions or acting under various unusual behavior, just to get everyone so mixed up in everything.

And you wonder why everyone is so confused?

Well, many of these so called contributors had given and still give to  the Commonwealth of Nations lots of BIG bucks.  There were and ’til this day, still lots of monetary agents implicated in this area of rule. All the same for JP Morgan and Co. who served as British fiscal assistant during the whole of World War I… There too was so much there already behind this secret understanding / often with intent to defraud already in the scheme of it all.

When it comes to the green, why yes;  most are stubborn like the bull indeed.

But when it comes to the signs every day all around us, it makes you notice things like a golden or shiny gray painting of a battle of some sort that is say, located in the parquet central area of a building for instance; and that makes it acceptable for one to think it may be an artful conception for something like gold and silver.

But then, when one actually starts to do their homework, they notice that maybe on the particular birthday and / or creation this place was set up to endure; perhaps a harmful clue of some sort, like that of a contamination was and/or is fast growing (hepatitis , Ebola etc.) and known at the same time to be that of an irritant and very likely that this forceful armament is being used in armed conflict against the population.

Think back to the Australian Antigen maybe?

This is no different than the very rich, powerful and well -connected people that work with some others…Others who are naive and extremely hungry for money or even just to be in the spotlight. Well,  those wealthy people may cultivate you, take care of you, pay you lots of money, end up brainwashing you in the end anyways, flat out giving you all that you may want in your life and finally they ask you for a mission of some sort…Well, money takes over for many; yes?

And many manipulate the power and use religion or any belief system for that matter as some kind of a license to do wrong. And while many may practice both ‘white’ magic some do both ‘white’ and ‘black magic’  with cruel intentions. This is where the past that has followed one into this incarnation needs to be removed or used constructively….Otherwise be ready for another bite in the butt.

Then all of a sudden, there is also the intentional release or dissemination of biological agents. Call it suicide mission if you like but it’s all the same set out to destroy the lives of others and spread the deadly disease…No different than that of religion / hard hardheadedness set out to destroy the world and spread its deadly afflictions aka ISIS…It is like many other ailments, just fighting the spiritual – hidden dragon’s polarity representing man and the snakes lost wisdom within each one of us.

It is the the same thing as the 13 principles of faith otherwise known as ‘Ophiuchus’ or Astropsychology  of all really which is ‘royal’
but has all been used and abused.

The purpose of those who do this and use others (puppets) was and still is to expand your fears and make everyone extremely distressed. Basically so others feed off that fear or evil and  many die as possible. This is all to build the need for some kind of resolution to the bad situation like a physical cancer.

All to make the rest of the world get ready for some kind of brand – new wonder medication or drug that can offer a solution to Ebola…To generate a large retailer market for that drug and to try and guarantee that there will be a large gain from it’s exchange for the money.

Once more and as common as it may be,  it is those skeptical and vulnerable, sightless and many who are just too trusting of everyone that are used as the prime experimental subjects in this crazed gamble or enterprise…And this time they are using the African – American inhabitants.

While the age of Pisces is dying, there is no end of the world but rather the dying of one age and we are entering into another…Basically we have already into the Age of Aquarius but even though many are waking up, it is those in charge today still like knights of the old order and they are in charge of the new order. It’s not about the arc (boat) of some promise but all about what lies in the contract?

And unfortunately this world has a ruling elite, a political class and ignorant masses that genuinely doesn’t care nor chooses to be suitably incisive – Too much sarcasm. Too many who pretend to be  insightful but are just assuming or too Neptunian.

Some heck of a <0> New World Order <0> that will be. This is WW111 and just another battle based on the same ‘stone’ which our predecessors fought on over and over again. I mean we already had nukes in the past and it doesn’t mean it can’t happen again…That’s the real deal on the ‘Battle of Armageddon.’

Too many who are to be so educated about everything but only by the book and too ordinary but have not much second judgement. Enlightened and historically knowledgeable my @$$… Most don’t even get the ‘I.E.’ rule of it all…

“Illuminat-I” keeps everything under their thumb. (i is commonly used to designate electric current = “fire” in these regimens. A”FALSEHOOD” title given ending in letter *I used for the wrong application of the Draconian energy which comes from the farthest constellation of Draco – Latin for dragon”- When combining the math and symbols for the total set – preparation.)

Then we have the alleged real partners of the USA, which is and has forever been acting with the “Secret Hand.“ The help or better known as; often doubtful help. The valid Illuminat*E (calculated as the sum of the infinite series – Other Component to the Formula).

Nevertheless, between ones sensibility and what one creates in their mind, lies a huge sphere of forbidden mass and that is what it is…A battle between the ice giant and which can be described as Saturn; which is not entirely a gaseous planet but is also an aspect, for someone learning to grasp one’s own fears; opposite the other gas giants; slowly but surely executing the soul.

It’s about learning those universal laws that have been set well before this time and since forever as the earliest of wisdom, other than just that of what was written only by ‘Man.’

The Ice Age isn’t too far away you know, or at least so it seems… I mean,  folks have put their gas masks on a long time ago. (EX: DOOMSDAY PREPPERS)

But like that’s going to save you…Enjoy what you can; while you can.


Terania Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Univer…

The Magical Power of Talismans! 



“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide – Now Available for Download!!  

This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast 

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

“The universe is under no obligation to make any SPIRITUAL sense to anyone”  Dr. Turi

Carl Sagan Birthday and NASA Masquerade – Can you handle the truth?
Astrology and Sir Isaac Newton Unique Celestial Identity
Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology
Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!
James Randi Versus Dr. Turi’s predictions nine years later!


Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse unilluminated perception of the stars!

Neil deGrasse, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Sagan and Astrology 


“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code universal ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak nor engage the fools…” Dr. Turi.

Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Carl Sagan and the science of Astrology!

“If we teach only the finding and products of Astrology, no matter how useful and inspiring they maybe – without communicating its critical methods, how can the average person possibly distinguish Astrology from pseudoscience? ” Dr. Turi 

Channeling The Greatest Prophet Of All Times “Notre Dame”

Nostradamus – “Sole Dios”


Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi


Neptunius Dios of Riligious Deception Rules
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poison Mad Spiritus
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions (FULL VIP version)

Germany “Heil Hitler” 2014 Arian Draconis World Predictions

2013 Scorpius Draconis World Predictions


From ” Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says! 

and 23/24/25 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross Predictions published 04/10/2014

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, religions, the pope, oil, gas, the ocean, ships, *Cargo ship uses hull as a giant sail Update *Man rescued after falling from cruise ship * Last-ditch effort to save ‘Top Gun’ carrier* *aircraft carrier classes *Ship overturns near Scotland *‘Holy Grail’ of shipwrecks found?  *Trapped on ferry: Our feet are burning chemicals, poison  *Poisoned drink for Boehner?  *71 die after drinking home brew *Caramel apples linked to fatal outbreak *Professor guilty of poisoning wife – hospitals, epidemic *Teen’s death shows horror of flu epidemic prediction *2 former Sacred Heart Hospital executives plead guilty in scheme jails, convicts, *At least 10 dead as Texas prison bus collides with train drugs, dams, water,  * Malaysia to get epic flooding *Biggest storm in years wallops Calif. –Why the CDC just declared a flu epidemic  (Miley Cyrus) the spirit *Andrew Keegan starts new religion .  In some ways, following this Grand  Cross  God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius “and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind…” Check the original article and Jerry Pippin radio show of  April 4, 2014 where I mentioned this prediction.

At least 10 dead as Texas prison bus collides with train Jail/convicts

Photo: Ohio man accused of threatening to kill Boehner - WHO CAN DENY THE UNDENIABLE? posted 10/15/2014" Prediction #23 of 24 - Poisoning in all forms is high on the list *Poisoned drink for Boehner? 71 die after drinking home brew ‘Superbug’ bacteria widespread in U.S. chicken: consumer group *Caramel apples linked to fatal outbreak *Professor guilty of poisoning wife Read more!
Ohio man accused of threatening to kill Boehner poison

Update 1/13/2015 – Poisoned drink for Boehner? *71 die after drinking home brew

Update 1/3/2015 –  Ship overturns near Scotland

Teen’s death shows horror of flu epidemic prediction

 Shannon Zwanziger was born in 1997 with a Neptunius Draconis making her seriously prone to die from infectious organisms. May God Bless Her Soul – Traditional Doctors MUST learn from Soul Doctors! The cosmic wisdom of all wise men of antiquity must be taught to all modern medical students!


 “physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician” Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

Update 12/31/2014 – Why the CDC just declared a flu epidemic Epidemic/medications/hospitals

  Update 12/12/2014 – ‘Titanic of the Golden Gate’ found

Prediction 22 of 24 – The ocean will offer more of his secrets and a new “Titanic” will make the news.

Prediction #16 of 24 I see many islands of many sizes being destroyed or abandoned. Expect more food poisoning. Death at sea and accidents with Cruise liners forcing restructures and bankruptcy.  Check my well documented, dated published past predictions about volcano eruption and large earthquakes  – Get a free copy of my books!  Moon Power 2014 and 2014 Dragon Forecast.

Update 12/29/14 ‘Holy Grail’ of shipwrecks found?  – Ocean/ships?

Update 12/28/14  Trapped on ferry: Our feet are burning – Ocean/ships?

 Time to recall Dr. Turi’s predictions and pass them on to the world because it is going to get much worse… I see also deadly tsunamis and a devastating US hurricane season with tornadoes and flooding never experienced before. Every months throughout the year 2015 I will translate the Cosmic Code, signaling the very high possibility of  very large earthquakes and the most destructive upcoming natural disasters starting with “January 2015 SOS To The World Windows.”

This crucial list is posted  in the Cosmic Code website for my VIP’s. Join us today, do NOT plan to travel during the dates offered or pay the price for ignoring the signs I translated for you. Note, I predicted the Asian and Japan tsunamis to the day and refused to travel to Thailand on December 23 with my friend Owen because the cosmic auspices were negative. Doing so  saved both our lives while thousands of people died 3 days later! Be warned, get those dates, my warnings. My newsletters and predictions will stop reaching the public on January 1st, 2015. 


Malaysia to get epic flooding; threat of landslides loom.

Update 12/12/2014 – India’s worrying level of youth suicides

Prediction #6 of 24  – I am expecting enormous loss of lives due to the proliferation of new cults attracting lost souls in search of God and its forgiveness through wars i.e. ISIS and a serious increase in mental disorders and suicides.  India’s worrying level of youth suicides – Read more! Dr. Drew, Dr. Gupta, PTSD, Bullying and Suicide Answers!


Update 12/12/2014 Plunging oil prices may trigger unrest

Update 12/12/2014 Mukasey: Waterboarding not torture

Update 12/4/2014  For some, gas falls below $2

Update 12/7/2014  Florida Triple-Murder Suspect Is Arrested. What He’s Accused of Has Left a Church Absolutely Devastated.

Prediction #5 of 24:  Neptune rules religions and this Dragon is aiming for the Church, President Obama and Pope Francis. Like his predecessor John Paul, he may pay the ultimate price with a mysterious death or assassination.  *  *STATEN ISLAND, N.Y.  —  $28 million: That’s the estimated market value of 4 Staten Island Catholic churches set to close

Update 12/5/2014 –  Andrew Keegan starts new religion 

I am another deceived  Neptunian

Prediction#21 of 24:  Religions of all nominations will explode with billions of new God fearing lost souls joining this universal Neptunius deception. I see a proliferation of cults *’10 Things I Hate About You’ star Andrew Keegan starts new religion

LDS Who can deny my predictions?

Spiritual Pride, wealth, power, notoriety and total Neptunian deception

Prediction #21 of 24:   Religions of all nominations will explode with billions of new God fearing lost souls joining this universal Neptunius deception. I see a proliferation of cults and
more dirty secrets to come to light with mormonism *(CNN) — Church: Mormon, 40 wifes, one as young as 14 years old   

Continued; The church will suffer a lack of interest due to the atheist growing movement.  New controlling laws will be issued against the New Agers and psychics and more religious movies will “advertise” religions and Christianity. *Jesus Will Look Different in Highly Anticipated TV Series.

Join Dr.Turi Cyber Cosmic Code University be warned, be prepared, be guided accurately!

 Update 12/3/2014 – Eruption could destroy Japan

There are specific prediction for the cruise industry that can not be divulged to the public! I can only be objective with only a few predictions I made public!

Update 11/16/2014 170 sickened on cruise ship 

Norovirus sickens 170 passengers on cruise ship bound for L.A.

South Korean ship carrying students sinks

Update: 11/15/2014 –  Chemical plant leak kills 4

Watch this video

Flight 370 Satellite Image May Show Possible Oil Slick … (oil?)

Updated 04/13/14 –  Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business (Gas?)


 From  AVAAZ Team, Ebola Africa Black Death Predictions 

Prediction page # 11 of 24 –  “A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. –  Those predictions are still available  on the Internet for the world to judge my claims!

Prediction #4  of 24 – “a New STD and old diseases will come back and plague those countries ////////////// where total restructures are to be expected. The deception and reality involving Ebola will come to light.  New drugs and medical discoveries will bless some and a pandemic will kill many.“


CHECK 2009/2010/2011 PREDICTIONS

 “physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician”  Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).


When the flu wiped out millions

Do you think it is another “accident” for a CNN writer to post such an article or another serious omen of what is to come to a world of cosmic unconscious human? No, there are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances humanity and science are not yet aware of and keep ignoring and denying…

Memo: ”  The camera lodged in the suspended water bulb is a VERY strong omen (and a serious warning to pay close attention to water on earth) offered to an unconscious scientific community. Water is the utmost precious commodity on the planet but I see water shortage, more poisoning of the oceans and the ozone layer forcing humanity to take serious actions within the next two years.”

Be warned pay attention to  my “2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Draconis Universal Predictions and all the Nostradamus natural healing tips I am offering to all my wise VIP’s  and avoid the upcoming universal Neptunian cosmic poisoning wind. (VIP’s only) 

Ebola” and Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions for 2015 (public sample) Share Pls!


  • 1 Expect ////////////////////////////////
  • 2 Neptune ///////////////////////////////////////
  • 3 Hollywood and the movie industry will ///////////////////////////////////////
  • 4 New STD and old diseases will //////////////////////////////////
  • 5 – Posted Above…
  • 6 I am expecting loss of life due to the proliferation of ///////////////////////////////
  • 7 I am expecting a full restructure of the/////////////////////////////////
  • 8 I see angry /////////////////////////////////////
  • 9  I see serious //////////////////////////////
  • 10 I see Las Vegas /////////////////////////////////////
  • 11 I see a full restructure of the //////////////////////////////
  • 12 I see an upsurge of ////////////////////////////////////
  •  13 I see problems ////////////////////////////////////
  • 14 I see a lot of //////////////////////////////////
  • 15 I see a lot more of //////////////////////////////////
  • 16 I see many ////////////////////////
  • 17 I see new ////////////////////////
  • 18 I see a //////////////////////////////////////
  • 19  I see large ///////////////////////////////////
  • 20 I see “political” /////////////////////////////
  • 21 Posted above
  • 22 The ocean will ///////////////////////////
  • 23 Isis will ////////////////////////////
  • 24 /////////////////////


This elusive Dragon is extremely deceptive and will aim and curse many people born in////////////and ////////// with a strong or weak Neptune in their chart. Thus if you are a //////, a //////, have the moon, a rising a natal or hidden dragon in those signs and begin to feel low in energy, depressed, suicidal and nothing seems to work for you, you are strongly advised to let me help you regenerate your spirit with a consultation. 

Science and the world are ill prepared to deal with this poisonous dragon and I want to make sure my VIP’s can reach me all along its control over humanity. Thus the offered saving deals and payment affordability options will last until Neptune release the world or all the way to ////////////

This may change if I get too busy or decide to retire completely and stop working. At 65 I had my share of idiocy fighting the “educated” atheist / scientists and God fearing lost souls who truly believe they know better than God and I. 

The prices are as follows! THRU THE WHOLE 2015 YEAR DUE TO NEPTUNE …

1 – $700 (no limit on Skype)

2 – $350 (90 mn on Skype or on the phone)

3 – $250 (60 mn on Skype or on the phone)

4 – $150 (45 mn on Skype or on the phone)

5 – $100 (30 mn on Skype or on the phone)

6 – $50 (15 mn Emergency Astro-Tarot only with basic astrological information)

7 – $100 (no limit telephone / reading conversation with Terania)  – She is fully cosmic conscious and as knowledgeable as her husband, but she is very much more patient and intuitive with the tarot. You will be pleasantly surprise of her inner wisdom, her soothing voice and deep caring nature. )

Note our cart is not set to offer discount on all the above readings, so please call Terania at 602-265-7667 with your credit card and to set up a day and time for our live Skype meeting or on the telephone. You may decide to use paypal but you still will have to call Terania with your DOB and for  your appointment. 

While precise cosmically customized health talismans work miracles to protect and build the 6th house of health, they also negate the 8th house of death and reinforce the subconscious healing power.  Nostradamus, used all sorts of potions made with plants, herbs and flowers he collected in “La Provence” naturally produced by the wild South of France mountains.

Nostradamus  “The Star lover Doctor” was a fervent student of all erudite men of the past and knew each part of the human body is connected with a zodiacal sign starting with Aries (the head) to Pisces (the feet.)

 Investigating your natal UCI and locate the nefarious planets by signs and houses is the first step to produce a personal powerful talisman or prescribe a natural potions to bring power to the weakest, prone to diseases organs.

While my Astropsychology course teaches the full spectrum of divine medical cosmology, there is no way for me to even begin teach you all the ramifications here.

Each individual is a very complex cosmos in itself and an accurate prognostic and diagnostic demand serious researches on the subject’s cosmic nativity. Meantime if you suffer an headache or break a bone, fixing it is “Universal” wisdom. And this is what I will now offer my VIP’s as as precautionary measure to avoid catching Ebola or any other disease for that matter.

Combined with my////////////////////// the “magical potion” can also help if not eliminate other problems or addiction you may suffer. Sad enough the atheists, agnostics and “educated” scientists alike, will perceive me and all erudite men of antiquity, more as a “oil snake vendor” than a  true gifted “Soul Doctors.”

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call h…

“Hippocrates of Cos or Hippokrates of Kos, was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, philosopher, naturalist, astrophile and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.” Did Hippocrate got a Nobel Prize?

Now on to all those vital informations and, while this educational homeopathic health oriented article and all my predictions are quite extensive,  the reader must take the time to read and assimilate it all.  The following directions are very simple and all ingredients available at any food store…

  • 1 If  you feel depressed and keep degenerating your spirit, you will ///////////////////////infectious diseases. Do not /////////////////////////////
  • 2 Use /////////////if you get sick/////////////////.
  • 3 If you do not want to get sick and avoid Neptune poisoning power//////////////////////////////////
  • 4 Most importantly, switch from ///////////////////
  • 5 Drink ///////////// every morning and add ONE DROP of//////////////, NO sugar, NO honey added only a few drops of/////////////.  Human are machine of habits/////////////
  • 6 ///////////////// has incredible therapeutic values modern science will make sure you know nothing about! In fact Nostradamus used it in all his potions to heal people from the plague. //////////Read more about////////////// priorities.
  • 7 Nurture/////////////////////////////
  • 8 Spend enough time //////////// everyday//////////////. Contrary to what you have been told,//////////////////// offer the only way for you to get enough //////////.  ////////// is life force #1 and /////////////////helps against depressions, psychosis, dementia and combat alzheimer diseases.
  • 9 Use the//////////////////////at your advantage to avoid  the depleting of  your spirit and your physical atomic structure. Indeed ///////////////////healing tools
  • 10 The more you understand and use////////////////////the more power to you. Remember you will become much more vulnerable to ailments or “accidents” under ////////////////////////.  Knowing and using your personal cosmic biorhythms positive dates  or a personalized talisman can and will bring emotional, financial and spiritual stability in your life! 


Life is a constant process of changes that affect everything, including science deplorable perception of the divine. Little do they know of//////////////////// altering the atomic structure of the human physical/spiritual body and the marvels of magic and the true power of Talismans!

The Magical Power of Talismans!

As of November 2015, the  Universal “Religious Neptunius Draconis” will be in charge the world and the set of predictions presented at the bottom of this article is not for the fainted hearts!

While the young souls can only ridicule my predictive work, the more spiritual human beings who studied  both  the “2014 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” and  the “Scorpius Draconis Universal Predictions”  will have no doubt of what the future has in store for humanity!  Those predictions are still available  on the Internet for the world to judge!

11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions …

“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.  Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus

Indeed you do not want to miss those predictions and not only heed my warnings but FOLLOW faithfully ALL the natural healing tips I will offer my VIP’s.  While you may use my Natural Universal Blood Transfusion regularly, this alone will never be enough to build the supra resistant immune system you need to beat Ebola virus.

The Nostradamus homeopathic tips I will divulge to my VIP’s and the crucial information can and will save your life. Meantime, the earlier you start the potion, the better chances you will have if, God forbid you catch the disease. Terania and I already started the process and this regimen must be performed everyday!

Once you get Ebola, your survival chances are currently ZERO, unless you are very wealthy and able to pay the exorbitant price for the experimental antibiotics that may kill you before Ebola does.

Once symptoms set in, a person is contagious and has six to 16 days to beat the Ebola virus or die. LEARN MORE

  Is your life and those of your loved ones worth becoming a VIP? 

Carl Sagan Scientific Fabricated LIES On What Life On Mars Would Be Like…

Reply by Mrs. Turi: Think back to just before that of WW1, in which everything was already made up of the same crowd  that had per-planned  record citations –  which involved that of ones repayment alongside any other allegations that were too assessed by our administrations and its possessions.

It was the same for their allies and  other organizations just like today, who many are involved in private ownership of businesses and such who have wanted and still want America to be at war…For this reason, we have seen and are still seeing some very devious colleagues of theirs; who were and are all  deeply under suspicion for being involved in certain actions or acting under various unusual behavior, just to get everyone so mixed up in everything.

And you wonder why everyone is so confused?

Well, many of these so called contributors had given and still give to  the Commonwealth of Nations lots of BIG bucks.  There were and ’til this day, still lots of monetary agents implicated in this area of rule. All the same for JP Morgan and Co. who served as British fiscal assistant during the whole of World War I… There too was so much there already behind this secret understanding / often with intent to defraud already in the scheme of it all.

When it comes to the green, why yes;  most are stubborn like the bull indeed.

But when it comes to the signs every day all around us, it makes you notice things like a golden or shiny gray painting of a battle of some sort that is say, located in the parquet central area of a building for instance; and that makes it acceptable for one to think it may be an artful conception for something like gold and silver.

But then, when one actually starts to do their homework, they notice that maybe on the particular birthday and / or creation this place was set up to endure; perhaps a harmful clue of some sort, like that of a contamination was and/or is fast growing (hepatitis , Ebola etc.) and known at the same time to be that of an irritant and very likely that this forceful armament is being used in armed conflict against the population.

Think back to the Australian Antigen maybe?

This is no different than the very rich, powerful and well -connected people that work with some others…Others who are naive and extremely hungry for money or even just to be in the spotlight. Well,  those wealthy people may cultivate you, take care of you, pay you lots of money, end up brainwashing you in the end anyways, flat out giving you all that you may want in your life and finally they ask you for a mission of some sort…Well, money takes over for many; yes?

And many manipulate the power and use religion or any belief system for that matter as some kind of a license to do wrong. And while many may practice both ‘white’ magic some do both ‘white’ and ‘black magic’  with cruel intentions. This is where the past that has followed one into this incarnation needs to be removed or used constructively….Otherwise be ready for another bite in the butt.

Then all of a sudden, there is also the intentional release or dissemination of biological agents. Call it suicide mission if you like but it’s all the same set out to destroy the lives of others and spread the deadly disease…No different than that of religion / hard hardheadedness set out to destroy the world and spread its deadly afflictions aka ISIS…It is like many other ailments, just fighting the spiritual – hidden dragon’s polarity representing man and the snakes lost wisdom within each one of us.

It is the the same thing as the 13 principles of faith otherwise known as ‘Ophiuchus’ or Astropsychology  of all really which is ‘royal’
but has all been used and abused.

The purpose of those who do this and use others (puppets) was and still is to expand your fears and make everyone extremely distressed. Basically so others feed off that fear or evil and  many die as possible. This is all to build the need for some kind of resolution to the bad situation like a physical cancer.

All to make the rest of the world get ready for some kind of brand – new wonder medication or drug that can offer a solution to Ebola…To generate a large retailer market for that drug and to try and guarantee that there will be a large gain from it’s exchange for the money.

Once more and as common as it may be,  it is those skeptical and vulnerable, sightless and many who are just too trusting of everyone that are used as the prime experimental subjects in this crazed gamble or enterprise…And this time they are using the African – American inhabitants.

While the age of Pisces is dying, there is no end of the world but rather the dying of one age and we are entering into another…Basically we have already into the Age of Aquarius but even though many are waking up, it is those in charge today still like knights of the old order and they are in charge of the new order. It’s not about the arc (boat) of some promise but all about what lies in the contract?

And unfortunately this world has a ruling elite, a political class and ignorant masses that genuinely doesn’t care nor chooses to be suitably incisive – Too much sarcasm. Too many who pretend to be  insightful but are just assuming or too Neptunian.

Some heck of a <0> New World Order <0> that will be. This is WW111 and just another battle based on the same ‘stone’ which our predecessors fought on over and over again. I mean we already had nukes in the past and it doesn’t mean it can’t happen again…That’s the real deal on the ‘Battle of Armageddon.’

Too many who are to be so educated about everything but only by the book and too ordinary but have not much second judgement. Enlightened and historically knowledgeable my @$$… Most don’t even get the ‘I.E.’ rule of it all…

“Illuminat-I” keeps everything under their thumb. (i is commonly used to designate electric current = “fire” in these regimens. A”FALSEHOOD” title given ending in letter *I used for the wrong application of the Draconian energy which comes from the farthest constellation of Draco – Latin for dragon”- When combining the math and symbols for the total set – preparation.)

Then we have the alleged real partners of the USA, which is and has forever been acting with the “Secret Hand.“ The help or better known as; often doubtful help. The valid Illuminat*E (calculated as the sum of the infinite series – Other Component to the Formula).

Nevertheless, between ones sensibility and what one creates in their mind, lies a huge sphere of forbidden mass and that is what it is…A battle between the ice giant and which can be described as Saturn; which is not entirely a gaseous planet but is also an aspect, for someone learning to grasp one’s own fears; opposite the other gas giants; slowly but surely executing the soul.

It’s about learning those universal laws that have been set well before this time and since forever as the earliest of wisdom, other than just that of what was written only by ‘Man.’

The Ice Age isn’t too far away you know, or at least so it seems… I mean,  folks have put their gas masks on a long time ago. (EX: DOOMSDAY PREPPERS)

But like that’s going to save you…Enjoy what you can; while you can.


Terania Turi

 “Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says!” 

Here is my interpretation for this Grand Cross but the main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the Middle East, the churchreligions, * Pope Francis makes annulment of marriages easier* Thousands of jubilant migrants arrive in Austria from Hungary * Kung fu (in)fighting rocks ancient Shaolin Monastery *Tests show UK Quran manuscript is among world’s oldest  * 27 killed in stampede  Water*200 hurt in water park blast Chemicals,ISIS steps up use of chemicals? oil, * Nexen pipeline leak in Alberta spills 5 million litres *The oil glut is getting even bigger *California oil pipeline ruptures * Cruise ship floats free at high tide – *Oil plunges to a 6-year low. Is $30 next?  – *Vessel sinks off Hawaii coast – oil 75,000 gallons of fuel sinks off Hawaii  gas, the ocean, Rescuers try to save migrants in Mediterranean shipwreck *Volunteers rally to save stranded killer whale  Islands, *China’s islands ‘almost complete’ *ships, *Mystery shipwreck found off U.S. *Philippines: 42 dead, 11 missing in ferry disaster *The world’s largest cruise ship departs from Barcelona *Cruise ship hits wall: 17 injured *Ship sinks in China’s Yangtze River submarines * North Korea could have missile-launching submarine within 5 years! *Iran Claims to Have Seized US Ship *  *Several shipwrecks found in Lake Michigan *Ship overturns near Scotland *‘Holy Grail’ of shipwrecks found? *Movie GUNSHOTS’ 3 dead, including gunman, in Louisiana theater shooting *Trapped on ferry: Our feet are burning,  More than 200 sickened on cruise ships *Royal Caribbean cruise cut short by illness Suicide *Bobbi Kristina Brown has died *Dad jumps off bridge, baby *Suicide rates among young black boys on the rise*Whitney Houston’s daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, found unresponsive in tub *Police: Parents feared apocalypse, killed family *Poisoned drink for Boehner?  *71 die after drinking home brew *Caramel apples linked to fatal outbreak *Professor guilty of poisoning wife – hospitals, Poison *Poisoned teens struggle to eat, walk *Toxic moonshine kills 99 in Mumbai slum *Two of B.B. King’s daughters are alleging that the blues legend was poisoned to death by two of his closest associates. epidemic, pandemic  *Adult dies of plague in Colorado  *Leprosy cases spike in Florida * 6/7/2015 MERS outbreak: 2,300-plus quarantined in South Korea *Experts raise alarm as plague kills dozens in Madagascar *Measles cases in California soar  *Teen’s death shows horror of flu epidemic prediction *2 former Sacred Heart Hospital executives plead guilty in scheme jails, convicts, Prison *‘San Quentin 6’ inmate dies in riot *Escaped inmate kills woman before he is captured, Pennsylvania police say *Trinidad prison escape involves shootout with police – *Mexican drug lord Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman escapes  *Sex, drugs and prison corruption   *2 killers escape from prison in upstate New York *Ex-NFLer accused of murdering prison cellmate – *Supermax ‘worse than death’ Poison found in prison food*At least 10 dead as Texas prison bus collides with train drugs, poisoning * More children getting drunk on hand sanitizer *Secret TPP trade deal will force deadly pharma drugs on the whole world dams, water, *Japan flooding: 2.8 million advised to evacuate  * EPA spill turns Animas River in Colorado a toxic orange – * 54 stingrays die at Chicago zoo – sea *Record rain Texas and Oklahoma flooding: 3 dead *Mandatory water restrictions in California *‘Genocide’ charged as boat capsizes in Mediterranean  *Blob of warm Pacific water threatens ecosystem, may intensify drought *Malaysia to get epic flooding *Biggest storm in years wallops Calif. –Why the CDC just declared a flu epidemic  (Miley Cyrus) the spirit *Andrew Keegan starts new religion .  In some ways, following this Grand  Cross  God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius “ and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind…” *Plane registered to ‘Titanic’ composer crashes  Check the original article and Jerry Pippin radio show of  April 4, 2014 where I mentioned this prediction.

Jon Koppenhaver – Soul of a born killer!


For those who know me and the Cosmic Code jurisdictions, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, none will ever suffice…

Dr. Turi

War Machine Mixed Martial Artist and a sex maniac!

I am a deadly emotional destructive Scorpio

Jailed MMA fighter tries to kill self

War Machine, is an American professional mixed martial artist, and pornographic actor. In MMA, he competes in the welterweight division. He was a fighter on the The Ultimate Fighter: Team Hughes vs. Team Serra as part of Team Serra. Wikipedia

 Jon Koppenhavers’ was born November 30, 1981, with his sun sign in Sagittarius, his first Scorpius house (sex and passion) truly enunciate the real power of Astropsychology/Astroforensics. But before elaborating and explaining his fate and actions let’s check on another cosmic unconscious celebrity.

Jon Koppenhavers – Soul of a born killer! is now ready for your eyes VIP’s, acknowledge why he behaved in such a destructive way and what it mean to be a cosmic unconscious human being! 

 Other news:

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Pay the past a visit? How unconscious can a traditional doctor be? Get real answers from a Soul Doctor! Memo from

The people and their affairs of the past will make the news… 

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Pay the past a visit –  Another moment involved ancient scrolls that date back 40 generations. My father’s side of the family had its history recorded going back nearly 1,000 years — and the look on my father’s face when he saw the scrolls for the first time will forever be seared in my mind.

More people and affairs if the past!

12 anchors, 12 inspiring journeys – Join CNN’s anchors as they embark on emotional journeys across the globe to discover never-before-known details of their family trees. Talk about visiting their past! All those famous talking heads are so educated and so cosmic unconscious…

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).


 Indeed he lost this crucial cosmic wisdom and the spirit in the name of a rigid education and modern science. “But it ended up becoming the beginning of our whole journey!” that is; if he land, read and learn all about my cosmic work!

Do the India and Pakistan “regular” people reading my work smarter than US doctors?

 “Forbes Financial Astrology from India” October 21st, 2012


Forbes Article on Financial astrology

Interesting email from my Webmaster Alan sent to me back in 2010:

“You know Dr. Turi I realized something super interesting looking at your Alexa stats. A third of all your traffic comes from India. What’s that about? Maybe you need to make a trip to India? I tell you why I think that’s super interesting as well — India (as OF COURSE you know) invented Vedic Astrology so the fact that they are heavily interested in your European style is a huge testament to your work. It’s like they’re saying that YOUR astrology is better than their own. It’s like if I had a new Cuisine/US Chef site that was visited mostly by France and Italy. That’s a huge compliment my friend. Unless of course they’re stealing your work and retrofitting it into their Vedic style! You never know!”

Alan Webmaster

 Perhaps the author of the article Kenneth Rapoza and Forbes magazine isn’t aware of the facts like someone in the US rather than in India called Dr. Turi and who did and still does the ground work from his “Cosmic Cyber University.” Thank you for your help and the help of the Scorpius Draconis demanding the all truths to be exposed at any and all costs…

Next, I will expose Jon Koppenhavers’ entire UCI – Cosmic Identity and explain the reasons for his brutal actions, downfall from a great fighting career and his attempted suicide. There are no accidents, only cosmic circumstances  at work he and the world at large is not aware of… 

If you are involved in the research in human behaviors, the human mind, if you are a traditionally educated psychologist or psychiatrist, or simply smart and curious, all these answers will be provided.  However, since I stopped offering free educational articles to the public, only my VIP’s and those who join  my Cyber Cosmic Code University will learn to appreciate Astropsychology / Astroforensics of the future at work today!” 

Earlier this month, I offered thousands of people the option to investigate my work for free with a 30 days free access to my website, on November 4th, the trial period will end! If you are one of those lucky souls, make the most of my work because, from now on,  I intent to give only “bullets” to the public or a fraction of my work.  Furthermore, do not expect modern, conventional science to offer anyone with the golden key to what it means to be human or remotely understand the “human animal.”

While the police , family and friends are trying very hard to find out what happened to Jon Koppenhavers, there are “signs” depicting a tragic fate that could easily been avoided had  he, reached for my expertise and for the US Department of Education adding a non religious cosmic spiritual education in their curriculum.

There are no accidents, nor circumstances that can not be avoided if warned of the real possibilities of becoming a killer, but the crucial timing for education is very short. For anyone to be engaged in any dangerous or violent sports clearly depict and overhauling UCI that demand and early awareness and full control.

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”  – Nostradamus

This can solely happen just before, during or after puberty, after those very short years, the natal UCI (or the full power of the subject’s nativity) will gain control of the soul. The soul will find many ways to channel the power but not only in a controlled environment and, as seen in the case of  Koppenhaver, in public, those people can become dangerous to themselves and others.  Again would you cross a red light and hope for the best or play Russian roulette with your fate?

Jon Koppenhavers; like all previous and future innocent souls, is the victims of today dry and much too rational education. Indeed humanity has lost the spirit making all the children prone to become the preys or worse, unstable criminals. Young and adults alike MUST reconnect with God’s cosmic Divinity, stop depressions, suicides to live in a safer world.

As I did with  Why Jesse Leroy Matthew killed Hannah Graham Astroforensics of the future at work! –  “Blade Runner” Pistorius Scorpius Draconis Fate – Indeed a great actor! – Why was Joan Rivers so Unique? Astroforensics of the future at work today! – Why Darren Wilson Killed Michael Brown Astroforensics of the future at work today – Robin Williams’ Suicide Fully Explained – Astroforensics of the future at work today! – Jodi Arias A born Killer Mind Exposed and countless of celebrities, be ready to learn more about the cosmic code secrets!

I will translate the cosmic hieroglyphs in plain English allowing the reader to boost his own cosmic consciousness…

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

jon koppenhaver fate through astroforensics

Sun 08Sag12 (2)
Moon 20Cap24 (3) detriment
Mercury 02Sag35 (2) detriment
Venus 23Cap39 (3)
Mars 22Vir21 (11)
Jupiter 00Sco40 (1)
Saturn 19Lib07 (12) exalted
Uranus 00Sag52 (2)
Neptune 23Sag58 (2)
Pluto 25Lib54 (12) detriment (modern)
MNNode 23Can09 (9)
MSNode 23Cap09 (3)
BlackMoon 07Sag25 (2)

IN MUTUAL RECEPTION: Venus in Capricorn Saturn in Libra

DEPOSITORS: Sun dis-posited by Jupiter
Jupiter dis-posited by Pluto
Moon dis-posited by Saturn
Saturn dis-posited by Venus
Mercury dis-posited by Jupiter
Uranus dis-posited by Jupiter
Venus dis-posited by Saturn
Neptune dis-posited by Jupiter
Mars dis-posited by Mercury
Pluto dis-posited by Venus


SIGN MODALITIES: Planet Points Percent
Cardinal 5 42 %
Fixed 1 8 %
Mutable 6 50 %

SIGN ELEMENTS: Planet Points Percent
Fire 5 42 %
Earth 4 33 %
Air 2 17 %
Water 1 8 %

IN CRITICAL DEGREES: (Mansions of the Moon):

MOON DISTANCE: 402086.6 km. Far Distance
MOON SPEED: 11.98357 deg/day Slow Speed


ODD LOWER-ORDER: 1 0.92954
7 0.98873

8 0.98593

ODD HIGHER-ORDER: 67 0.92778
123 0.97937

124 0.97691

Blessings to all

Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi


Join Dr. Turi Cyber Cosmic Code University and realize how a cosmic God speak to his children through the signs.



L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!  This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

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The Magical Power of Talismans!

Details on Joan Rivers’ death for the gullible morons!



“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”- Buddha

Comedian Joan Rivers died Thursday, September 4, a week after suffering cardiac arrest during a medical procedure, her daughter said. She was 81. Click through the gallery to look back at her career.

Details on Joan Rivers’ death

Joan Rivers Was Killed By Her Doctors!

Why was Joan Rivers so Unique? Astroforensics of the future at work today!

Dear readers;

But if you are part of the extreme minority of smart people reading my rogue articles, you will realize what both, the New York medical examiner (and the scientific matrix) have to lose by exposing the undiluted truth to the public – or BILLIONS of dollars!

But as you all know, human have a very short memory span and we are all much too busy making a fat living for the IRS and Uncle Sam’s political elites!  So, the medical examiner will always wait for weeks to expose the truth I divulge almost immediately! Yes, the sad reality is;   Joan Rivers, like  Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and countless of other celebrities who committed suicide are  all the victims of the scientific and the pharmaceutical matrixes “legal” drugs.

‘Pharmageddon’ Is Upon Us – Pharmageddon is “the prospect of a world in which medicines and medicine produce more ill-health than health, and when medical progress does more harm than good” — and it is no longer a prospect but fully upon us. And withy what’s going on with Ebola today, it would be wise for you to read AVAAZ Team, Ebola Africa Black Death Predictions too!

Death by medicine is a 21st-century epidemic, and America’s “war on drugs” is clearly directed at the wrong enemy!

Prescription drugs are now killing far more people than illegal drugs, and while most major causes of preventable deaths are declining, those from prescription drug use are increasing, an analysis of recently released data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by the Los Angeles Timesrevealed.

The Times analysis of 2009 death statistics, the most recent available, showed and approaching 2015 soon or 6 years later… I can assure you, those numbers have doubled…

  • For the first time ever in the US, more people were killed by drugs than motor vehicle accidents
  • 37,485 people died from drugs, a rate fueled by overdoses on prescription pain and anxiety medications, versus 36,284 from traffic accidents
  • Drug fatalities more than doubled among teens and young adults between 2000 and 2008, and more than tripled among people aged 50 to 69
  • Firearms killed31,672 people, and 26,852 died as a result of falling. … In 60 percent of all overdosedeaths, prescription pharmaceuticals were to blame.

Again, these drug-induced fatalities are not being driven by illegal street drugs; the analysis found that the most commonly abused prescription drugs like OxyContin, Vicodin, Xanax and Soma now cause more deaths than heroin and cocaine combined.

Its a miracle for curiosity to survive education… Einstein 

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now on to the truth if you can handle it!

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi


Join Dr. Turi Cyber Cosmic Code University and realize how a cosmic God speak to his children through the signs.



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!  This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…


$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

Show your support join my Cyber Cosmic University

The Magical Power of Talismans!

Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina? Dangerous Universal Ignorance!



“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.   Dr. Turi

Dear readers;

Read the article first, watch the video then read the facts science and all those amazed people are oblivious of!  No one, but the scientific matrix, or the US Department of Education is to to blame for stopping me reaching and educating your children and stop this dangerous cosmic ignorance! How many scientists and beach goers read the full explanation of the effect of this cosmic event?  Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier! 


Do you really think sharks are stupid enough to run after a “school of very small fishes” risking their lives beaching themselves? Hello, sharks DO NOT run after LIVE small fishes, they are well equipped naturally to aim for larger prays and this is why God gave them a BIG theethes and a huge mouth! sharks go after a huge meal such as a dolphin or a sea lion.

Other shark species live off of small aquatic life including mollusks and clams. These types of sharks often live at the bottom of the ocean where there is an abundance of such food sources. They blend in well so they aren’t spotted by their prey very easily. These are often the smaller species of sharks that don’t need a huge volume of food to live on.

They have a very keen sense of smell, can feel vibrations, and can see well in the water even at night so they never have trouble finding their preyWhere is logic? don’t you think its time to realize all life in the ocean is under the jurisdiction of the moon and the cosmos has a soul even Neil deGrasse knows nothing about?

The fact is the cosmic code is seriously messing up the GPS of the sharks but it is not in the interest of our infantile scientific / religious communities to bring forth humanity cosmic consciousness and will never offer Dr. Turi any form of recognition! And that is the problem for me to be 50 years ahead of them all…

The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine GPS? NONSENSE!


Continued! A new video published online this week shows a “rare shark feeding frenzy” take place at Cape Lookout National Seashore off the coast of North Carolina.

The video was shot by Donnie Griggs, a member of One Harbor Church, and posted to YouTube by his friend Brian Recker on Monday.

“The men were out fishing for the evening’s dinner when they stumbled across more than 100 sharks attacking a school of blue fish,” Recker wrote on YouTube. “As seagulls and pelicans joined in on the meal, the men began to cast into the surf, catching fish without the use of bait.”

“For more than five minutes, the sharks were observed swimming in and out of the surf, some of which became beached in the fury,” he added.

The incredible footage has enthralled the Internet, amassing nearly 1 million views in the days since it was posted. “I’m never going to forget this video, am I?”

“I’m never going to forget this video, am I?” commented one individual.

DT Rebuttal; First this is a rare event  that can only happen when the sharks inborn computer (his brain) is messed up by the cosmic code fluid” or what our cosmic unconscious scientists refer as “Dark Matter.” 

Little do they know this is the direct result of a Mercury Retrograde period messes up all forms of communications, transportation and the GPS of all mammals.

something I predicted and explained in ‘Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier!

Memo: Marine life sharks, whales etc may also beach themselves due to Mercury retrograde affecting their natural inborn navigational systems. * Whale dead after beaching in Tampa Bay area – All these malevolent predictions and waste of lives and equipment do not have to occur. Those predictions do not have to affect you directly as they unfold. Instead, they are printed to prepare you for setbacks and frustrations, thus advising you to be patient and prudent during this trend.


Dr. Turi

Teach me all about my cosmic relationship with God marvelous Universe Dr. Turi


Join Dr. Turi Cyber Cosmic Code University and realize how a cosmic God speak to his children through the signs and Please vote for me, help me make my cosmic mission a reality



 L’oeil Du Droit A La Force D’Airain

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

 Now only $5 – Click image above to purchase the 2014 Moon Power Starguide –  Now Available for Download!!  This book will become a collective item for the children of the future…

$15:00  – Click image above to purchase the 2015 Dragon Forecast – Now Available for Download!!

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The Magical Power of Talismans!

“Ebola” and Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions for 2015



“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.   Dr. Turi

Dear Readers;


“Let who ignore my warnings be cursed by the eternal rites of the cosmic code ceremonies for a cosmic God does not speak nor engage the fools…” Dr. Turi.

Atheists & Christians, A Cosmic God is Really Pissed Off At You!

Channeling The Greatest Prophet Of All Times “Notre Dame”

Nostradamus – “Sole Dios”


Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi


Neptunius Dios of Riligious Deception Rules
*Fear Water, Drowning Fire, Black Tainted Blood
Dreams Reality Rivalry Poison Mad Spiritus
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

 From  AVAAZ Team, Ebola Africa Black Death Predictions 

Prediction page # 11. “A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one.


CHECK 2009/2010/2011 PREDICTIONS

Personal predictions for all signs of the Zodiac

 Universal Predictions for the year 2015

 Note: “Faith – 11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions” is the original prediction article and was posted February 11, 2013

Those Predictions were created in the month of October and posted on the Cosmic Code website for my VIP’s November 7th, 2014



Order your Full Life Reading now, be prepared, be warned!


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While precise cosmically customized health talismans work miracles to protect and build the 6th house of health, they also negate the 8th house of death.  Nostradamus, along with them used all sorts of potions made with plants, herbs and flowers he collected in “La Provence” naturally produced by the wild South of France mountains.

Nostradamus  “The Star lover Doctor” was a fervent student of all erudite men of the past and knew each part of the human body is connected with a zodiacal sign starting with Aries (the head) to Pisces (the feet.)

 Investigating your natal UCI and locate the nefarious planets by signs and houses is the first step to produce a personal powerful talisman or prescribe a natural potions to bring power to the weakest, prone to diseases organs. While my Astropsychology course teaches the full spectrum of divine medical cosmology, there is no way for me to even begin teach you all its ramifications here.

Each individual is a very complex cosmos in itself and an accurate prognostic and diagnostic demand serious researches on the subject’s cosmic nativity. Meantime if you suffer an headache or break a bone, fixing it is “Universal” wisdom. And this is what I will now offer my VIP’s as as precautionary measure to avoid catching Ebola or any other disease for that matter.

Combined with my “Universal Natural Blood Transfusion” the “magical potion” can also help if not eliminate other problems or addiction you may suffer. Sad enough the atheists, agnostics and “educated” scientists alike, will perceive me and all erudite men of antiquity, more as a “oil snake vendor” than a  true gifted “Soul Doctors.”

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

“Hippocrates of Cos or Hippokrates of Kos, was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, philosopher, naturalist, astrophile and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine. Did Hippocrate got a Nobel Prize?

Now on to all those vital informations and, while this educational homeopathic health oriented article and all my predictions are quite extensive,  the reader must take the time to read and assimilate it all.  The following directions are very simple and all ingredients available at any food store…

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Big solar storm heading toward Earth predicted by Dr. Turi a year earlier!

Life is a constant process of changes that affect everything, including science deplorable perception of the divine. Little do they know of the power of the supra-conscious forces altering the atomic structure of the human physical/spiritual body and the marvels of magic and the true power of Talismans!

The Magical Power of Talismans!

 Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio December 21st from 8pm to 10pm 

DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.

  • *******

As of November 2015, the  Universal “Riligious Neptunius Draconis” will be in charge the world and the set of predictions presented at the bottom of this article is not for the fainted hearts!

While the young souls can only ridicule my predictive work, the more spiritual human beings who studied  both  the “2014 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” and  the “Scorpius Draconis Universal Predictions”  will have no doubt of what the future has in store for humanity! This is the article I will complete with all the predictions by November 7th 2014 for my VIP’s. Those predictions are still available  on the Internet for the world to judge!

While my quatrain and keywords speaks of an obvious Neptunian cosmic energy, the ocean, water, tsunami, California, chemicals, oil, diseases, poisoning, water, tires, mass suicide, religions, Pope Francis, the movie industry, pandemic *11 Colorado kids have mystery illness *Ebola fears spread to 4 continentsand the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind…”

The first time I mentioned a few of those words was on April 4, 2014 on Jerry Pippin radio show well before today’s news… And this is why it is important for the reader to always ask the psychics or astrologers they trust, the proof of their solid, well documented, dated predictions! But don’t bother, I am the only one doing so, may be because I am the real thing?

Memo from “Spiritual Phenomena Exist in Other Dimensions Dr. Turi Says!” 

“The main cosmic energy is Neptunian, this mean be prepared for important news from religions, the pope, oil, gas, the ocean, jails, drugs and the spirit.  In some ways, following this Grand  Cross  God’s cosmic identity will be emphasized to Christianity while religions and the dying Age of Pisces must give room to the new Age of Aquarius.”

And the results of my predictions are coming in non stop…

russia oil putin

Crashing oil prices could crush Vladimir Putin 

Crude oil tumbled below $84 a barrel on Friday for the first time since the 2012 Olympics in London.

Ebola fears spread to 4 continents

Note Neptune rules Pisces and, on the medical aspect of Astropsychology, this sign rules the feet! And so you see boots? Of course the young souls could never connect to the divine and can only ridicule what they know nothing about!  Indeed, thus this picture is a very serious omen of the things to come  to the world!

The Neptunius Draconis is “void of course” but its impact is already felt upon the earth. I have to keep the channeling in control but it is pouring with so much information and those predictions will be as obvious as the ones involving the 2014 Arian Draconis or “Hitler’s invading, racial and deadly spirit” still cursing the world today!

Indeed you do not want to miss those predictions and not only heed my warnings but FOLLOW faithfully ALL the natural healing tips I will offer my VIP’s.  While you may use my Natural Universal Blood Transfusion regularly, this alone will never be enough to build the supra resistant immune system you need to beat Ebola virus.

The Nostradamus homeopathic tips I will divulge to my VIP’s and the crucial information can and will save your life. Meantime, the earlier you start the potion, the better chances you will have if, God forbid you catch the disease. Terania and I already started the process and this regimen must be performed everyday!

Once you get Ebola, your survival chances are currently ZERO, unless you are very wealthy and able to pay the exorbitant price for the experimental antibiotics that may kill you before Ebola does.

Once symptoms set in, a person is contagious and has six to 16 days to beat the Ebola virus or die. LEARN MORE

I will complete the 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Riligius Draconis Universal Predictions and expose all the immune system tips on the Cosmic Code website by November 7, 2014. 



  Is your life and those of your loved ones worth becoming a VIP? 

Reply by Mrs. Turi: Think back to just before that of WW1, in which everything was already made up of the same crowd  that had per-planned  record citations –  which involved that of ones repayment alongside any other allegations that were too assessed by our administrations and its possessions.

It was the same for their allies and  other organizations just like today, who many are involved in private ownership of businesses and such who have wanted and still want America to be at war…For this reason, we have seen and are still seeing some very devious colleagues of theirs; who were and are all  deeply under suspicion for being involved in certain actions or acting under various unusual behavior, just to get everyone so mixed up in everything.

And you wonder why everyone is so confused?

Well, many of these so called contributors had given and still give to  the Commonwealth of Nations lots of BIG bucks.  There were and ’til this day, still lots of monetary agents implicated in this area of rule. All the same for JP Morgan and Co. who served as British fiscal assistant during the whole of World War I… There too was so much there already behind this secret understanding / often with intent to defraud already in the scheme of it all.

When it comes to the green, why yes;  most are stubborn like the bull indeed.

But when it comes to the signs every day all around us, it makes you notice things like a golden or shiny gray painting of a battle of some sort that is say, located in the parquet central area of a building for instance; and that makes it acceptable for one to think it may be an artful conception for something like gold and silver.

But then, when one actually starts to do their homework, they notice that maybe on the particular birthday and / or creation this place was set up to endure; perhaps a harmful clue of some sort, like that of a contamination was and/or is fast growing (hepatitis , Ebola etc.) and known at the same time to be that of an irritant and very likely that this forceful armament is being used in armed conflict against the population.

Think back to the Australian Antigen maybe?

This is no different than the very rich, powerful and well -connected people that work with some others…Others who are naive and extremely hungry for money or even just to be in the spotlight. Well,  those wealthy people may cultivate you, take care of you, pay you lots of money, end up brainwashing you in the end anyways, flat out giving you all that you may want in your life and finally they ask you for a mission of some sort…Well, money takes over for many; yes?

And many manipulate the power and use religion or any belief system for that matter as some kind of a license to do wrong. And while many may practice both ‘white’ magic some do both ‘white’ and ‘black magic’  with cruel intentions. This is where the past that has followed one into this incarnation needs to be removed or used constructively….Otherwise be ready for another bite in the butt.

Then all of a sudden, there is also the intentional release or dissemination of biological agents. Call it suicide mission if you like but it’s all the same set out to destroy the lives of others and spread the deadly disease…No different than that of religion / hard hardheadedness set out to destroy the world and spread its deadly afflictions aka ISIS…It is like many other ailments, just fighting the spiritual – hidden dragon’s polarity representing man and the snakes lost wisdom within each one of us.

It is the the same thing as the 13 principles of faith otherwise known as ‘Ophiuchus’ or Astropsychology  of all really which is ‘royal’
but has all been used and abused.

The purpose of those who do this and use others (puppets) was and still is to expand your fears and make everyone extremely distressed. Basically so others feed off that fear or evil and  many die as possible. This is all to build the need for some kind of resolution to the bad situation like a physical cancer.

All to make the rest of the world get ready for some kind of brand – new wonder medication or drug that can offer a solution to Ebola…To generate a large retailer market for that drug and to try and guarantee that there will be a large gain from it’s exchange for the money.

Once more and as common as it may be,  it is those skeptical and vulnerable, sightless and many who are just too trusting of everyone that are used as the prime experimental subjects in this crazed gamble or enterprise…And this time they are using the African – American inhabitants.

While the age of Pisces is dying, there is no end of the world but rather the dying of one age and we are entering into another…Basically we have already into the Age of Aquarius but even though many are waking up, it is those in charge today still like knights of the old order and they are in charge of the new order. It’s not about the arc (boat) of some promise but all about what lies in the contract?

And unfortunately this world has a ruling elite, a political class and ignorant masses that genuinely doesn’t care nor chooses to be suitably incisive – Too much sarcasm. Too many who pretend to be  insightful but are just assuming or too Neptunian.

Some heck of a <0> New World Order <0> that will be. This is WW111 and just another battle based on the same ‘stone’ which our predecessors fought on over and over again. I mean we already had nukes in the past and it doesn’t mean it can’t happen again…That’s the real deal on the ‘Battle of Armageddon.’

Too many who are to be so educated about everything but only by the book and too ordinary but have not much second judgement. Enlightened and historically knowledgeable my @$$… Most don’t even get the ‘I.E.’ rule of it all…

“Illuminat-I” keeps everything under their thumb. (i is commonly used to designate electric current = “fire” in these regimens. A”FALSEHOOD” title given ending in letter *I used for the wrong application of the Draconian energy which comes from the farthest constellation of Draco – Latin for dragon”- When combining the math and symbols for the total set – preparation.)

Then we have the alleged real partners of the USA, which is and has forever been acting with the “Secret Hand.“ The help or better known as; often doubtful help. The valid Illuminat*E (calculated as the sum of the infinite series – Other Component to the Formula).

Nevertheless, between ones sensibility and what one creates in their mind, lies a huge sphere of forbidden mass and that is what it is…A battle between the ice giant and which can be described as Saturn; which is not entirely a gaseous planet but is also an aspect, for someone learning to grasp one’s own fears; opposite the other gas giants; slowly but surely executing the soul.

It’s about learning those universal laws that have been set well before this time and since forever as the earliest of wisdom, other than just that of what was written only by ‘Man.’

The Ice Age isn’t too far away you know, or at least so it seems… I mean,  folks have put their gas masks on a long time ago. (EX: DOOMSDAY PREPPERS)

But like that’s going to save you…Enjoy what you can; while you can.



AVAAZ Team, Ebola Africa Black Death Predictions



“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.   Dr. Turi 

Dear Readers;

In Ebola, ISIS, 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions I gave a glimpse of what is to come to the world! To those who do not know just yet, I also predicted the AIDS virus, years before it finally killed many gay people. Note also, if you read my Scorpius Draconis predictions there is no doubting my vision of Ebola!

Those dated, printed, published well documented predictions are still at the bottom of my website and on the Internet for the purpose of proving my claims to all the skeptics and atheists alike, who are in denial and have a serious problem accepting the undeniable!

Note also, May 6th, 2013 I  warned my readers and wrote an article titled “Deadly Sexual Bug.”


Prediction page # 11. “A sexual disease will kill many and be conquered and replaced by a new one. Sex will become more prominent on television where more dysfunctional programs will offer fame to criminals.  The entire porn industry will also be forced to restructure where murder, shame and abuse of children will become public. More and more concerned groups will expose the danger of promiscuous sex and the abuse of drugs. A new thirst for mystery, death, drama, the occult will plague humanity while many famous people will fall into sexual lure, disgrace and suicide.” 

Indeed I saw the future well before you saw it on TV with  the US sexual “explosions” the  Secret service and the IRS, restructure, the problem with the cops being targeted by criminals. Those visions came to me years in advance and again, those predictions were also printed and published in my old Moon Power publications.  All for the atheists and agnostics to investigate for FREE!

Thus after careful consideration (and investigations) if, back in November 15, 2011, I was able to warn and forecast the future with  “Dr. Turi on the reign of the Dragon in Scorpius Draconis” should the reader take the time to also investigate my “2014 Arian Draconis Predictions” posted June 12, 2013 to the world and judge if my work is trustworthy?

And if I was right over the last few years with both articles, should you trust me for the 2015 Riligius Neptunius Draconis?  You bet you should because only envious illiterate idiots would deny these facts!

Sharing Email:

Hi Dr. Turi;

Been following this. Strange thing just like AIDS it eventually wipes millions of blacks people. Now without sounding like a racist, is the universe trying to tell us something  with Ebola? If it hits South Africa dunno just asking. For god sake America stay home its not your fight its not your disease.


Brian from South Africa


Indeed a Cosmic God speaks his will through the Universe and he is TELLING me to warn you all about this particular poisonous Neptunian Dragon!

While the young souls can only show disdain, the more spiritual human beings who studied  both  the “2014 Arian Draconis Universal Predictions” and  the “Scorpius Draconis Universal Predictions”  will have no doubt trusting my gift!

Nostradamus Prophecies and Dr. Turi


Neptune Lord of Religious Deception Rules
Fear Water, Drowning Fire Black Blood
Dreams Reality Conflicts Poison Mad Spirits
All False Gods Lost Children Join To Kill

11/2015-02/2017 the beginning of the End of All Religions …

Who will stop ISIS? The damage of religions upon humanity …

While my quatrain and keywords speaks of an obvious Neptunian cosmic energy, the ocean, water, tsunami, California, chemicals, oil, diseases, poisoning, water, tires, mass suicide, religions, Pope Francis, the movie industry, pandemic *11 Colorado kids have mystery illness *Ebola fears spread to 4 continents and the sad fate of the Titanic disaster came to my mind… Those keywords will translate into specific predictions in time…

russia oil putin

Crashing oil prices could crush Vladimir Putin 

But as you all know, I decided to stop producing my yearly Moon Power and discontinued offering predictive or educational cosmic code newsletters to the public!  Indeed the Nostradamus natural health tips I have for you to build a much stronger immune system are be taken early, routinely and very seriously! This precautionary “potion” may not appeal to many of you but will become a solid wall against all infectious organism, including Ebola.

You may also ridicule and dismiss everything you read, including all tips and my warnings, and if you do, its because you did not “investigate” my previous predictive work thoughtfully.

Wherever the upcoming “Neptunius Religious Draconis” will fall in your chart, be sure its impact will be have a serious repercussion in your life and will bring drastic changing experiences.

A life without knowledge of the stars’ plan is contrary to all law and order”  – Nostradamus

While you may not be able or willing to engage me in an in depth “cosmic consultation”, acknowledging “2015 Nostradamus Personal Dragon Forecast For All Signs” is your cheapest and the correct course of action. Indeed being prepared for a nasty celestial storm is the intelligent thing to do and investing in an “umbrella” is highly recommended to avoid the poisonous rain.

No, I am not all doom and gloom, but there are very specific cosmic reasons for Africa to become the birthplace of Ebola and many other contagious deadly diseases.    As they are also very real cosmic reasons for ISIS to be born in the Middle East too!

I started producing those predictions and I will also offer crucial homeopathic tips to all my VIP’s on November 7th, 2014, the latest. 

I have to be considerate for the over sensitive souls in divulging so many difficult predictions, but the cosmic code has a karmic plan for humanity no one can escape! Consequently, there are also few very positive predictions I have for humanity many will appreciate!

The avalanche of articles you enjoyed lately are designed to reach you, to make you think, to challenge and offer you the legitimacy of my predictive gift and bring you into my Cyber Cosmic Code University. So doing so, you will avoid paying the price of ignorance and work in harmony with the will of God cosmic Divinity!

Enjoy the other article on Ebola but before joining this movement check on your Astro-Carto Graphy and do not go without your  “Personal Cosmic Biorhythms”  or better, let me check your entire natal UCI. If you don’t, this could be the last trip you ever take and I am very serious! You are dealing with a cosmic evil science is not prepared nor aware of and this is just the beginning…

All Riligious Neptunius Draconis predictions will be in the article titled “Ebola, ISIS, 2015 Nostradamus Neptunius Religious Draconis Universal Predictions” and available only to my VIP’s.

Be safe no sorry!

Dr. Turi

I can barely believe it – thousands of us have volunteered to risk our lives at the front line of the Ebola crisis, including hundreds of doctors and health workers! And you have to see what the volunteers are writing — it’s beautiful.

No, it’s not beautiful…American’s stay home. It’s not worth the risk.

Dear Avaazers,

Ebola could threaten us all, and the most urgent need to stop it is for volunteers. If just 120 doctors among us volunteer, it will *double* the number of doctors in Sierra Leone. Other skills – in health, sanitation, logistics – can help too. This is a call to serve humanity in the deepest possible way, to accept serious risk for our fellow human beings. Click to learn more, and show our gratitude to those making this powerful choice:


Three weeks ago, hundreds of thousands of us went offline to fight climate change. This week, we’re going offline to stop Ebola. 

The Ebola virus is spiraling out of control. Cases in West Africa are doubling every 2-3 weeks and the latest estimate says that up to 1.4 million people could be infected by mid-January. At that scale, this monster threatens the entire world. 

Previous Ebola outbreaks have been repeatedly contained at small numbers. But the scale of this current epidemic has swamped the region’s weak health systems. Liberia has less than 1 doctor for every 100,000 people. Governments are providing funds, but there just aren’t enough medical staff to stem the epidemic.

That’s where we come in. 39 million people are receiving this email. Our polling shows that 6% of us are health workers – doctors or nurses – that’s nearly 2 million of us. If just 120 doctors among us volunteer, it will *double* the number of doctors in Sierra Leone. 

Other volunteers can help too — lab technicians, logisticians, water and sanitation workers, and transport workers. Volunteering means more than time. It means risk. Health professionals have already died fighting Ebola. But if there’s any group of people that would consider taking this risk for their fellow human beings, it’s our community. I and others on the Avaaz team are ready to take that risk with you, traveling to the front lines of this crisis.

Great things come from listening to the deepest voices within us. If you’re a health professional, or have other skills that can help, I ask you to take a moment, listen to the part of you that you most trust, and follow it. 

Click below to volunteer, see messages from volunteers about why they’ve made this choice, and leave your own message of appreciation and encouragement for them:

Raising your hand to volunteer is the first step. You’ll need to have proficiency in English or French. And you’ll need to get, and provide, a lot of information to ensure you’re well matched to an available position. You will likely need to discuss this decision with your loved ones, and you can withdraw from the process later if you choose to. For this effort, Avaaz is working with Partners In Health, Save the Children, and International Medical Corps, three of the leading organisations fighting this deadly disease. We are also consulting with the governments of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, and the World Health Organization.

While there is substantial risk, there are also clear ways to contain that risk. Ebola is spread through bodily fluids, so with extreme care, the risk of contracting it can be minimized. So far, 94 health care workers have died of Ebola in Liberia, but almost all of them have been national health workers, who sadly are far less well equipped than international volunteers. With treatment, the chances of surviving the virus are better than 50%.

Many of us, from police to activists to soldiers, have jobs that involve risking our lives for our country. It’s the most powerful statement we can make about what’s worth living for. Taking this risk to fight Ebola, makes a statement that our fellow human beings, wherever they are, are worth living for:

If Ebola spirals further out of control, it could soon threaten us all. The fact that a weak health care system in a small country can let this monster grow to a size that threatens the world is a powerful statement of just how interdependent we are. But this interdependence is far more than just interests. We are connected, all of us, in a community of human beings.

All the lies that have divided us – about nation and religion and sexuality – are being torn down, and we are realizing that we really are one people, one tribe.

That a young mother and her daughter in Liberia fear the same things and love the same things as a young mother and her daughter in Brazil, or the Netherlands. And in this unfolding understanding, a new world is being born. Out of the darkest places come our brightest lights. Out of the depths of the Ebola nightmare, let’s bring the light of a new world of one people, connected through love, and willing to fight, and sacrifice, for each other.

With hope and determination,

Ricken, John, Alice, Danny, and the whole Avaaz team.

Life is a constant process of changes that affect everything, including science deplorable perception of the divine. Little do they know of the power of the supra-conscious forces altering the atomic structure of the human physical/spiritual body and the marvels of magic and the true power of Talismans!

The Magical Power of Talismans!

 Dr. Turi on Aquarian Radio October 26 from 8pm to 10pm 

DT will join host Janet Kira Lessin on Aquarian radio to discuss the latest developments in relation to the Arian Draconian energy, religions, Ebola, ISIS,  and what is to come in 2015.


The cosmic code, hidden in ancient texts, IS the secret to prophecy with the power to transform the world.



“God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a safer more productive life.   Dr. Turi 

Dear Readers;

Memo: The current October Supernova window is very dangerous “26 hurt in Megabus crash” and still operational. Read all the details if you are a VIP October 2014 SOS To The World Windows.”

WATCH N12 Accident: Eyewitness footage from the scene

Expect more affairs of the past coming to the news “Mystery space plane to land” – “North Korea says leader has reappeared” – The truth about Christopher Columbus and many more traveling “accidents” to expect, Flight makes emergency landing until this nasty window is over. Check all my warnings and what to do (or not to do) if you must travel during any “October 2014 SOS To The World Windows.”

October 14/15/16 and ?//// (VIP’s only)

Nature Men To Strike Hard
New Horizons Following Tragedy
Much to Fall Nothing Made To Last
Tears Pain Death A new Life For Many

Beginning / Ending of life / War / Beginning / Ending of Important Portion of Life / Forced Relocation / Forced Actions/ Destructive Actions/ Weather / A new Planned and / or Unplanned Life For Many.


17 trekkers killed in Himalayas –  Ending





by Dr. Louis Turi Petition Organizer

Dr. Louis Turi PHOENIX, AZ – “The Founding Fathers believed that there is no difference between a free society and an educated society. Our educational system, is woefully incomplete and inadequate. How do you plan to restore education as a right and core cultural value in America?” Make sure to VOICE your feelings about Astroforensics and Astropsychology as REAL and legitimate.  Let the world know that; God is not to be feared and speaks to his children through the signs. A rare wisdom all erudite men of the past knew, taught and trusted wholeheartedly! 

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician – Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC).

“Hippocrates of Cos or Hippokrates of Kos, was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, philosopher, naturalist, astrophile and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.” Did Hippocrate got a Nobel Prize?

Beyond Belief With My Good Friend George Noory – Prophecy & the Cosmic Code Featuring Dr. Louis Turi . The cosmic code, hidden in ancient texts, may be the secret to prophecy with the power to transform the world.

I may sound redundant to many of my faithful readers but I can only hope to succeed reaching and upgrading the US Department of Education or build my first Astropsychology school with your help! 

Indeed repetition is a must for the new comers readers… The essence of education is stimulated by controversial, original, far fetched topics like mine, purposely challenging the establishment and all its accepted conventional disciplines.  

Students from all walks of life are depraved of such spiritual, regenerative material, something they desperately need to survive and make sense to the world they live in. 

How can a child swallow 2000 years of human evolution, master all rational topics without knowing anything of his spiritual cosmic identity? And you wonder why  parents and our children are going crazy, kill each others or commit suicide?

Six grandchildren, daughter killed in Florida murder-suicide

The educational system should  not decide, nor impose any form of restrictions with education, because the purpose of science is to disprove claims that can not be justified. All the better for science at the end, prove me wrong if you can, but let the students make that discovery. 

Nowadays kids are not stupid and more than ever concerned with Charles Darwin and his theory of human evolution and natural selection.  Why would science education resources on the  evolution of the “cosmic spirit” be contained or sought as ridicule? Its again the law to deprave them of my life work and just because they know nothing about it!  

I can guarantee you, if any college or university had me to talk about the cosmic code, ALL my classes will be FULL! But how can I reach those children and all School Boards Executives, when the majority are cowards, unwilling to take a chance and better our children education? Right here in Phoenix, “a  very pious friend of mine” own such a position and still ridicule my work! She even insisted to be removed from my list of educated moronic people like her! 

Should I give up because she is an non curious idiot in a position to constrain the children spirits or should I fight harder to prove her and the US Department of Education they are wrong? 

If you are a teacher, simply mention to your students exploring the cosmic code secrets or Astroforensics and see the response… Then invite me to talk and you’ll be amazed of the results, because I can guarantee you,  the kids will want much more… 

My work is read by thousands of people from all walks of life, if in any way, shape or form if you can help me with my quest, please let me know how to proceed and submit Astroforensics / astropsychology in all colleges and universities.

My teachings are well organized with artworks softwares and powerpoint presentations. When will the scientific community finally realize I am not a psychic, a guru or a Neptunian , but a different breed of rational, practical scientist? 

 I am impressed by the concerned, smart and curious people joining my Cyber Cosmic University every day, many are into education, mental researches and own a position that could make a significant difference in proposing my expertise. 

It take a very courageous soul to challenge the system but it is only through extreme challenges, originality, ingenuousness  and total dedication that my goal can become a reality.

The world will become a better place when my cosmic works is finally accepted as a solid discipline and taught to all the children of the world! 

Shameful Waste Of US Children This is becoming the norm’ — but will anything change? NEVER Unless…

I am into this battle since 1991 and while only a handful of people helped me all along, I wonder when God will finally offer me the break I need to upgrade humanity psychical welfare…

Billions of dollars are still wasted in erroneous scientific researches and endorsing the evil of religion, isn’t time for a change in the American spirit?

Indeed changing the world’s perception of the divine is a mission some of you can help me to achieve!  Please ponder on my request and join me in the battle against fear and ignorance! 

Obama waste $100M to unlock mysteries of the brain

What does the world say about Dr. Turi

“Show me a curious person or an avid reader and I will point out a winner!” Dr. Turi

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